Friday morning we were up early and ready to leave just after seven for Hubby’s check-up. Once at the hospital the Sister took Hubby into the ward and removed his bandage before leaving him for the Sister –in-Charge to come and check on the wound. While we were on our own Hubby took the covering off and we had a good look at the wound. We were both surprised and pleased to see how well it was closing up. The Dr and Sister -in-Charge bustled in to look saying that the Sister who had removed the bandage had told them she had noticed pus in the wound. The Dr was concerned and forced the wound open so that it could get cleaned out – they couldn’t allow it to close while there was still infection. I left Hubby to them as I couldn’t face watching them work on the wound. The Sister forced padding into the wound to hold it open and filled the hole with ointment before bandaging it again. Both Hubby and I felt really down as we really had thought it was improving. The Dr. told Hubby to leave the dressing for the weekend and come back on Monday morning for them to check it again and monitor progress. We quickly popped in to the workshop to hand out payslips and check on things before returning home for Hubby to get back into bed. I started my invoicing and statements doing them in between nursing Hubby and sticking to a careful eating plan to keep his sugar levels down. I told him it is like looking after a baby as I give him something every three hours and any shopping etc has to be fitted in around these times. Hubby said he feels like a baby because if his food is not exactly on time he feels like crying. Diane was home after work and we had a glass of wine together before having supper. While I cleaned up afterwards she organised her things for the week ahead.
Saturday Ali came over to visit with the boys and Travis really kept us busy with his antics. Mid afternoon Diane’s client came over with products that she needed pics of for her website which kept Diane busy until after five. Once the client was gone she got herself ready for an evening out at a birthday party. I did some cleaning up after Hurricane Travis and then Hubby and I spent a quiet evening watching TV. I was too tired to do any office work.
Sunday morning Diane was home just after seven as she had stayed at Margaret because the party went on till late. She needed to check her pics and start to get them ready for her client. We left about half ten to meet up with everyone at the Botanical Gardens where Pauline had booked for her 60th birthday do. It was a lovely sunny day and the parking area was already almost full but luckily having the wheelchair gave certain privileges and we were able to park fairly close to the entrance. After a short wait we made our way down to the restaurant where we were able to have refreshments on the deck and catch up with everyone. David was the last to arrive as he had flown in from Durban and had come straight from the airport. Once everyone was there we toasted Pauline with champagne before sitting down at the table to start the meal. The meal was a self service carvery with starters, main course and desserts. The food was tasty and we all thoroughly enjoyed the meal. It was good to get together again and see family members that we hadn’t seen for years. Kelly had made the birthday cake which was a delicious chocolate cake though she was upset that the hot sun had melted some of the chocolate decorations around the sides. Nobody had expected the weather to get so hot so quickly. Spring has certainly arrived. Yay! It was good to be wearing summer clothes again. Both Hubby and I really enjoyed ourselves – it was good to chill after our stressful week. We left the restaurant about four and were home by five as we stopped to do some shopping on the way home. Diane got on to the computer to carry on with her pics and I finished my statements off before watching some TV. Hubby hasn’t been sleeping well as his leg has been throbbing and keeping him awake so he fell asleep after a light supper. I made his last snack at eleven and almost left him to sleep but the Dr had said the last snack at night is very important to keep his sugar levels down during the night so I woke him to eat it before Diane and I went to bed. She had finished her pics but was too tired to stop and put them on a disc.
Monday morning we were up early again and Diane quickly did her client’s disc for collection before leaving for work and her week at Margaret. Hubby and I left soon after for his wound check-up. While the Sister checked Hubby’s wound I went for coffee and breakfast. When I got back Hubby’s was sitting waiting for the Dr. The Dr checked the wound and got the Sister’s feedback. The wound still had a lot of pus and the area around the wound was starting to get red. The Dr said they needed to admit Hubby again to put him back onto an antibiotic drip to stop any bacteria developing again. The Sister dressed the wound again and Hubby was allowed to return home to pack his bag for his stay in hospital. We were both very upset as his sugar levels have stayed low – around four the last few days- and we had hoped this was a good sign. After packing his bag and giving Hubby his snack we returned to the hospital where Hubby was re-admitted. I spent a couple of hours with him before returning home to start e-mailing and faxing my statements. I finished the majority of them just before five in time to return to visit Hubby and see how things were progressing. Diane had finished work so I stopped to pick her up on the way to the hospital. When we got to the ward the Sister told us that Hubby was having his op on Wednesday morning. Doug was visiting and not long after he left the Sister came in to check on Hubby and spent time updating us on Hubby’s progress. They are going to cut deeper and clean everything infected out so his toe can heal. He has now been classed as high risk and needs to be monitored carefully before his op can be done. His kidneys are very bad – when the stent was put in after his heart attack iodine was pumped through the veins and this is what caused the damage. He was also given chest x-rays and an ECG during the afternoon. The wound specialist had also come to see him as he had asked about leech therapy. Leech therapy can only be used when there is dead and decaying skin and as Hubby’s wound has very little it will not work for him. After the Sister had gone Hubby laughed and said this is the first time he has felt so good and been told he is so bad. I’m glad he is staying positive and so cheerful.
Well that’s all for now. I will keep you updated on his progress.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back Home
Wednesday morning I started doing some office work to get ready for statements later in the week. I phoned the hospital at eight and was told to phone back a bit later as the Dr. was still with Hubby. Within minutes Hubby phoned all excited as the Dr. said he could come home. I told him I would be there as soon as possible. I quickly got ready and rushed off to the shop to get dog food and then into Vereeiniging to get office cleaning supplies the workshop has run out of. Gino phoned to say he was with Hubby and could bring him home but I was already on the way to the workshop so he wanted to meet me at the workshop. I told him that under no circumstances could Hubby go there and I would be there as soon as possible. At the workshop I just ran in and gave them their supplies while collecting invoices before going down to the hospital. As I arrived Gino came running out and I left the car with him to go in and fetch Hubby. Before I could reach the doors Hubby came out with Doug and Crystal. I was really annoyed as he had already signed himself out and I was not able to get instructions from the Ward Sister on Hubby’s care. He gave me his prescription and release form to go collect the medication while he got into the car. Inside the chemist was a queue and I had a fair wait before getting Hubby’s medication. The Dr. has put him on two very strong anti-biotic for ten days with ProbiFlora as they are so strong. The stress of the last few days has taken its toll on both of us and we had a good fight on the way home. Luckily things blew over fairly quickly and all is back to normal. Hubby has been very good and is following instructions about keeping off his feet. I have got him back on six small meals a day – well three small meals and a snack in between. I am keeping to three hourly intervals and last night his sugar was 6.3 which is a relief. The Dr. told him 7 and below is the only acceptable level. Today - Thursday - I quickly went into Meyerton to do banking and get supplies of bandages, gauze, cotton wool etc. for dressing his wound. Late morning I helped him with the cleaning and change of dressing. His foot with the ulcer on the side is looking very good and is just a small cut. I told him it should heal perfectly as he isn’t walking on it at all. Where the amputation is Hubby had covered it up while I was busy elsewhere and I only held the dressing while he bandaged the foot. It does take some getting used to having the big toe missing. We had several serious talks during the day and I told him he will have to re-think the workshop. He will never be able to stand at any of the machines to work again. If he could sit and work fine but it is not feasible with most of them. He said he has realised this and is thinking long and hard about things. As far as I’m concerned he has worked hard all his life and it’s time he took things easy and enjoyed life.
Hubby had a good laugh about his hospital time and told me that one of the Sisters had told him he must never prick the top of his finger to take sugar levels as this can lead to loss of feeling in the hands. He was fine with this but wasn’t too impressed when a different one told him never to prick the ends of the fingers as they can become hard and callused and when he goes blind he will not be able to read Braille. He told her if he gets that bad he will do away with himself.
Hubby is feeling cheerful and positive at the moment and more than ready to follow instructions to keep of his feet. I hope this lasts and he doesn’t get too frustrated with doing nothing though he is planning on working on his watches while sitting in his wheel chair. The next big thing is his visit on Friday to the Dr. to have his wound checked to monitor the healing process. That’s all for now. All the calls and good wishes really help. Thanks a Million.
Hubby had a good laugh about his hospital time and told me that one of the Sisters had told him he must never prick the top of his finger to take sugar levels as this can lead to loss of feeling in the hands. He was fine with this but wasn’t too impressed when a different one told him never to prick the ends of the fingers as they can become hard and callused and when he goes blind he will not be able to read Braille. He told her if he gets that bad he will do away with himself.
