Well! Can you believe it? Woke up Tuesday morning to a miserable rainy day. The Championship Races was cancelled Again due to rain. Hubby went into the workshop to do some work while I started my statements. Diane and I were going to go to Lusito Land to take pics instead but the rain put paid to that as well. These things are sent to try us. I spent the afternoon reading my book again – I am now on my 5th Eric Lustbader book and they are really interesting. The amount of research he must have put into finding out about the Orient is phenomenal. The evening was the usual of TV etc. Wednesday was spent finishing my statements and emailing them out as well as cleaning from the long weekend. Diane and I went into Meyerton in the afternoon to do some shopping and get the dogs tablets again. The evening was spent on the computer as well as watching ‘The Mentalist’. Thursday morning dawned chilly and overcast still but by nine we had blue sky and sunshine. I went through to the north of Joburg to meet Ali and Travis and have lunch. Ali took me to a Monkey Sanctuary which is located inside Little Falls Plant Nursery. They have a lot of cages and plenty of occupants which are all rescued monkeys. One cage had 3 babies of about a month old who have been bottle-reared. They were really cute. We had lunch inside a children’s play area where there is everything imaginable for the kids to play in from a hairdresser to a post office. All in miniature of course. Travis just didn’t stop running around and thoroughly enjoyed himself. He only stopped to eat chips off our plates and have a bite or two of his pizza. Ali and I had a Hawaiian Tramezzini with chips and salad and a Frulatta. The food was So Much that I could hardly finish it but was really delicious. We left after three and by then it was too late to go to the workshop to fax the remaining statements so I just went home where I picked up Diane to quickly go into Meyerton to fetch tablets the chemist had ordered for Hubby. We chilled with a glass of wine when we were back home and once supper was over watched TV – ‘Fringe’. Friday morning was another overcast chilly day. I spent the morning cleaning while Diane worked on the computer. We left just after twelve for the workshop to fax statements. Stupidly I left my phonebook with all the numbers at home so it took rather a long time as I had to either look up numbers or phone for numbers. Once we finished we left going via the takeaways at Maxi’s (Steers was closed for renovations). Diane and I sat having an ice-cream cone while we waited for the order. She had a Tramezzini and chips while I got steak and chips for Hubby and myself. Once home we ate and then I quickly finished the last bit of cleaning. All was finished by six and we then got ourselves ready for the Piano Recital by Neil Bennett. Last month we arrived just after six thirty and the parking area was packed already so this time we left home at six fifteen. Guess what! We were the first to arrive so we sat waiting in the car for a while before venturing in. The place wasn’t as packed as last month’s Welsh Male Choir evening which was unfortunate as those people missed out on another fantastic time. We were entertained with music from Gershwin to Chopin and Bach as well as my all-time favourites Chariots of Fire and Love Story. In between Neil entertained us with snippets of news and jokes. Everybody enjoyed themselves immensely and can’t wait for next month’s entertainment evening. We chilled with coffee/ tea afterwards and chatted to all and sundry. Small World! A nephew of Ian Garrs (The organiser of the entertainment) is over here for a short holiday from Edinburgh. Half an hour or so from Kilcaldy where Mom lives. He has lived there for the past two years and is working in a hotel in the town. We were home around ten. Hubby has left to go on patrol, Diane is watching a comedy on TV and I’m getting the blog up-to-date. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day so I need to do this now before heading off to bed. The Championship Races are definitely on for tomorrow and after that Diane and I are off to Lusito Land to see Danny K perform. Diane will be taking pics at both places so we will have some more pics for the Blog. I will upload this and then it will be time for a Milo before getting in to bed with my book.
Have a Fantastic Weekend.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Our Week and Weekend
The week passed by with just the usual routine of office work and chores. Diane and I tried to use the old office computer for our e-mails etc but its age was against it unfortunately and it kept freezing up on us. We did manage to keep abreast of our incoming mail though but it was not possible for much more than that. We took the computer in Tuesday morning to a local place we found in the Vaal Info as they seemed fairly clued up when Diane spoke to them. The weather was very windy all week and it did our sinuses no good at all. With that and the withdrawal symptoms we both suffered from it was Not A Good Week. The computer repair shop took a lot of time downloading all the info from it and eventually finished late Friday. On Thursday and Friday we cleaned everywhere ready for the weekend. All was sparkling by mid afternoon Friday and we hoped to finally have a ride. Those hopes were dashed when a storm blew up late afternoon and it started raining. The weather turned freezing and we spent the evening all huddled with jackets and blankets. There wasn’t much on TV and once supper was over and the kitchen cleaned I lay with blanket on the couch reading until late.
