Was up early on Saturday to a mildly cold day. Luckily the wind had dropped and the sky was clear. After having breakfast and getting the Sunbeam cleaned we left for Meyers Farm in Alberton where there was a 4x4 gathering. The place was already packed but friends were on the lookout for us and had a spot among the other old cars to park in. After saying hi to all and having a brief chat we made our way around admiring the old cars on our way past. First stop was the huge marquee where most of the food stalls were. We sat and had a cappuccino and piece of cake while listening to a band playing sakkie sakkie. Diane was not impressed with the music at all and to tease her I threatened to go and dance on the stage with Hubby. She was absolutely horrified at the idea. No culture at all! Poor girl. Once we had finished our snack we went wandering around the various stalls and stands. There were a lot of outdoor living stands with everything for camping, caravanning and braaing. In fact anything needed for outdoor activities as well as motor vehicles on display. A lot of entertainment was provided with a funfair, bull ride and music from various local artists. In the camping section were bakkies with tents that fitted on the back which would be perfect for my bakkie if and when we want to travel around. We found the course for the 4x4 vehicles and Diane took pics. Most coming through kept getting stuck and having to be towed out. Some even went back after being towed out and got stuck in the same place. The mud was unbelievable and we had to make sure we weren’t too close when they spun wheels as mud flew everywhere. Hubby found plenty of friends to talk to while we were busy with pics. At one point there were three vehicles stuck in different mud holes along the course. Diane and I moved along taking pics with Hubby trailing us. At one point he was quite far behind and was talking with a guy in his 4x4 who was waiting for two vehicles in front to be towed out so that he could continue with the course. He was the only vehicle so far not to have got stuck so he must have been a good driver. Suddenly Hubby yelled down to us to come back to him as he had organised with the guy to give Diane a ride. Diane thrust her camera at me and jumped into the 4x4 with Jaco. His vehicle was a Suzuki with a 1500 Datsun engine which because it was short was easier to get through the mud holes. The one not good thing about it was that it had no windows. Jaco reversed and went back to the beginning of the course so Diane could have a good ride around. I went to wait further along to take some pics as they went past. Diane was smiling and waving but hanging on tightly as they made their way up and down the obstacles. I decided to go up to the worst mud hole where all the 4x4’s were getting stuck and get pics as they went through. They came lurching up and went down into the hole. Diane smiled and gave a very brief wave as she was hanging on tightly. The next thing the 4x4 came to an abrupt halt. Jaco spun wheels and the mud flew everywhere. All of us standing around could see the mud flying through the window and all over Diane. The more Jaco spun wheels the muddier Diane got. Eventually Jaco realised he was not getting out of that hole and he switched off. He climbed out (no mud touched him) and Diane crawled out after him. It was hilarious to see all the mud on Diane and she was the centre of attention with plenty of comments flying. After waiting a while to see the Suzuki getting towed out we made our way back to the main area looking for somewhere for Diane to try and clean herself up. People did a double-take when they saw what she looked like with some guy wanting to know if she was wearing the latest designer look. We eventually found a tap with the help of one of the drivers from a Pajero who also needed to clean up a bit. He said he thought he was dirty until he saw Diane and he donated his empty water bottle for her to use to clean her face and neck. He told her not to even try to do anything with her clothes as the only way was to wait for the mud to dry and then brush it off. After she was a bit cleaner we made our way back to the main marquee where Hubby got us a curry each while I got us cokes. Diane didn’t want anything to eat as all she could taste in her mouth was mud. While we sat and ate we listened to a couple of teenagers who were performing hits from Grease. They were really excellent and everyone clapped enthusiastically after their performance was over. We then made our way back to the car where Diane brushed off as much mud as possible before we left for home. Hubby stopped at the garage down the road for petrol and we saw Jaco who was also on his way home. He and his friend had a watering can and were trying to wash some of the mud off his wheels to make it easier to tow. It didn’t look like he was having much success. When we got home Diane rushed straight into the shower from which she emerged some time later back to normal. We all went for a nap until late afternoon when it was time for our chill glass of wine. I made a supper of ribs, chips and salad and we spent the rest of the evening watching TV. We watched ‘Sudden Death’ and ‘Double Jeopardy’ having our cappuccino in between before going to bed about one.