Hubby is feeling cheerful and positive at the moment and more than ready to follow instructions to keep of his feet. I hope this lasts and he doesn’t get too frustrated with doing nothing though he is planning on working on his watches while sitting in his wheel chair. The next big thing is his visit on Friday to the Dr. to have his wound checked to monitor the healing process. That’s all for now. All the calls and good wishes really help. Thanks a Million.
life wound home recovery
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hospital Time
Was just finishing off supper when Diane got home and we quickly ate before going back in to the hospital. Hubby was feeling a bit more cheerful about things but starting to feel like a pin cushion as they are checking his sugar levels every hour. The levels are up and down all the time and the insulin dosage is monitored very carefully to keep levels seven and below. Luckily Hubby had a good sleep on Thursday night as he will be having a very disturbed night tonight. Jocelyn came to visit Hubby as well and we had a pleasant chat together. We left about half eight for home and spent the rest of the evening watching TV and checking e-mails. Diane also started sorting things out for the week ahead as we will be busy backwards and forwards to the hospital over the weekend.
Saturday morning we were up early as we had lots to do. I did some washing while Diane finished sorting her things out. Ali phoned at nine to say she was leaving for the hospital and would meet us there at ten. She left the two boys with Leith. We quickly finished what we were doing and got ready to go in. It was just before ten when we arrived and as we couldn’t see Ali anywhere we went in to Hubby. Only Faizel was with him so I phoned to see where Ali was. She was stuck in traffic coming into Alberton but soon joined us. Diane and Ali went to get coffee/Milo from the Cafe and as they walked out Hubby whispered to me that the Dr. had been to see him earlier and things were not looking good at all. He didn’t want Ali to know as he didn’t want her getting upset. She has Josh to see to and being upset can affect him. Cordell phoned to see how things were and when I told him Hubby’s news he said he was coming up on the first available flight. Ali and Diane came back and Hubby told us all that when the Dr. had opened the wound it was still very infected so he had to remove the stitches to allow it to drain. This means the wound will take longer to heal as a layer must form over it. He will now have to stay off his feet for three months. He had asked the Dr. about cutting further up and he explained that this will cause all sorts of back and balance problems so we must just hope for the best. During the night his sugar had dropped to four so they took him off the insulin. When they tested him an hour later it was over eleven and he was put back on it and must stay on it now. We stayed with Hubby until about half twelve and then went shopping to get some reading matter for Hubby to keep him occupied. On the way back from the shop I ran in to give Hubby the magazines and asked him what else the Dr. had said but he said he was fine and there was nothing else. The three of us went over to Mike’s Kitchen and had some lunch. There lunchtime menu is excellent and we really did enjoy the meal. Ali ordered eisbein with chips, Diane had a pasta dish and I had prawns with rice. Before leaving we popped in to say bye to Hubby saying we would be back later when Cordell and Gino were there. Ali left for home and so did we. As we were leaving Alberton I suddenly remembered we had got the sms to say Diane’s phone was fixed and awaiting collection so we went back to collect it quickly. It was after three when we got home and I quickly got the spare room ready for Cordell to use and did some cleaning before getting ready to go back to the hospital. We were back at about half five finding Cordell and Gino there with Hubby who was enjoying Cordell’s company. It has been over a year since we were last together. Rodney and Jocelyn arrived to visit as well. We left at eight and took Cordell and Gino over to Mike’s. We must be their best customer at the moment! We had a great meal and chat together. It was after ten when we got home where we sat talking until midnight. When I got into bed I read awhile before putting out the light. No sooner had my head hit the pillow then my mind went into overdrive. All the pieces fell in to place. Hubby had said things didn’t look good. While talking to Cordell I remember hearing Hubby, in the background, say that in the anti-biotic drip were three separate bags each holding a different anti-biotic. When we first arrived in the morning he had looked upset. I now realised he must have septicaemia. That was me for the night. I tossed and turned until I gave up and got up to have a coffee early in the morning. I woke Diane fairly early and once Cordell surfaced I made him breakfast. He left not long after nine to spend time with Hubby. He took the Golf as Diane and I wanted to do some cleaning and Diane needed to pack her things to take into Margaret. We were ready to leave about half ten and went to do some shopping before joining Cordell at the hospital. The Dr. had been again and - according to Hubby - was pleased with the improvement in the wound and he should be going home on Monday. He had also explained why Hubby must stay off his feet. With the Diabetes the veins in his legs have narrowed which is why he has no feeling in his feet. Standing cuts the blood supply which means the wounds cannot heal. Explains why he hasn’t healed before. Hopefully this time he stays off his feet.During the night his sugar level had dropped to two and he needed glucose to get it back up.He is now off the insulin drip. We spent the day at the hospital having a sandwich about lunchtime at the hospital Cafe. About half four we went across to Mike’s again for a quick meal before returning to say bye to Hubby. Gino took Cordell back to the airport at six for his return flight. Diane and I went up to take her things to Margaret stopping to put petrol in her car on the way. After dropping her things off we drove in convoy back home where we had a fairly early night as we were both really tired.
Monday after Diane had left for work I put washing on and cleared the kitchen before phoning the hospital to see what was happening. The Sister in charge of the ward said the Dr had been and they were still worried about his wound and definitely no going home for him. The workshop needed stationery items so I got ready and went in to Alberton. After buying what was needed I dropped the things at the workshop before going to see Hubby. He was on his own and we had a good chat. He admitted how serious things were and that he does have septicaemia. I was cross and told him he must be honest with me about things. We spent the morning together and I left just before one to go back home. I finished the washing and did a bit of cleaning and some office work before going back in. I got there at five and chatted with Hubby a while before Diane and Doug arrived. After visiting Diane and I went across to Mike’s again. Definitely their best customer! Diane left for Margaret after our meal and I came home to do the blog. I am now off to bed for a well deserved sleep.
Cheers for now. Have a good week.
Saturday morning we were up early as we had lots to do. I did some washing while Diane finished sorting her things out. Ali phoned at nine to say she was leaving for the hospital and would meet us there at ten. She left the two boys with Leith. We quickly finished what we were doing and got ready to go in. It was just before ten when we arrived and as we couldn’t see Ali anywhere we went in to Hubby. Only Faizel was with him so I phoned to see where Ali was. She was stuck in traffic coming into Alberton but soon joined us. Diane and Ali went to get coffee/Milo from the Cafe and as they walked out Hubby whispered to me that the Dr. had been to see him earlier and things were not looking good at all. He didn’t want Ali to know as he didn’t want her getting upset. She has Josh to see to and being upset can affect him. Cordell phoned to see how things were and when I told him Hubby’s news he said he was coming up on the first available flight. Ali and Diane came back and Hubby told us all that when the Dr. had opened the wound it was still very infected so he had to remove the stitches to allow it to drain. This means the wound will take longer to heal as a layer must form over it. He will now have to stay off his feet for three months. He had asked the Dr. about cutting further up and he explained that this will cause all sorts of back and balance problems so we must just hope for the best. During the night his sugar had dropped to four so they took him off the insulin. When they tested him an hour later it was over eleven and he was put back on it and must stay on it now. We stayed with Hubby until about half twelve and then went shopping to get some reading matter for Hubby to keep him occupied. On the way back from the shop I ran in to give Hubby the magazines and asked him what else the Dr. had said but he said he was fine and there was nothing else. The three of us went over to Mike’s Kitchen and had some lunch. There lunchtime menu is excellent and we really did enjoy the meal. Ali ordered eisbein with chips, Diane had a pasta dish and I had prawns with rice. Before leaving we popped in to say bye to Hubby saying we would be back later when Cordell and Gino were there. Ali left for home and so did we. As we were leaving Alberton I suddenly remembered we had got the sms to say Diane’s phone was fixed and awaiting collection so we went back to collect it quickly. It was after three when we got home and I quickly got the spare room ready for Cordell to use and did some cleaning before getting ready to go back to the hospital. We were back at about half five finding Cordell and Gino there with Hubby who was enjoying Cordell’s company. It has been over a year since we were last together. Rodney and Jocelyn arrived to visit as well. We left at eight and took Cordell and Gino over to Mike’s. We must be their best customer at the moment! We had a great meal and chat together. It was after ten when we got home where we sat talking until midnight. When I got into bed I read awhile before putting out the light. No sooner had my head hit the pillow then my mind went into overdrive. All the pieces fell in to place. Hubby had said things didn’t look good. While talking to Cordell I remember hearing Hubby, in the background, say that in the anti-biotic drip were three separate bags each holding a different anti-biotic. When we first arrived in the morning he had looked upset. I now realised he must have septicaemia. That was me for the night. I tossed and turned until I gave up and got up to have a coffee early in the morning. I woke Diane fairly early and once Cordell surfaced I made him breakfast. He left not long after nine to spend time with Hubby. He took the Golf as Diane and I wanted to do some cleaning and Diane needed to pack her things to take into Margaret. We were ready to leave about half ten and went to do some shopping before joining Cordell at the hospital. The Dr. had been again and - according to Hubby - was pleased with the improvement in the wound and he should be going home on Monday. He had also explained why Hubby must stay off his feet. With the Diabetes the veins in his legs have narrowed which is why he has no feeling in his feet. Standing cuts the blood supply which means the wounds cannot heal. Explains why he hasn’t healed before. Hopefully this time he stays off his feet.During the night his sugar level had dropped to two and he needed glucose to get it back up.He is now off the insulin drip. We spent the day at the hospital having a sandwich about lunchtime at the hospital Cafe. About half four we went across to Mike’s again for a quick meal before returning to say bye to Hubby. Gino took Cordell back to the airport at six for his return flight. Diane and I went up to take her things to Margaret stopping to put petrol in her car on the way. After dropping her things off we drove in convoy back home where we had a fairly early night as we were both really tired.