Saturday morning it was still raining and absolutely freezing. The max temperature was about 14 and I can now say that winter has officially arrived. We were supposed to be taking the Plymouth to a Horse Championship Race but with the rain it was cancelled until the Public Holiday on Tuesday. I went off to fetch the computer about half ten. On the way there the rain stopped and the clouds lifted to allow a hint of sun through. Once home I gave Diane the computer to put Kaspersky on before doing anything on it. She spent the rest of the day downloading everything off it onto an external hard drive alternating with reading her book. I spent the day on the couch with my book huddled under a blanket and Hubby watched TV. Late afternoon Ali phoned to say she was coming for a visit on Sunday. Hubby went off to the take- away to get supper as we were all feeling very lazy. After supper Diane watched TV and I carried on reading until late again.
Sunday was another cold day. Hubby waited till Ali and Travis arrived and then we had breakfast together. Travis really tucked into his enjoying sitting with us all. Once breakfast was over he headed outside running all over the place. He had been confined indoors the last few days due to the rain and he had plenty of excess energy to get rid of. Late morning we took the Plymouth for a ride into Meyerton to do some shopping. Hubby took Travis to the toy section where he picked out a truck for himself. He had a wonderful time playing with it when we got back on the front verandah. I made a butternut soup for lunch and while it was cooking Ali was tired so she went for a nap. I took Travis outside for a swing to see if he would fall asleep but that was the last thing on his mind and we went running around everywhere. Very exhausting business! Once the butternut was cooked I pureed it before adding curry powder and cream. I woke Ali up before dishing up. She didn’t think Travis would have much as he is going through a phase of not eating veg at the moment. We were all surprised when he polished off two bowls full. The soup made a pleasant change and was really tasty. Later on we had tea/coffee and chocolate donuts. I tried taking Travis for another swing to see if he would fall asleep. He fell asleep fairly quickly but as soon as I got him inside and onto the bed he woke up. I’m sure he was scared of missing out on something. He spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Hubby on the bed with his car and some fluffy toys I have. Ali and Travis left about half four and after clearing up I made supper. All was sorted and we spent the evening watching ‘ Marley and Me’ on TV. We had seen it before on the movie circuit but enjoyed it just as much as the first time, and all tearful at the ending. Movies with kids and animals always make me cry.Monday morning was another freezing day. I cleared some washing which didn’t really dry too well as there is still so much moisture in the air. I did the blog and then spent a lazy day reading my book. Diane is also doing a lot of reading at the moment – it must be because we had little else to do while the computer wasn’t working. Supper interrupted my reading and once we had eaten I went back to my book which I finished around eleven. After a quick clean up in the kitchen Diane and I had our Milo after which I finished updating my blog. It is now Tuesday morning and I am off to bed.
Have a good week.
Saturday morning it was still raining and absolutely freezing. The max temperature was about 14 and I can now say that winter has officially arrived. We were supposed to be taking the Plymouth to a Horse Championship Race but with the rain it was cancelled until the Public Holiday on Tuesday. I went off to fetch the computer about half ten. On the way there the rain stopped and the clouds lifted to allow a hint of sun through. Once home I gave Diane the computer to put Kaspersky on before doing anything on it. She spent the rest of the day downloading everything off it onto an external hard drive alternating with reading her book. I spent the day on the couch with my book huddled under a blanket and Hubby watched TV. Late afternoon Ali phoned to say she was coming for a visit on Sunday. Hubby went off to the take- away to get supper as we were all feeling very lazy. After supper Diane watched TV and I carried on reading until late again.
Sunday was another cold day. Hubby waited till Ali and Travis arrived and then we had breakfast together. Travis really tucked into his enjoying sitting with us all. Once breakfast was over he headed outside running all over the place. He had been confined indoors the last few days due to the rain and he had plenty of excess energy to get rid of. Late morning we took the Plymouth for a ride into Meyerton to do some shopping. Hubby took Travis to the toy section where he picked out a truck for himself. He had a wonderful time playing with it when we got back on the front verandah. I made a butternut soup for lunch and while it was cooking Ali was tired so she went for a nap. I took Travis outside for a swing to see if he would fall asleep but that was the last thing on his mind and we went running around everywhere. Very exhausting business! Once the butternut was cooked I pureed it before adding curry powder and cream. I woke Ali up before dishing up. She didn’t think Travis would have much as he is going through a phase of not eating veg at the moment. We were all surprised when he polished off two bowls full. The soup made a pleasant change and was really tasty. Later on we had tea/coffee and chocolate donuts. I tried taking Travis for another swing to see if he would fall asleep. He fell asleep fairly quickly but as soon as I got him inside and onto the bed he woke up. I’m sure he was scared of missing out on something. He spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Hubby on the bed with his car and some fluffy toys I have. Ali and Travis left about half four and after clearing up I made supper. All was sorted and we spent the evening watching ‘ Marley and Me’ on TV. We had seen it before on the movie circuit but enjoyed it just as much as the first time, and all tearful at the ending. Movies with kids and animals always make me cry.Monday morning was another freezing day. I cleared some washing which didn’t really dry too well as there is still so much moisture in the air. I did the blog and then spent a lazy day reading my book. Diane is also doing a lot of reading at the moment – it must be because we had little else to do while the computer wasn’t working. Supper interrupted my reading and once we had eaten I went back to my book which I finished around eleven. After a quick clean up in the kitchen Diane and I had our Milo after which I finished updating my blog. It is now Tuesday morning and I am off to bed.
Have a good week.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wings and Wheels
At last we have our computer back and we will now be able to get our lives (the Blog) back on track. Unbelievable how we have come to rely on our trusty (maybe not so trusty) computers and make them such an important part of our lives. In situations like this the withdrawal symptoms are not a pretty sight. I can now say ‘been there, done that’ and I definitely hope it never happens again.Saturday the 17th dawned bright and clear, though chilly. We were all up early and were ready to leave just before eight. It was ‘Wings and Wheels’ day in Parys at the local airport – an annual event on the car club calendar. After filling up the deke with petrol we met up with others going and set off in a convoy of six old cars. As we got closer to Parys the sky darkened and it turned rather chilly. We arrived just after nine and when we got out the car realised just how cold it was. Diane and I were a mass of goose bumps and of course had not even thought to take jackets. The guys started setting up the gazebos in front of the cars and Diane and I went shopping among the stalls in the flea market looking for jackets. Imagine our delight on finding exactly what we needed at our first stop. We put them on immediately and gradually warmed up. After wandering around through the stalls we returned to the group where the cooking of breakfast was underway. The breakfast of bacon, eggs, rolls etc was delicious. There were fourteen of us in the group and we had a great time laughing, joking and enjoying our breakfast together. While eating a group of microlites were performing above us. Once breakfast was over Diane and I went wandering through the planes taking pics. By now the weather had really warmed up and the clouds had lifted. Our jackets were no longer needed and we stuck them in the car boot. The aerobatic show started at half eleven with the Spitfires up first. Next were the Harvards. There were seven of them that took to the air and flew past several times before two of them left flying back to Krugersdorp. One landed and the other four proceeded to thrill the crowd with their performance. Several other planes also took to the air for a thrilling display. I really love watching them – those pilots are unbelievable and must have nerves of steel to do what they do. After taking tons of pics Diane and I went wandering through the stalls again getting us all a packet of chips and some donuts. Hubby joined us to stroll through the cars and motorbikes on display while we ate our chips and had a juice. It was nearly three when we left Parys and on the way home we ate our donuts which were so fresh and delicious it was lucky I had bought two each. When we reached home we unpacked the car before having a nap. Once we were up we had our usual chill with a glass of wine. The evening was spent watching TV, reading and mourning the loss of the computer.
Sunday morning was another great day. Hubby left before six for the Piston Ring monthly meet. He is paranoid about being late. Goodness knows why as the meets only really start about eight. Diane and I were up around nine and after the normal chores we had breakfast (for energy) before leaving to go hiking. We started the hike just after eleven. It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of people on the trail. The wind was blowing and as it was keeping us cool, we were very grateful. Along the way we had several short breathers and as it was cool we didn’t bother to stop in the usual spot for our snack but kept going. Before starting the hike we had decided that this time we were sticking to the 10km route and afterwards we were going to go to the coffee shop to try it out.
When we reached the 10km pointer we could see a couple of hikers not too far in front of us who were making their way up the kopje along the trail. We stopped for a breather before following them. Thank goodness we did have our breather! The trail went up and up and up. We climbed for about an hour with several stops to rest and check the views. The higher we climbed, the more stunning the views. We caught up with the other hikers who were having a break on a rocky outcrop. They carried on and we stopped for another breather in the same spot. We could see for absolute miles and where we had started climbing wasn’t even in sight any more. Such a beautiful spot and so close to Jhb centre. Unbelievable and Oh So worth the climb. By now the clouds had started to build up and we could hear thunder in the distance. Not long after we reached the top and had a straight walk across before starting the descent. On the way down my knee started to pain. I must have twisted it somewhere along the way. Every now and then was a slight uphill and my knee would be fine but as soon as we started down the pain would flare up again. This slowed us down somewhat and by the time we eventually reached the end of the hike it was rather swollen. There was a brief flurry of rain as we walked the last part along the road but by the time we reached the coffee shop at three it was over. We settled down at a table on the verandah outside and ordered a coffee for me and tea for Diane. While waiting for that we browsed through the menu and decided on a malva pudding for me and chocolate mousse for Diane. We deserved it after all our strenuous exercise. The coffee shop was part of the Protea Suikerbosrand Hotel and the menu was really extensive. Our next hike will start earlier so that we are finished by lunchtime ready to relax and have a good lunch at the coffee shop. While we were sitting there the rain started in earnest but as we were sitting under a huge umbrella we stayed dry. As we finished the wind started gusting, leaves were blowing everywhere and it was really cold. The umbrella started moving along in its base. We hurried inside where we got the bill and told the waiter he needed to take the umbrella down before it caused damage or tore in the wind. On the way home the heavens really opened and we could hardly see to drive. When we reached home the rain had eased off but the bottom of the road was flooded. The rain continued on and off for the night and the weather remained really cold and overcast. We spent the evening in front of the TV with our usual Milo watching ‘He’s just not that into you’ which we thoroughly enjoyed.