Monday after Diane had left for work I put washing on and cleared the kitchen before phoning the hospital to see what was happening. The Sister in charge of the ward said the Dr had been and they were still worried about his wound and definitely no going home for him. The workshop needed stationery items so I got ready and went in to Alberton. After buying what was needed I dropped the things at the workshop before going to see Hubby. He was on his own and we had a good chat. He admitted how serious things were and that he does have septicaemia. I was cross and told him he must be honest with me about things. We spent the morning together and I left just before one to go back home. I finished the washing and did a bit of cleaning and some office work before going back in. I got there at five and chatted with Hubby a while before Diane and Doug arrived. After visiting Diane and I went across to Mike’s again. Definitely their best customer! Diane left for Margaret after our meal and I came home to do the blog. I am now off to bed for a well deserved sleep.
Cheers for now. Have a good week.
life operation
Friday, August 20, 2010
Recovery Time
Once breakfast and the dogs were seen to I quickly finished the blog before doing some washing. Godfrey arrived bringing the wheelchair he is loaning Hubby while he needs to recuperate. After he left I got ready to go into the hospital to see how Hubby was doing. Gino had already gone in early to see if Hubby had managed to talk the Dr into letting him go home. No such luck. When I got to the hospital Hubby was having a nap. He said he had hardly slept during the night so was rather tired. He gave me all the latest from the Dr’s visit. They had taken off the bandage where his toe was removed to check it and as there was a lot of blood he needed to stay an extra day to monitor things. He had been quite shocked to see the wound as it was nothing like he had expected - a lot worse- but he had had a really good look at it. The diabetic Dr had also been and told him his sugar levels must stay down so the wounds can heal. She gave a lot of advice about his diet which he will just have to follow. The biggest shock for him was the fact that he is not allowed to walk for two months. NOT AT ALL. The Dr wasn’t even happy to hear he has been walking to the loo but said that was the absolute extent of walking allowed. We spent a pleasant hour chatting before Don arrived to visit. Hubby’s lunch was bought and I left him with Don while I went for a quick sandwich. Don was still there when I got back and after a brief stop I left for the workshop to check on things. Violet had phoned to say she wouldn’t be in as she was at the hospital with her husband who was extremely ill. I told Vusi to man the office and keep Faizel working in the workshop as he is useless with the customers and paperwork. When I left the hospital I quickly ran over to the supermarket to get some things for Hubby’s diet and things the workshop needed. All was fine at the workshop and after giving them their necessities I left for home. It was almost two when I got back and I had a coffee and read a magazine to relax a bit before showering and changing to go back into Alberton. I waited until the gardener finished so I could let the dogs out before leaving to pick Diane up. It was just on five when I got there and Diane was out fairly quickly. We went round to fetch her things as she was coming back to the plot to sleep so I wouldn’t be on my own again. Not that it worries me as I have the dogs on the bed with me. We decided on going to Mike’s Kitchen again but first stopped at the hospital to see what Hubby wanted. He wanted something to read and sweets to suck as well as a chicken salad from Mike’s. We ran over to the shops where we found a magazine and diabetic sweets from the chemist. We dropped them off and then walked across to Mike’s. We had a shandie to start followed by a glass of wine for me and a spiced gold and coke for Diane. We ordered a pasta dish for Diane and I had a chicken fillet and chips. Gino joined us and had fish and chips. It was an enjoyable meal and afterwards Diane and I walked back while Gino drove around to meet us in the ward. Hubby’s friend Rodney Grey was there chatting and giving advice. His toes were amputated about a year ago so he can speak from experience. We were soon joined by Rod Norton so Hubby’s room was quite full. Once visiting hour was over the two Rods left and I made arrangements with Gino to fetch Hubby in the morning and bring him out to the plot. Once home Diane and I watched some TV before going to bed.
This morning I was up early to see Diane off to work. It was a really miserable overcast morning and once Diane had left the dogs and I went back to bed while I finished the last few pages of my book. Just after half seven Hubby phoned to let me know he wasn’t allowed to come home as he has an infection where the toe was amputated. He was very disappointed and upset. I quickly sorted a few things out before going in to see him. Gino was with him but left soon after. Hubby explained everything to me. When the Dr. took the bandage off he found it was oozing pus which is not a good sign and he prescribed a very strong anti-biotic given via a drip. The diabetic Dr. also came and his sugar levels are too high which means healing can’t take place. This could be caused by the shock to the body from the amputation and being inactive by lying in bed. She put him on a strong dosage of insulin which is being administered by drip. Until everything is cleared and sorted he cannot leave the hospital. They came and took a pus sample while I was there. Alec and Don came to visit and we had a very pleasant time chatting. The bell went for visitors to leave as visiting hour was up. They aren’t strict about this so we stayed and were left until things got a bit out of hand. The guys were telling hilarious stories from their past and as they were getting funnier so we got louder. Alex said bye and while Don stayed I quickly went to the shop to get some things for Hubby. When I got back Don had left and the Sisters were busy putting up the drip of anti-biotic. I waited till they had left to say bye but Hubby didn’t want me to leave and made me stay for another twenty minutes or so. He has decided to ask the Dr. to amputate more now while he is in hospital as he is sure the cut is too close to where the infection was. He doesn’t want to go through two months off his feet only to be told they must amputate higher up. I was upset but could understand how he feels and I can’t blame him. I hope the Dr. will go back to see him today so he can sort something out and not stress and make himself worse. I am home for the afternoon and once Diane gets home we will have an early supper before going back for visiting hour tonight.
All for now
This morning I was up early to see Diane off to work. It was a really miserable overcast morning and once Diane had left the dogs and I went back to bed while I finished the last few pages of my book. Just after half seven Hubby phoned to let me know he wasn’t allowed to come home as he has an infection where the toe was amputated. He was very disappointed and upset. I quickly sorted a few things out before going in to see him. Gino was with him but left soon after. Hubby explained everything to me. When the Dr. took the bandage off he found it was oozing pus which is not a good sign and he prescribed a very strong anti-biotic given via a drip. The diabetic Dr. also came and his sugar levels are too high which means healing can’t take place. This could be caused by the shock to the body from the amputation and being inactive by lying in bed. She put him on a strong dosage of insulin which is being administered by drip. Until everything is cleared and sorted he cannot leave the hospital. They came and took a pus sample while I was there. Alec and Don came to visit and we had a very pleasant time chatting. The bell went for visitors to leave as visiting hour was up. They aren’t strict about this so we stayed and were left until things got a bit out of hand. The guys were telling hilarious stories from their past and as they were getting funnier so we got louder. Alex said bye and while Don stayed I quickly went to the shop to get some things for Hubby. When I got back Don had left and the Sisters were busy putting up the drip of anti-biotic. I waited till they had left to say bye but Hubby didn’t want me to leave and made me stay for another twenty minutes or so. He has decided to ask the Dr. to amputate more now while he is in hospital as he is sure the cut is too close to where the infection was. He doesn’t want to go through two months off his feet only to be told they must amputate higher up. I was upset but could understand how he feels and I can’t blame him. I hope the Dr. will go back to see him today so he can sort something out and not stress and make himself worse. I am home for the afternoon and once Diane gets home we will have an early supper before going back for visiting hour tonight.