Sunday morning was another great day. Hubby left before six for the Piston Ring monthly meet. He is paranoid about being late. Goodness knows why as the meets only really start about eight. Diane and I were up around nine and after the normal chores we had breakfast (for energy) before leaving to go hiking. We started the hike just after eleven. It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of people on the trail. The wind was blowing and as it was keeping us cool, we were very grateful. Along the way we had several short breathers and as it was cool we didn’t bother to stop in the usual spot for our snack but kept going. Before starting the hike we had decided that this time we were sticking to the 10km route and afterwards we were going to go to the coffee shop to try it out.
When we reached the 10km pointer we could see a couple of hikers not too far in front of us who were making their way up the kopje along the trail. We stopped for a breather before following them. Thank goodness we did have our breather! The trail went up and up and up. We climbed for about an hour with several stops to rest and check the views. The higher we climbed, the more stunning the views. We caught up with the other hikers who were having a break on a rocky outcrop. They carried on and we stopped for another breather in the same spot. We could see for absolute miles and where we had started climbing wasn’t even in sight any more. Such a beautiful spot and so close to Jhb centre. Unbelievable and Oh So worth the climb. By now the clouds had started to build up and we could hear thunder in the distance. Not long after we reached the top and had a straight walk across before starting the descent. On the way down my knee started to pain. I must have twisted it somewhere along the way. Every now and then was a slight uphill and my knee would be fine but as soon as we started down the pain would flare up again. This slowed us down somewhat and by the time we eventually reached the end of the hike it was rather swollen. There was a brief flurry of rain as we walked the last part along the road but by the time we reached the coffee shop at three it was over. We settled down at a table on the verandah outside and ordered a coffee for me and tea for Diane. While waiting for that we browsed through the menu and decided on a malva pudding for me and chocolate mousse for Diane. We deserved it after all our strenuous exercise. The coffee shop was part of the Protea Suikerbosrand Hotel and the menu was really extensive. Our next hike will start earlier so that we are finished by lunchtime ready to relax and have a good lunch at the coffee shop. While we were sitting there the rain started in earnest but as we were sitting under a huge umbrella we stayed dry. As we finished the wind started gusting, leaves were blowing everywhere and it was really cold. The umbrella started moving along in its base. We hurried inside where we got the bill and told the waiter he needed to take the umbrella down before it caused damage or tore in the wind. On the way home the heavens really opened and we could hardly see to drive. When we reached home the rain had eased off but the bottom of the road was flooded. The rain continued on and off for the night and the weather remained really cold and overcast. We spent the evening in front of the TV with our usual Milo watching ‘He’s just not that into you’ which we thoroughly enjoyed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Frustrating Week
This past week has been a most frustrating one. On Monday the computer crashed. It had done so on Saturday but Diane managed to sort out the problem and we were back on track and able to do the blog etc but to our absolute dismay it crashed again on Monday. When your computer is your life-line this is a disaster of Note! Diane has spent the week trying everything possible to rectify the problem without success. Monday evening we had a cycle for half an hour before chilling with our glass of wine but unfortunately the chill feeling only lasted until we remembered our computer problem.