All for now
life recovery time hospital
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Operation Day
Hubby and I decided on going out for the evening instead of cooking at home. We went into Alberton to the Piatto where we both had an excellent meal. I had my usual red wine with a sirloin and calamari combo while Hubby had a pork chop with veg and chips. The meal was finished off with our usual cappuccino. It was a very pleasant evening with general chatting leaving us both feeling a lot better about the pending op. We were home about half eight where we watched TV with Hubby having a last drink just before ten.
Wednesday morning we were up before five to get ready for the hospital. After having my morning coffee I fed the dogs and we were on the way just after half five. It was still dark and I was most surprised to find the highway already busy. The amount of people on the way to work so early is surprising – it must make for a very long day. The streets of Alberton were also very busy. We checked in at the hospital on the dot of six. Reception organised Hubby’s file and he had some last minute signing of forms to do. While they were finishing off he left me to collect the file while he went for a quick trip to the gents. When he came out I was waiting with his file and we went round the corner to Section Five to get admitted. There was no-one at the desk and no sign to state if this was Section Five so when I saw a Sister down the passage I asked her if this was the right place. It was and she came to take the file from me telling us to follow her. We were led into a ward with four beds. Two were occupied by ladies still sleeping. I was surprised and thought that they must have mixed wards now. Hubby sat on the bed indicated while she left with the file. Next thing she was back with another Sister apologising as she had thought I was the one being admitted. We were taken to the other side of the section where Hubby was put in a room with only the one bed. He was very thankful as he had also thought he was to be in a mixed ward. He was told to put on the gown and disposables and get into bed for the necessary check-ups. They must have found the biggest pair of disposables possible and the smallest size gown. The gown only just managed to tie at the back and was a real mini. While the Sisters were still busy taking his vitals the theatre staff came for him only to be told they weren’t quite finished. They disappeared and still hadn’t come back when he was all finished. We waited a while before they came back. They organised the bed and pushed it towards the door. The Sister said it wouldn’t fit through the door but they were sure it would. Sure enough the Sister was right so they pushed the bed back and reorganised it before disappearing to fetch a trolley. Hubby said he could walk but they said he couldn’t do that and they wouldn’t be long. While we were waiting for them to return the Dr arrived to say Hi and see why he wasn’t in theatre yet. We explained things which did not impress him at all and as he left the room to see where they were Hubby said it wasn’t a problem for him to walk there. The Dr was in a rush so told him `Come’ and off they went meeting up with the trolley at the end of the passage. Hubby climbed on and they disappeared into the lift. It was now ten past seven and as the cafeteria was open I went in for some breakfast. I had a bacon and egg breakfast with coffee before going back to Hubby’s room to wait for him to come out. Seeing as both feet were being worked on I expected him to be quite a while. But I was pleasantly surprised when they pushed him back in at eight fifteen. He was sitting up chatting and laughing with them. They put him back into his bed and disappeared with the trolley. The first thing Hubby did was make me get his pyjamas so he could take the gown and disposables off. Both his feet were completely covered in a thick bandage and he was convinced the Dr hadn’t removed his toe as he could feel it there. He prodded at the bandage and was relieved to feel it was gone. The Sisters came to see how he was and to see if he needed painkillers. He was fine and didn’t need anything yet so they disappeared after telling him he would only be allowed out of bed tomorrow. No sooner had they left when another Sister appeared with some breakfast for him. He was delighted and tucked in to a bacon and egg breakfast with yoghurt on the side. Once breakfast was over he wanted to get up and go to the loo. He insisted I push the drip stand around to the other side of his bed so he could walk off with it. Luckily his ward had its own loo so it was only a few steps for him to hobble along. I spent the morning with him waiting for the Dr to come to hear how long he must stay off work etc. His lunch came around twelve and Gino popped in to visit just after. I left just before one to go home quickly to see to the dogs and feed the gardener. It was three when I got back and the Dr still hadn’t been. Godfrey came in to visit just after four and we sat chatting until they rang the bell at about four forty five. I left to go and pick Diane up from work. She finished at five and we decided to go down to Mike’s Kitchen and have something to eat before going back to the hospital. We were both very thirsty as it had been a hot day and had shandies before having something to eat. Diane had a mushroom starter followed by a chocolate mousse while I had a calamari and rice starter followed by a cheesecake. Both were delicious. It was half six when we got back to the hospital to find Godfrey was still there. Hubby said the Dr had been to see him. With the amputation the remaining skin was not in too good a condition so instead of a neat stitching up he has left it partly open to help with the drainage. On the second foot the infection was worse than suspected and he had to cut more than expected. All we can do now is monitor carefully and hope for the best. The Dr was not too happy to hear that Hubby had been up to the loo and said that that was the limit to his walking as he MUST stay off his feet if he wants to heal. The Stubborn Man had better do as he is told. I just know we are going to have clashes once he is home as he can’t handle lying around doing nothing. He is already planning on making extensions on his clutch and making a piece on the back of the mini-trail starter pedal so he can use his heel to start and not toes. What do you do with such a Stubborn Twit? I can see fun and games lie ahead!
Doug arrived soon after and we had a merry visiting hour. Diane and I left half seven and after dropping her off I got home to a noisy reception from the dogs. I spent the evening watching TV and starting the blog.
Bye for now. All the messages and calls are greatly appreciated
Wednesday morning we were up before five to get ready for the hospital. After having my morning coffee I fed the dogs and we were on the way just after half five. It was still dark and I was most surprised to find the highway already busy. The amount of people on the way to work so early is surprising – it must make for a very long day. The streets of Alberton were also very busy. We checked in at the hospital on the dot of six. Reception organised Hubby’s file and he had some last minute signing of forms to do. While they were finishing off he left me to collect the file while he went for a quick trip to the gents. When he came out I was waiting with his file and we went round the corner to Section Five to get admitted. There was no-one at the desk and no sign to state if this was Section Five so when I saw a Sister down the passage I asked her if this was the right place. It was and she came to take the file from me telling us to follow her. We were led into a ward with four beds. Two were occupied by ladies still sleeping. I was surprised and thought that they must have mixed wards now. Hubby sat on the bed indicated while she left with the file. Next thing she was back with another Sister apologising as she had thought I was the one being admitted. We were taken to the other side of the section where Hubby was put in a room with only the one bed. He was very thankful as he had also thought he was to be in a mixed ward. He was told to put on the gown and disposables and get into bed for the necessary check-ups. They must have found the biggest pair of disposables possible and the smallest size gown. The gown only just managed to tie at the back and was a real mini. While the Sisters were still busy taking his vitals the theatre staff came for him only to be told they weren’t quite finished. They disappeared and still hadn’t come back when he was all finished. We waited a while before they came back. They organised the bed and pushed it towards the door. The Sister said it wouldn’t fit through the door but they were sure it would. Sure enough the Sister was right so they pushed the bed back and reorganised it before disappearing to fetch a trolley. Hubby said he could walk but they said he couldn’t do that and they wouldn’t be long. While we were waiting for them to return the Dr arrived to say Hi and see why he wasn’t in theatre yet. We explained things which did not impress him at all and as he left the room to see where they were Hubby said it wasn’t a problem for him to walk there. The Dr was in a rush so told him `Come’ and off they went meeting up with the trolley at the end of the passage. Hubby climbed on and they disappeared into the lift. It was now ten past seven and as the cafeteria was open I went in for some breakfast. I had a bacon and egg breakfast with coffee before going back to Hubby’s room to wait for him to come out. Seeing as both feet were being worked on I expected him to be quite a while. But I was pleasantly surprised when they pushed him back in at eight fifteen. He was sitting up chatting and laughing with them. They put him back into his bed and disappeared with the trolley. The first thing Hubby did was make me get his pyjamas so he could take the gown and disposables off. Both his feet were completely covered in a thick bandage and he was convinced the Dr hadn’t removed his toe as he could feel it there. He prodded at the bandage and was relieved to feel it was gone. The Sisters came to see how he was and to see if he needed painkillers. He was fine and didn’t need anything yet so they disappeared after telling him he would only be allowed out of bed tomorrow. No sooner had they left when another Sister appeared with some breakfast for him. He was delighted and tucked in to a bacon and egg breakfast with yoghurt on the side. Once breakfast was over he wanted to get up and go to the loo. He insisted I push the drip stand around to the other side of his bed so he could walk off with it. Luckily his ward had its own loo so it was only a few steps for him to hobble along. I spent the morning with him waiting for the Dr to come to hear how long he must stay off work etc. His lunch came around twelve and Gino popped in to visit just after. I left just before one to go home quickly to see to the dogs and feed the gardener. It was three when I got back and the Dr still hadn’t been. Godfrey came in to visit just after four and we sat chatting until they rang the bell at about four forty five. I left to go and pick Diane up from work. She finished at five and we decided to go down to Mike’s Kitchen and have something to eat before going back to the hospital. We were both very thirsty as it had been a hot day and had shandies before having something to eat. Diane had a mushroom starter followed by a chocolate mousse while I had a calamari and rice starter followed by a cheesecake. Both were delicious. It was half six when we got back to the hospital to find Godfrey was still there. Hubby said the Dr had been to see him. With the amputation the remaining skin was not in too good a condition so instead of a neat stitching up he has left it partly open to help with the drainage. On the second foot the infection was worse than suspected and he had to cut more than expected. All we can do now is monitor carefully and hope for the best. The Dr was not too happy to hear that Hubby had been up to the loo and said that that was the limit to his walking as he MUST stay off his feet if he wants to heal. The Stubborn Man had better do as he is told. I just know we are going to have clashes once he is home as he can’t handle lying around doing nothing. He is already planning on making extensions on his clutch and making a piece on the back of the mini-trail starter pedal so he can use his heel to start and not toes. What do you do with such a Stubborn Twit? I can see fun and games lie ahead!