On Tuesday we were sitting chilling with our coffee mid afternoon in the lounge with the curtains open to view the fountain area. We were spellbound for at least half an hour watching all the weaver birds drinking from it. There is a large flock that we have noticed come there every afternoon to drink and spend time around the fountain. Moments like this help to keep us going in our frustrating times. Wednesday was a very busy day. Diane and I were out early going first into Meyerton to the bank before heading off to Randburg where Diane had an appointment with a client. The highway over Joburg was at a standstill so we took all the back roads through the suburbs to reach our destination. Thank goodness for the GPS. After the appointment was over we made our way back to Alberton where we had lunch at The Coffee Shop. I had a red cappuccino with peri-peri chicken livers while Diane had a red latte with a vegetarian wrap. As usual the meal was excellent and was a celebration of Diane’s successful meeting. We did some shopping afterwards before returning home where we had our chill glass of wine before having a light supper and chilling in front of the TV. It was around mid-night when we finally went to bed. I was woken about two with Digby barking down in the kitchen. I got up so see what was going on. All the dogs were barking by the fence and the dogs next door were also going berserk. When I opened the door the inside dogs rushed out and added their bit to all the noise. I went through the front to see what was going on. Pete, next door, was out with his car shining his headlights on the fence between himself and his neighbour. As I went back in the neighbourhood siren went off. Both Hubby and Diane woke up and rushed out to see what was going on. I explained the situation and Hubby went out to check our property and to see what was happening. Pete had woken with his dogs barking and heard what sounded like glass breaking so he alerted his neighbour and the siren was set off to let the response team take action. Nothing was found and all calmed down. We were back in bed about three but after all the excitement it took a while to get back to sleep. It seemed as if I had no sooner closed my eyes than the alarm went off.
Thursday and Friday was spent cleaning, doing office work and trying to sort out the computer. (Unsuccesfully). Diane and I had another cycle ride on Thursday evening. At least we have been able to have our rides. The weather has really cooled down now and the mornings are very chilly so I have my chill cuppa inside now. The late afternoons are still pleasant enough for our chill outside with our wine but the evenings are turning dark about half six now so winter is definitely fast approaching.
Sorry about the late blog update but we are using the old office computer for Internet now and it is very slow to do anything. Hope your weekend was good. Ours was busy and Diane took plenty of pics. Hopefully we will be able to sort out the computer tomorrow in order to put it all up on the blog. Keep fingers crossed!
On Tuesday we were sitting chilling with our coffee mid afternoon in the lounge with the curtains open to view the fountain area. We were spellbound for at least half an hour watching all the weaver birds drinking from it. There is a large flock that we have noticed come there every afternoon to drink and spend time around the fountain. Moments like this help to keep us going in our frustrating times. Wednesday was a very busy day. Diane and I were out early going first into Meyerton to the bank before heading off to Randburg where Diane had an appointment with a client. The highway over Joburg was at a standstill so we took all the back roads through the suburbs to reach our destination. Thank goodness for the GPS. After the appointment was over we made our way back to Alberton where we had lunch at The Coffee Shop. I had a red cappuccino with peri-peri chicken livers while Diane had a red latte with a vegetarian wrap. As usual the meal was excellent and was a celebration of Diane’s successful meeting. We did some shopping afterwards before returning home where we had our chill glass of wine before having a light supper and chilling in front of the TV. It was around mid-night when we finally went to bed. I was woken about two with Digby barking down in the kitchen. I got up so see what was going on. All the dogs were barking by the fence and the dogs next door were also going berserk. When I opened the door the inside dogs rushed out and added their bit to all the noise. I went through the front to see what was going on. Pete, next door, was out with his car shining his headlights on the fence between himself and his neighbour. As I went back in the neighbourhood siren went off. Both Hubby and Diane woke up and rushed out to see what was going on. I explained the situation and Hubby went out to check our property and to see what was happening. Pete had woken with his dogs barking and heard what sounded like glass breaking so he alerted his neighbour and the siren was set off to let the response team take action. Nothing was found and all calmed down. We were back in bed about three but after all the excitement it took a while to get back to sleep. It seemed as if I had no sooner closed my eyes than the alarm went off.
Thursday and Friday was spent cleaning, doing office work and trying to sort out the computer. (Unsuccesfully). Diane and I had another cycle ride on Thursday evening. At least we have been able to have our rides. The weather has really cooled down now and the mornings are very chilly so I have my chill cuppa inside now. The late afternoons are still pleasant enough for our chill outside with our wine but the evenings are turning dark about half six now so winter is definitely fast approaching.
Sorry about the late blog update but we are using the old office computer for Internet now and it is very slow to do anything. Hope your weekend was good. Ours was busy and Diane took plenty of pics. Hopefully we will be able to sort out the computer tomorrow in order to put it all up on the blog. Keep fingers crossed!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Chilled Weekend
Saturday morning dawned bright and clear. I was up early to sort out the dogs and make breakfast so as to be finished in time for our visit from Ali and Travis. The dogs were away and we were eagerly awaiting the visit when they arrived just after eight. Travis was as happy to see us as we were to see him. Ali had been going to bring him a few weeks ago but at the last minute was called in to work.No sooner had they arrived then Hubby took him out to the play area where he had an absolute whale of a time for well over an hour. His favourite spot was the sandpit where he kept trying to empty the sand over the edge onto the grass. Every time Ali went around to stop him he would laugh and run to the other side where he knew he was safe. The one time Ali managed to grab him she tried to take the spade away for him but he dug his heels in and hung on with both hands. It was hilarious to watch especially as Travis won that battle. We moved inside to have a cuppa and Ali washed him down in a bucket to get rid of all the sand. After the cuppa Ali left to join her friend. Travis was more than happy to wave bye and carry on running around. Hubby had his monthly Tit Car meeting and he left for that going in my Sunbeam. His friend Don went with him. Diane and I took some pics of Travis and went down to the swing to give him a push. He fell asleep on my lap while we were on the swing. I put him down to sleep and joined him for a nap. An hour and a half later he woke up and I made him some lunch which he polished off immediately. He must have been hungry after his hectic morning. We spent the rest of the time together playing and running around outside chasing the dogs. He discovered my pink wire flamingo under the trees and spent ages walking around with it though he battled as it was taller than him .Ali came back late afternoon and after visiting for about an hour they left for home. The house looked as if a hurricane had swept through it and I quickly vacuumed. Once this was done Diane and I chilled with a glass of wine to relax after the hectic day. Hubby arrived home after six and Don came in for a coffee which extended into an evening visit. Don left after eight and we had a snack before chilling in front of the TV for the rest of the night.
Sunday was my usual breakfast in bed which Hubby made about half eight. It was a lovely morning again with plenty of birds serenading us in the trees outside the bedroom window. It was nearly ten before I got up to load the dishwasher and clear the kitchen. After feeding the dogs I cleared some washing and late morning Diane and I went into Meyerton. We did shopping at the grocery store before getting Hubby’s medication and fish platters for lunch. The afternoon was spent chilling, reading and napping.We had flapjacks and cuppocino before Diane and I went for a cycle around the area. It was wonderful to be able to get on the bikes and go again. The last two weeks has been continuous bad weather and we were unable to go at all. Our ride took us an hour and we really got in some good exercise. It was chill time with our wine when we got back. Our fish lunch had been huge so we weren’t hungry – except Hubby of course - who had a snack. Diane and I chilled in front of the TV watching the Sunday night movie which was `The Proposal’ with Sandra Bullock. It was hilarious and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. We had a late nightcap before going off to bed. I was too tired to even look at my book.
Have a good week.

Sunday was my usual breakfast in bed which Hubby made about half eight. It was a lovely morning again with plenty of birds serenading us in the trees outside the bedroom window. It was nearly ten before I got up to load the dishwasher and clear the kitchen. After feeding the dogs I cleared some washing and late morning Diane and I went into Meyerton. We did shopping at the grocery store before getting Hubby’s medication and fish platters for lunch. The afternoon was spent chilling, reading and napping.We had flapjacks and cuppocino before Diane and I went for a cycle around the area. It was wonderful to be able to get on the bikes and go again. The last two weeks has been continuous bad weather and we were unable to go at all. Our ride took us an hour and we really got in some good exercise. It was chill time with our wine when we got back. Our fish lunch had been huge so we weren’t hungry – except Hubby of course - who had a snack. Diane and I chilled in front of the TV watching the Sunday night movie which was `The Proposal’ with Sandra Bullock. It was hilarious and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. We had a late nightcap before going off to bed. I was too tired to even look at my book.
Have a good week.

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Short Week
It was still wet and chilly when the alarm went off on Tuesday morning so, unfortunately, no chill with my cuppa outside. Life was back to normal and after Hubby went off to work it was the usual routine of computer work with a stop to go into Meyerton for grocery buying as stocks were low after the weekend. Late afternoon the clouds built up again and we had a fine drizzle which prevented us going for our ride. Wednesday was the same weather and routine wise except that in the afternoon we went into Alberton to take the Sars returns in before going on to Eastgate to fetch my phone. The lady said the problem had been the software which had been reloaded onto the phone. It was after four when we left Eastgate so we went the back way to avoid the highway afternoon traffic jam. No sooner had we left then it started raining and it rained until just before getting home. With the colder evenings I have been having a bath instead of the usual shower. The first time I bathed I was leaning forward to rinse my face when I saw a dead spider floating in the water which I fished out and left by the taps. I leant forward to carry on when to my horror I saw a spider swimming in front of me. I whipped my shower cap off thinking they must have come off there and fished it out, opened the window and shook it out there. It landed on the window sill and started running towards me. Quickly I blew on it and it disappeared out the window. I went back to rinsing my face and was even more horrified to find another spider in the water so carefully checked the facecloth to make sure there were no more on it. There were none but I spent the rest of the time watching carefully for any more to appear but luckily that was it. Talk about the stuff of nightmares. I get the heebies every time I think about it.