Doug arrived soon after and we had a merry visiting hour. Diane and I left half seven and after dropping her off I got home to a noisy reception from the dogs. I spent the evening watching TV and starting the blog.
Bye for now. All the messages and calls are greatly appreciated
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Blue Monday
Hubby was still not feeling too good so stayed in bed. Diane took herself into Alberton and I made arrangements to fetch her car later. I was going in with Hubby as he had a Drs appointment at half one – the appointment Dennis had arranged with the neuro surgeon. I spent the morning doing office work and finishing off July on the computer ready for this month’s invoicing and statements. Diane phoned about eleven to see what time we were going in as she needed her discs again. When she heard it was only after twelve she decided to come and get them as she needed them urgently. I quickly organised some lunch for Hubby so that he could take her back and save me going in. This way her car was here and I could carry on and finish my computer work. Hubby was just finishing eating when she arrived and they left not long after. I finished my computer work and was sitting playing computer games when Hubby phoned with the news that his toe needed to be amputated and the other foot ulcer needed cutting and cleaning up. I was shocked and almost burst into tears when he told me but I didn’t want him to upset him. He asked me to contact the medical aid for authorisation as the Dr. Would wanted to do it on Wednesday. I made all the necessary calls and got everything sorted out for his op. This was the last thing I had expected as we had been discussing amputation after Dennis visited him and why Drs don’t like to go that far and only do it as a last resort. Diabetics do not have a good result in this type of thing. I couldn’t settle to anything after dealing with the op and actually felt quite sick. Hubby was home about six and explained why it needs to be done. Apparently the infection in his left toe spread through to the bone covering and destroyed it leaving the toe only being held on by sinew and the bone ends are rubbing together. He is lucky in not having feeling in his feet as he would be climbing the walls with the pain. If left the toe will develop gangrene which will be very dangerous. Not nice at all. We had supper and I gave Hubby a hot toddy as he was still not feeling too good with his throat and flu. I asked him if he had told the Dr he is sick with flu and he just said he will be fine. MEN! We spent the evening watching TV, reading and avoiding the subject of his op.
Neither of us slept well and after a restless night I was up just after six. After making breakfast we had a talk about things. Hubby said he is not worried about the op but what happens after. I told him that when his leg had been broken the Drs didn’t think it would heal, but, working together, controlling his diet to keep his sugar levels down, we achieved our goal and the leg healed perfectly. We did it before and we will do it again. Hubby also said he is sure that they will need to cut off more than just the toe for it to heal properly and he has already decided that he will make an artificial foot himself as he is more than capable. All we can do is hope and pray. Both Ali and Diane are very upset with Ali wanting to come to the hospital but we have both told her not to. Both boys are sick and it wouldn’t be fair to them to come there. Hubby left to go in to the workshop for last minutes instructions and I took Digby in for his parlour appointment. He is sooo dirty and his fur is so long now he desperately needs it. I spent the morning doing some cleaning and quickly went to Meyerton to collect Hubby’s injections and get him some pyjamas for his two day stay in hospital before collecting Digby. He really looked so good – all clean and white again with little blue ribbons. Hubby was home early to have a rest and a hot toddy. I am really worried about his chest with the anaesthetic but he wants it over with and insists he will be fine. I have worried myself sick every time he has had an op and he always comes through smiling. He is a stubborn idiot but he is my stubborn idiot and that makes me happy. Well all for now. I will keep you posted on the latest news.
Neither of us slept well and after a restless night I was up just after six. After making breakfast we had a talk about things. Hubby said he is not worried about the op but what happens after. I told him that when his leg had been broken the Drs didn’t think it would heal, but, working together, controlling his diet to keep his sugar levels down, we achieved our goal and the leg healed perfectly. We did it before and we will do it again. Hubby also said he is sure that they will need to cut off more than just the toe for it to heal properly and he has already decided that he will make an artificial foot himself as he is more than capable. All we can do is hope and pray. Both Ali and Diane are very upset with Ali wanting to come to the hospital but we have both told her not to. Both boys are sick and it wouldn’t be fair to them to come there. Hubby left to go in to the workshop for last minutes instructions and I took Digby in for his parlour appointment. He is sooo dirty and his fur is so long now he desperately needs it. I spent the morning doing some cleaning and quickly went to Meyerton to collect Hubby’s injections and get him some pyjamas for his two day stay in hospital before collecting Digby. He really looked so good – all clean and white again with little blue ribbons. Hubby was home early to have a rest and a hot toddy. I am really worried about his chest with the anaesthetic but he wants it over with and insists he will be fine. I have worried myself sick every time he has had an op and he always comes through smiling. He is a stubborn idiot but he is my stubborn idiot and that makes me happy. Well all for now. I will keep you posted on the latest news.
Our Weekend

Diane and I were up fairly early and after spending time on the computer got ready for our day out. Hubby left just before us in the Sunbeam for his Tit Car Meet. Our first stop was Alberton where Diane got herself some black boots and a black jacket for work. Next stop was Alberton City where we took her cell phone in to get looked at as it has stopped working. While there we wandered around the shops looking at bicycles as Diane wants to get Travis one for his birthday. There was nothing worth getting so we left for Eastgate stopping at Julie with Diane’s things for the week ahead. She is only going through on Monday morning with Hubby so it was easier to take the things in advance – plus we have the weekend free without worrying about getting her things ready on Sunday. At Eastgate we booked our tickets for the Shrek movie before going to the Mugg & Bean for lunch. We had a delicious meal of wings and wedges for me and a wrap for Diane. She had a strawberry daiquiri while I had an iced coffee as I was thirsty and wine doesn’t help with that. We finished our meal in time for the movie which we both enjoyed. A light comedy is always good for a person! It was only half four when we came out so we went through some of the shops looking at bicycles – it is unbelievable what badly made bikes are sold – but found nothing suitable. Instead we went into Woolies for some stir-fry veg and a couple of lunches for Diane. It was nearly six when we left for home. Hubby had got home not long before us and had gone straight to bed as he felt ill with flu and a very bad throat. I dosed him up and Diane and I watched some TV before I made us a late supper. Hubby’s throat was too sore for him to eat. He asked me to phone Alex and let him know he wouldn’t be able to make his final Piston Ring Meet as a committee member, though they are keeping him as the Savva Liaison Officer still. I think he is the only one who doesn’t keep his mouth shut when it comes to matters affecting Old Car Owners.
Sunday morning I dosed Hubby again before seeing to the dogs. I was most upset to see how windy it was when I went out to see to them. The wind was whipping through the tree tops and there was dust everywhere. Most unpleasant. Late morning Hubby’s throat was feeling a bit better so I made him an omelette – easier to swallow than toast. Diane and I decided to wait until one so see if the wind would drop enough for us to go for our hike and watched Paranormal Activity while we waited for time to pass. What a lousy movie! I can’t understand why people don’t run away the minute something scary starts happening. I would have left the country if it was me never mind just leave the house. I can understand why Ali was so scared after watching it. Leith has forbidden her to watch any scary movies as she gets so paranoid afterwards and was convinced something had moved her shoe in the night. I’m sure one of them kicked it when they got up to see to Josh in the dark. The wind was still howling around at two so while Diane had a nap I read my book – am into reading Catherine Cooksen books I found that I hadn’t read before. Hubby was feeling a lot better after having a shower and seeing to his feet so at four Diane and I went down to Canterbury Arms for an outing. It was very pleasant sitting in the sun having spiced gold and coke. We ordered ourselves fried feta each and chips to share while we sat there enjoying our sheltered spot in the sun. It was about half five when we got home. Hubby was feeling rather hungry so I made him supper which he really enjoyed as his throat was feeling a lot better than it had. Diane and I watched some TV before she made us a late stir-fry – leaving some for work on Monday. She put the food into a container in the fridge with strict instructions to me to not touch it as she would take it out in the morning. Can’t say that I blame her.
Cheers and have a good week.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Woman's Day Week
Monday morning woke up to a miserable cold day. The cold front from the Cape had blown in. Not nice! Especially after having such good weather recently. After breakfast and seeing to the dogs I quickly went into Meyerton to get the repeat of Hubby’s medication seeing that he was on his last day of the current medication. When I got back Hubby was ready and waiting to go out somewhere for the public holiday and we left as soon as I was ready. We decided to go and check out the Decorex Exhibition where Diane was working stopping at Eastgate for lunch at our favourite – The Bread Basket. Lunch was our usual delicious cappuccino and ciabatta roll. After we had eaten we wandered around doing some shopping before heading off to the exhibition. Gallagher Estate was packed with five halls of exhibitors displaying some stunning things. We met Diane and after checking her stand she took a short break to get something to eat. Much to her disappointment they had nothing vegetarian so she ended up getting herself a couple of cheese straws with a hot chocolate. Sometimes I wonder how she manages on so little. After checking out some more of the exhibits Hubby went to rest his foot and I stayed talking to Diane in between people coming to their stand. We left around five for home stopping for petrol on the way. It is such a pleasure to use the highways on Public Holidays as the roads are so quiet. When we got home we had a cuppa before making supper and settling down for an evening of TV and reading. Tuesday was a really icy day with the overnight temp dropping down to -3 and day only 14. Horrible! I spent the day doing some cleaning (not much) with some office work thrown in. Most of the time was spent sitting in front of the lounge window in the sun reading my book and keeping warm. Diane phoned in the afternoon about discs she needed and decided she would come home for the night seeing as she hadn’t been able to come over the weekend. I finished my book and made sure her room was ready – It was – for her. Hubby was home early as he had his last Committee meeting for the Piston Ring and was getting picked up at half six. I made his supper while he showered and got ready. Supper was steak and as there were four pieces I put two into a container and put them back into the fridge. Diane wanted to go to the shop quickly when she arrived and said she would come to the gate for me. Hubby was backwards and forwards and I thought he had gone so when Diane arrived I ran out to tell her I was just going to grab my bag and then would come out. As I walked back to the house Hubby came out thinking it was his lift. I went back and was horrified to find the door locked. My keys and all were in the house. I told Hubby off for locking me out especially as his keys were also inside. He had thought I was inside. Thank goodness Diane had her keys and I got back in to fetch my bag. I was soo cross. Imagine if his lift had been there and Diane didn’t have keys. He would have gone off and not realised we were stuck outside. Anyway we left for the shop and he was gone when we got back with some snack food for Diane for the rest of the week. I quickly made a stir-fry with noodles for the two of us and kept some for Diane’s lunch at work on Wednesday. I put this into a plastic container in the fridge. After eating Diane sorted out her discs and bathed while I watched TV. We went to bed about half eleven where I read some more before putting out the light. Hubby was home about half twelve and very glad that he was resigning from the committee. His health is not so good anymore and being a committee member is a lot of hard work which he is finding difficult to cope with.
Wednesday was up before six to get Diane up and ready to leave early for work. It was another icy day with similar temperatures to those of Tuesday. Diane quickly put my pics from Saturday on the computer and resized them for the blog before leaving just after seven. To help her I put her things, including her lunch which I grabbed out of the fridge, into the car for her while she was on the computer. I spent the morning clearing washing and working on the computer. At lunchtime when I went to the fridge I was horrified to see Diane’s stir-fry inside and quickly sent an sms to apologise. I felt really bad as she must have been looking forward to her lunch and apologised again to her wondering what on earth I had given her. She phoned me and said the container had some horrible looking bloody mess inside. I couldn’t understand what it could be until I remembered the steak I had also put in the fridge. Poor Diane! What a shock for a vegetarian. I felt really, really bad.
Thursday morning I spent cleaning before going in to Alberton. To make things up to Diane I stopped first at her to give her stir-fry lunch. She enjoyed the food and I felt a lot better about my horrible mistake. We spent her lunch time chatting before I went round to the workshop to fetch Hubby to go down to Alberton City with me. Our first stop, naturally, was at the coffee shop where we had cappuccino and a savoury scone. That out the way we went shopping for a big shop as my cupboards are rather bare at the moment. I dropped Hubby back at the workshop before leaving for home to unpack everything before my daily dose of wine.
Friday the weather was still rather chilly with the day time temperatures warming slightly. The icy wind is what makes it unpleasant. We really have been plunged back into the depths of winter. A big shock after being able to wear short-sleeved tops the week before. I had a leisurely day of cleaning and reading sitting in the sun before Diane arrived to have a glass of wine with me. Our evening was spent chilling, eating supper and checking things on the computer. We are going to make up for her weekend of work .
Wednesday was up before six to get Diane up and ready to leave early for work. It was another icy day with similar temperatures to those of Tuesday. Diane quickly put my pics from Saturday on the computer and resized them for the blog before leaving just after seven. To help her I put her things, including her lunch which I grabbed out of the fridge, into the car for her while she was on the computer. I spent the morning clearing washing and working on the computer. At lunchtime when I went to the fridge I was horrified to see Diane’s stir-fry inside and quickly sent an sms to apologise. I felt really bad as she must have been looking forward to her lunch and apologised again to her wondering what on earth I had given her. She phoned me and said the container had some horrible looking bloody mess inside. I couldn’t understand what it could be until I remembered the steak I had also put in the fridge. Poor Diane! What a shock for a vegetarian. I felt really, really bad.
Thursday morning I spent cleaning before going in to Alberton. To make things up to Diane I stopped first at her to give her stir-fry lunch. She enjoyed the food and I felt a lot better about my horrible mistake. We spent her lunch time chatting before I went round to the workshop to fetch Hubby to go down to Alberton City with me. Our first stop, naturally, was at the coffee shop where we had cappuccino and a savoury scone. That out the way we went shopping for a big shop as my cupboards are rather bare at the moment. I dropped Hubby back at the workshop before leaving for home to unpack everything before my daily dose of wine.
Friday the weather was still rather chilly with the day time temperatures warming slightly. The icy wind is what makes it unpleasant. We really have been plunged back into the depths of winter. A big shock after being able to wear short-sleeved tops the week before. I had a leisurely day of cleaning and reading sitting in the sun before Diane arrived to have a glass of wine with me. Our evening was spent chilling, eating supper and checking things on the computer. We are going to make up for her weekend of work .