Thursday morning was still overcast and cool. I made an extra special breakfast for Hubby seeing that it was his birthday. Diane and I gave him his presents and he chilled in bed for a time before stirring himself to get ready for the workshop. My phone had gone off again and was exactly the same as before so after doing some office work Diane and I went into Alberton City to take the phone there. After wandering around we took the phone in to get checked over – properly I hope -before I dropped Diane off at Julie. She was taking Hubby’s crutches for Julie to use. I went on up to the workshop to check on things and do some faxing from the landline. Hubby was having a good day with lots of phone calls and visits for his birthday. Once I had finished my faxing and chatted with visitors there I went back to fetch Diane and say Hi to Julie. Poor Julie is not having a good time. She has had an operation on her foot and after five weeks is still not healed and she can’t stand on it which is why she needed the crutches. Jared had his tonsils out last week and his grommet’s removed but seems to have an ear and throat infection now and to top it all she is very stressed as her dog killed her cat in front of her. Shame, it is so true ` it never rains but it pours’. Diane and I quickly went back to the workshop to make sure Hubby wasn’t going to be late as we wanted to take him out for a birthday supper before leaving for home.Hubby arrived home just after us and we all chilled outside with a glass of wine chatting before getting ready for our evening out. It was just after six when we left for the Piatto in Alberton getting more calls for birthday wishes along the way. The Piatto was busy but luckily we found a parking right in front. We sat outside on the balcony and had rock shandies – Hubby ordered his with extra cherries of course. It was very pleasant sitting there chatting and chilling. To Diane’s delight the Piatto now has a sushi menu and she ordered that for her meal. Hubby and I had rump steaks with chips and onion rings and the usual trimmings. We all thoroughly enjoyed the excellent food and finished off with a cappuccino each. It wasn’t too late when we got home and we spent the rest of the evening watching the usual TV and having a late Milo before going to bed. Hubby’s leg was really painful again and after he took pain-killers we chatted before they kicked in and he was able to sleep. We eventually put out the light around two.
On Friday morning I let Hubby sleep late before giving him his breakfast so that he could make up for his late turn-in. It was after nine before he left for the workshop and I got down to some serious cleaning and clearing washing. The weather was still overcast and cool but was windy so that helped to dry the washing. During the afternoon I had a nap to try and catch up on my sleep. Hubby was home about five and we chilled outside with our wine again. The sky was clear and though it was cool it was a beautiful evening with lots of birds singing in the trees above us. We even heard the red-billed hoopoes around in the trees next to the braai area. Hubby’s foot and leg still weren’t feeling too good so he went to rest them while I made supper. Diane and I spent the rest of the evening chilling in front of the TV before going to bed about twelve. When I went to lock up and take the dogs to the loo something jumped across the kitchen floor and landed on Bowser’s mat. I bent to examine it and found it was a little frog no bigger than my thumb nail which I took outside and released into the grass. Things like this is what makes living here so special.All for now. Cheers and have a fabulous weekend.

Thursday morning was still overcast and cool. I made an extra special breakfast for Hubby seeing that it was his birthday. Diane and I gave him his presents and he chilled in bed for a time before stirring himself to get ready for the workshop. My phone had gone off again and was exactly the same as before so after doing some office work Diane and I went into Alberton City to take the phone there. After wandering around we took the phone in to get checked over – properly I hope -before I dropped Diane off at Julie. She was taking Hubby’s crutches for Julie to use. I went on up to the workshop to check on things and do some faxing from the landline. Hubby was having a good day with lots of phone calls and visits for his birthday. Once I had finished my faxing and chatted with visitors there I went back to fetch Diane and say Hi to Julie. Poor Julie is not having a good time. She has had an operation on her foot and after five weeks is still not healed and she can’t stand on it which is why she needed the crutches. Jared had his tonsils out last week and his grommet’s removed but seems to have an ear and throat infection now and to top it all she is very stressed as her dog killed her cat in front of her. Shame, it is so true ` it never rains but it pours’. Diane and I quickly went back to the workshop to make sure Hubby wasn’t going to be late as we wanted to take him out for a birthday supper before leaving for home.Hubby arrived home just after us and we all chilled outside with a glass of wine chatting before getting ready for our evening out. It was just after six when we left for the Piatto in Alberton getting more calls for birthday wishes along the way. The Piatto was busy but luckily we found a parking right in front. We sat outside on the balcony and had rock shandies – Hubby ordered his with extra cherries of course. It was very pleasant sitting there chatting and chilling. To Diane’s delight the Piatto now has a sushi menu and she ordered that for her meal. Hubby and I had rump steaks with chips and onion rings and the usual trimmings. We all thoroughly enjoyed the excellent food and finished off with a cappuccino each. It wasn’t too late when we got home and we spent the rest of the evening watching the usual TV and having a late Milo before going to bed. Hubby’s leg was really painful again and after he took pain-killers we chatted before they kicked in and he was able to sleep. We eventually put out the light around two.