More Pics of the Stars
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Driving with The Stars

Saturday woke up to an overcast cold morning. Hubby bought coffee and toast at seven after which I was up to see to the dogs. When I went out everywhere was shrouded in mist. I was worried it would spoil our day out but luckily it lifted about half ten. Ali and the boys arrived just after ten and we had a quick cappuccino before leaving. During the week Hubby had been asked by a local school to bring an old car as they were having a concert and wanted one to transport the artists between the Principal’s office and the stage. He had asked me to help out using my Sunbeam as he thought he had a car meeting on. Wrong! Hubby drove the Sunbeam with Ali and Travis while I followed in the Golf with Josh. Travis was most surprised to find himself in a car without a roof on it. We parked the Sunbeam next to the office and as the concert only started at twelve we went to find somewhere to sit under an umbrella to protect Josh from the sun. Ali went with Hubby to buy a wors roll and pancake for each of us. Once I was finished I made my way back to the car where my route was explained. Each artist needed to be driven from the office down two sides of the rugby field passing the stand and round to the stage. The rugby field was full of people as well. The main attraction of the day was Steve Hofmeyr which was why Ali had decided to come with us. Hubby had thought he would come with and take the Sunbeam home after driving him and the other artists to the stage leaving us with the Golf to come home after the concert. How wrong he was! I was informed that Steve Hofmeyr was only arriving later ready for his five o’ clock appearance. Ali was most disappointed as she couldn’t stay that late with the boys. The first three artists were female and I took each of them in turn sitting on the back ledge of the Sunbeam. People waved and shouted as we passed by them on the way to the stage. The first male artist was Dusty Dixon with his girlfriend/ partner who writes most of the songs he performs. They really were a super couple and so friendly. Time flew swiftly as I went to and fro with the artists. Others I drove were Arri – also such a friendly person and only nineteen, as well as Jaco Labuschagne who looks a bit like Steve Hofmeyr – only bigger. Robby Klay came out and gave me a hug hallo before getting in the car and also a thank you hug when he got out. They all admired the car and enjoyed the ride around to the stage. With the first few artists the crowd were well behaved and just waved. By the time I took Robbie the fans were getting autographs from the artists who had finished performing and they rushed to get his once he was out the car. The next artist to get taken to the stage in the car was Ghapi (A lot of these Afrikaans artists are ones I haven’t heard of). As we drove along the crowd was really boisterous and as we stopped at the stage they swarmed the car preventing me from even opening the door to let him out. He signed a few arms and shirts before telling me to just open the door so he could get out. The crowd fell back briefly and I let him out where he gave me a thank you hug before they swarmed back around him and the car. It was about ten minutes before I was able to get in and drive back to the office. During the afternoon Ali had left to go to a Kitchen Tea and Hubby had also gone home to rest his feet which were feeling rather painful after running around after Travis. Mean Mr Mustard were there on stage helping with the music etc for all the artists as it was their equipment being used. Just before four two of them came down to the office and I drove them back to the stage in the Sunbeam. It was really crowded by then and it was rather difficult getting back through them. Once I got back to the office I sat to wait for Steve Hofmeyer who arrived at half four. I got an autograph from him for Alison and then waited until it was time to take him down to the stage. As he was the Main Artist of the day they waited until Mean Mr Mustard had finished performing before announcing that he was coming through. It was five fifteen when he came out and got into the car. I quickly took a pic of him before getting in the car to start driving. What a performance! A policeman walked either side of the car and I had to keep pace with them. It was absolutely unbelievable! The crowd went mad and just swarmed the car to shout hallo and shake his hand .Everyone from old men to little kids wanted to touch him. Needless to say it took a while to get to the stage. Once Steve got out the car I quickly reversed and left the area. Driving back past the stand some people waved in appreciation of the car and I waved back telling them it was my turn now to be the star – much to their amusement. I left to return home as it was now almost six and we were going into Alberton to meet Diane for an evening out. I quickly showered to get all the dust off myself before we left. As we left we could still hear the music from the concert on the other side of the highway. We went to Margaret where Diane joined us shortly afterwards. The four of us went off the Harvard Cafe to have some supper. A super evening of good food, good conversation and wine was had by all. It was the perfect ending to a Very Different Day.
Sunday Hubby bought me breakfast in bed about nine and we had a really lazy day chilling, reading and watching TV recovering from our hectic Saturday.
Cheers. Have a Great Short Week
life fun weekend Sunbeam concert
Friday, August 6, 2010
An Eventful Week
Was out of bed before six to get Diane up to go into Alberton for work. She left at seven leaving her things for me to take in as we decided it would be better than leaving them in the car all day. I spent the day sorting out office work and some cleaning. Late afternoon I loaded Diane’s clothes and bags for the week ahead into my bakkie before getting myself dressed up for our night out with Diane. I stopped at Margaret to drop the things off before going round to the workshop to fetch Hubby. Don and Neil were visiting Hubby to show him the Porsche they had just picked up. Hubby was admiring the car and I joined him. What a stunning car! After they left Hubby and I went down to Alberton City for a cappuccino and to do some shopping before going back to Margaret. Diane and her were ready and waiting for us. They came with us in the bakkie after making arrangements to meet Angie, Julie and Gino at the Harvard Cafe. When we arrived we got a table for 11 inside as it was a bit nippy outside and ordered drinks. Hubby had a shandy and us girls had a glass of wine. It was relaxing sitting chatting over our wine and catching up on news. Angie, Danny and Byron arrived first and joined us in chatting and drinking with Gino coming shortly after. Angie ordered our Pizza – 6 in all with 3 vegie ones included for those Vegetarians among us. Julie, Zack and Jared arrived and the party started. The Pizza arrived soon after and we all tucked in. ( Monday night at the Harvard is half price Pizza). The food was absolutely delicious and we all had a great time chatting, drinking and eating. It was a pity the evening had to end! It was a good idea that Diane had for us to go there as her treat to celebrate starting work.
Tuesday morning I decided it was time I had my hair cut and managed to get an appointment for twelve at a hairdresser in Alberton. Diane and I had got vouchers about a month ago for haircuts and I decided to use mine and try out the hairdresser. The place wasn’t too far from the workshop so I phoned Hubby to ask him to come for lunch afterwards. I was quite impressed with the results and will definitely go back there again. Looking all Glam with a haircut and blow-dry I left to fetch Hubby. After picking him up we headed down towards Alberton City but decided to go to Piatto instead. It was a very good choice as we both thoroughly enjoyed our meal. Hubby had a half chicken and prawns with chips and I had a sirloin steak that was covered with chicken livers, avo and mushroom sauce with chips. Unusual combination but really delicious. I had a shandy while Hubby had a strawberry juice. After our meal we went down to the shops and did some shopping before going back to the workshop where I dropped Hubby off before heading home.
Wednesday I had a day of cleaning and office work and I bathed the dogs. This time of the year they get dirty quickly as it is so dry and dusty after the frosts. I had my usual chill wine late afternoon before starting supper. At the same time I prepared and started supper for Thursday as well as I was going to be out for the day. The evening was spent watching TV and playing on the computer as well as doing office work.
Thursday morning once Hubby left I quickly did some computer work before getting ready and leaving for Ali. I left about ten and decided to go all the way on the highway to see what road works were going on. There were lanes closed off once past Alberton but the traffic flow wasn’t too bad and I bowled along fairly quickly. That was until I reached the Soccer City area where there was a lot of work going on. The lanes for going onto the off-ramps were all blocked and it was not easy to realise where to get through and I missed the Gordon road off-ramp. The 14th Avenue off-ramp was just as bad and I almost missed that one as well. It was a relief to get to Ali and we had a cappuccino and chat before getting the kids ready to go shopping. We stopped at a nursery school that Ali had been to for Travis so that I could see what it was like. It was a lovely place with really friendly teachers. Travis will start next week and he can’t wait – he didn’t want to leave the place. Ali then took us down to the Fruit and Veg City at Hillfox. What a fabulous place! There is a separate entrance and exit it is so big. The veg and fruit section is huge with a counter where fruit is chopped up and put into containers as well as another counter where once you have chosen your veg it can get chopped up. The range of soup veg, stir-fries and soup packs ready diced was amazing. The butchery was massive as was the bakery. They have a tea room as well as a sushi bar and fish section inside the place. We were there for ages wandering around admiring everything and stocked up on plenty veg and fruit. We left with two big boxes of produce as well as rolls and an apple crumble each. We also bought a lemon meringue to have with our lunch. When we got back to Ali we ate a late lunch of cooked chicken on yummy crispy Portuguese rolls followed by our lemon meringue. Really tasty fare. It was just after four by the time I left for home and I managed to get on the highway at exactly half four so was able to miss the heavy homeward-bound traffic and was home fairly quickly. I had my chill wine as soon as I unpacked all my goodies and put the casserole on to finish cooking. Hubby arrived soon after and we had a relaxing evening watching TV before going to bed to read.
Friday was another day at home finishing off my cleaning and doing office work and submitting returns. Hubby was home early and pottered around the garage before settling to watch TV. Supper has been eaten and everywhere is clean for the long weekend ahead.
Cheers and have a Really Great Weekend!
Tuesday morning I decided it was time I had my hair cut and managed to get an appointment for twelve at a hairdresser in Alberton. Diane and I had got vouchers about a month ago for haircuts and I decided to use mine and try out the hairdresser. The place wasn’t too far from the workshop so I phoned Hubby to ask him to come for lunch afterwards. I was quite impressed with the results and will definitely go back there again. Looking all Glam with a haircut and blow-dry I left to fetch Hubby. After picking him up we headed down towards Alberton City but decided to go to Piatto instead. It was a very good choice as we both thoroughly enjoyed our meal. Hubby had a half chicken and prawns with chips and I had a sirloin steak that was covered with chicken livers, avo and mushroom sauce with chips. Unusual combination but really delicious. I had a shandy while Hubby had a strawberry juice. After our meal we went down to the shops and did some shopping before going back to the workshop where I dropped Hubby off before heading home.
Wednesday I had a day of cleaning and office work and I bathed the dogs. This time of the year they get dirty quickly as it is so dry and dusty after the frosts. I had my usual chill wine late afternoon before starting supper. At the same time I prepared and started supper for Thursday as well as I was going to be out for the day. The evening was spent watching TV and playing on the computer as well as doing office work.
Thursday morning once Hubby left I quickly did some computer work before getting ready and leaving for Ali. I left about ten and decided to go all the way on the highway to see what road works were going on. There were lanes closed off once past Alberton but the traffic flow wasn’t too bad and I bowled along fairly quickly. That was until I reached the Soccer City area where there was a lot of work going on. The lanes for going onto the off-ramps were all blocked and it was not easy to realise where to get through and I missed the Gordon road off-ramp. The 14th Avenue off-ramp was just as bad and I almost missed that one as well. It was a relief to get to Ali and we had a cappuccino and chat before getting the kids ready to go shopping. We stopped at a nursery school that Ali had been to for Travis so that I could see what it was like. It was a lovely place with really friendly teachers. Travis will start next week and he can’t wait – he didn’t want to leave the place. Ali then took us down to the Fruit and Veg City at Hillfox. What a fabulous place! There is a separate entrance and exit it is so big. The veg and fruit section is huge with a counter where fruit is chopped up and put into containers as well as another counter where once you have chosen your veg it can get chopped up. The range of soup veg, stir-fries and soup packs ready diced was amazing. The butchery was massive as was the bakery. They have a tea room as well as a sushi bar and fish section inside the place. We were there for ages wandering around admiring everything and stocked up on plenty veg and fruit. We left with two big boxes of produce as well as rolls and an apple crumble each. We also bought a lemon meringue to have with our lunch. When we got back to Ali we ate a late lunch of cooked chicken on yummy crispy Portuguese rolls followed by our lemon meringue. Really tasty fare. It was just after four by the time I left for home and I managed to get on the highway at exactly half four so was able to miss the heavy homeward-bound traffic and was home fairly quickly. I had my chill wine as soon as I unpacked all my goodies and put the casserole on to finish cooking. Hubby arrived soon after and we had a relaxing evening watching TV before going to bed to read.
Friday was another day at home finishing off my cleaning and doing office work and submitting returns. Hubby was home early and pottered around the garage before settling to watch TV. Supper has been eaten and everywhere is clean for the long weekend ahead.
Cheers and have a Really Great Weekend!
Monday, August 2, 2010
A Busy Time
Hubby wasn’t feeling too well on Monday morning but went in to see his cousin who was popping in for a visit at the workshop. His cousin checked him out while he was visiting and gave him a prescription for his bronchitis. Dennis also checked his feet and was surprised he is still walking around so is going to make an appointment for Hubby at a Cardio Vascular Surgeon to see what is the best course of action. I spent the morning doing my invoicing and statements. Really missed Diane at this time as every now and again I stopped to scan and email before carrying on with statements. (She was so good at doing it for me while I carried on). After the visit Hubby came home to go to bed. I went in to Meyerton to collect his prescription as well as shop late afternoon. The chemist was hectic and I had to queue for ages before finding out that they had run out of the anti-biotic prescribed. What a pain! I spent the evening after supper finishing off all except the final statement and emailing everything possible. Tuesday I quickly finished the last statement and organised myself to go into the workshop while Hubby stayed in bed. Late morning I fetched the prescription and Hubby took his first dose before we went into Alberton. (He wanted to give instructions and check on things). While he was busy I faxed the last statements and quickly went to the shops before we returned home for Hubby to go back to bed. I filed and then after supper watched TV and did some cleaning. Wednesday morning Hubby stayed in bed while I finished cleaning everywhere before Ali and the boys arrived to stay a few days. Ali was on her own at home and decided she would rather come through to us and stay. The rest of the day was spent either playing with Travis or looking after Josh – we took it in turns. Luckily the day was a beautiful sunny one with the temperature reaching 23. Hope winter is over. Hubby got up briefly every now and then to take Travis for a ride on his Mini Motor Bike. Travis loved it. He is really car and motorbike mad just like his Grandpa. Thursday morning Hubby went in to work and Ali and I went through to Henley to take Travis to his old Play Group for a visit. I looked after Josh while Ali and Travis did the class together. Afterwards was tea and cake and gossip time. Most enjoyable to see old friends! The rest of the day was spent outdoors playing with Travis after he had a nap. Thursday evening Ali and I watched TV while Hubby dosed up and went to bed. Friday morning was very disappointing as the weather was overcast and cloudy with a chilly wind blowing. We went into Meyerton in the morning where Ali went in to the chemist to weigh Josh after we had been shopping. At birth Josh weighed 3.2kgs and today at exactly five weeks old he weighed 4.8kgs. Ali couldn’t believe how much he had gained though he has become quite chubby. His cheeks look like a little hamster. He is sooo cute now and he has just started smiling and laughing. He is like Travis was – laughing in his sleep. When we got back we had a picnic lunch in the play area and then took Travis for a walk up and down the road. Ali was determined to tire him out so that he would sleep early when she got home. They left shortly after and I quickly vacuumed and tidied up everywhere so my weekend would be free. Hubby was home quite early and went to bed as he wasn’t feeling too good again – overdoing things again. Diane arrived home about half five and we had an early supper before going to our Friday Night Cultural evening. Hubby decided to stay in bed so it was just the two of us who went. It was another very enjoyable evening of song from love songs to light opera.
Saturday was a hectic day of shopping and wandering around the shops with Diane. Hubby was feeling a lot better and quite energetic so he spent the morning tidying his garage up with the help of the gardener. I spoke to Ali and laughed when she told me Travis had refused to sleep early and in fact had watched the eight o’ clock movie with her before falling asleep at half nine. Guess he didn’t have a long enough walk Friday afternoon. Diane and I got back after four and after unpacking the shopping chilled with a glass of wine before I started supper. After supper we watched TV until late. Sunday morning was up as if it was a weekday as Hubby had asked the gardener to carry on helping in the garage. After feeding the dogs and putting them away I went back to bed in time for Hubby to bring our breakfast. I cleared washing while Diane started organising herself for her week ahead. Val and Colin popped in on the way back from Vanderbijl Park where they had gone with Kim who is doing a six week block in the hospital there. Kim stays in the Res there only going home at the weekends. Only another few months and she will be a qualified Doctor. She can’t wait for the hectic studying while doing hospital time to be over. After they left it was too late to go for a hike so we went for a cycle instead. It felt good to be doing some exercise again. The rest of the day was spent sorting out things for Diane’s week ahead. Before we knew it was already dark so Diane decided to stay over and go through in the morning to work. The evening was spent watching the second ‘ Night in the Museum’ movie and checking e-mails etc on the computer. It was so nice to have our Milo together again though during the last half of the week Ali and I were having Milo together.
Cheers and have a Fantastic Week.
Saturday was a hectic day of shopping and wandering around the shops with Diane. Hubby was feeling a lot better and quite energetic so he spent the morning tidying his garage up with the help of the gardener. I spoke to Ali and laughed when she told me Travis had refused to sleep early and in fact had watched the eight o’ clock movie with her before falling asleep at half nine. Guess he didn’t have a long enough walk Friday afternoon. Diane and I got back after four and after unpacking the shopping chilled with a glass of wine before I started supper. After supper we watched TV until late. Sunday morning was up as if it was a weekday as Hubby had asked the gardener to carry on helping in the garage. After feeding the dogs and putting them away I went back to bed in time for Hubby to bring our breakfast. I cleared washing while Diane started organising herself for her week ahead. Val and Colin popped in on the way back from Vanderbijl Park where they had gone with Kim who is doing a six week block in the hospital there. Kim stays in the Res there only going home at the weekends. Only another few months and she will be a qualified Doctor. She can’t wait for the hectic studying while doing hospital time to be over. After they left it was too late to go for a hike so we went for a cycle instead. It felt good to be doing some exercise again. The rest of the day was spent sorting out things for Diane’s week ahead. Before we knew it was already dark so Diane decided to stay over and go through in the morning to work. The evening was spent watching the second ‘ Night in the Museum’ movie and checking e-mails etc on the computer. It was so nice to have our Milo together again though during the last half of the week Ali and I were having Milo together.
Cheers and have a Fantastic Week.
life weekend family friends
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