On Friday morning I let Hubby sleep late before giving him his breakfast so that he could make up for his late turn-in. It was after nine before he left for the workshop and I got down to some serious cleaning and clearing washing. The weather was still overcast and cool but was windy so that helped to dry the washing. During the afternoon I had a nap to try and catch up on my sleep. Hubby was home about five and we chilled outside with our wine again. The sky was clear and though it was cool it was a beautiful evening with lots of birds singing in the trees above us. We even heard the red-billed hoopoes around in the trees next to the braai area. Hubby’s foot and leg still weren’t feeling too good so he went to rest them while I made supper. Diane and I spent the rest of the evening chilling in front of the TV before going to bed about twelve. When I went to lock up and take the dogs to the loo something jumped across the kitchen floor and landed on Bowser’s mat. I bent to examine it and found it was a little frog no bigger than my thumb nail which I took outside and released into the grass. Things like this is what makes living here so special.All for now. Cheers and have a fabulous weekend.

Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Monday
Had a perfect wake-up call again with coffee in bed from Hubby. The weather was back to overcast and chilly again. After having our cuppa we chilled watching TV before Hubby made our breakfast. I fed the dogs and made a second cuppa which I had while sitting working on the computer. Hubby left soon after to go into the workshop and Diane and I got ready to go on a hike as even though it was overcast the clouds were high. We left just after half ten discussing on the way which hiking trail to follow. The last time we were there we had been given a booklet for the Cheetah Trail which is 4.5kms long and there were points of interest all along it so we decided to go round twice to get a good mileage in.We set out just after eleven passing the old farmhouse first. The pioneer house was built in 1845 (one of the oldest in Gauteng) by Jan Gabriel Marais who farmed there with his wife and eight children. As was the practice in those days a short distance from the homestead is the cemetery where they are buried. After stopping at the cemetery we carried on with the trail passing an old Cheesewood Tree which is reputed to have medicinal properties used to treat fevers and stomach complaints. Further up the trial is a stone-walled site dating back to the late Iron Age. We looked over the site (which was rather overgrown with grass after all the rain we have had) and took pics before carrying on with the trail which climbed steadily up. There were a lot of people out enjoying the day and the Trail. By now the effects of the climb were starting to be felt and whenever we passed a point of interest we stopped to admire the view and take a pic. Point 6 was not a place to admire as the view was across to Joburg where the pollution hung over the city in a dark cloud. We were really enjoying our hike with all the places of interest along the way and were glad we had decided to take the shorter, historical route. We passed through a section full of Protea bushes which unfortunately weren’t in flower yet. The Highveld Protea or Suikerbos is very common in the reserve and this is what gave the mountain range running through the reserve and the reserve itself it’s name. By now thunder had started to rumble in the distance and before we got much further the rain started. Luckily it was fairly light rain and we just continued with our walk after putting the camera away into the back-pack. Our shoulders got wet and the trail became slippery. Once we reached the end of the trail the rain had stopped but the clouds were still very low so we went to the parking area to snack on the biscuits we had taken with before doing any more hiking. No sooner had we reached there when the heavens opened and the rain bucketed down. We sheltered under some carports and ate our biscuits watching people coming in soaked after being caught out in the open. When the rain eased off we went back to the car ready to leave as it was not an option to go slipping and sliding through the mud along the Trail. We were driving out to the gate when we decided that seeing as it was not even one o’clock instead of going home we would drive through the reserve and out the Kareekloof gate. I did a u-turn and went back on the tourist route first doing the loop around the top and back through to the parking area again. We were on the road back passing the spot where we had been rescued on our first hike there when we were waved down by two Grannies who begged for a lift. They had been caught in the rain and were walking along the road to avoid the muddy paths. Further along the road were more people hoping for a lift who were shocked to see their Grannies waving and smiling at them. The Grannies wanted to be dropped at the parking area so they could get their car and go back and pick up the rest of their group. Diane and I had a good laugh at them and wished them luck when we dropped them off before going back up the tourist route. The grass was very long and it was not easy to spot anything. We were having a moan about the lack of wildlife when we rounded a corner and there in front of us was something running along the road. At first I thought it was a dog but when it realized we were there and dived off into the long grass I noticed a long bushy tail. There were a lot of birds everywhere and at one point a group of francolins ran along the road in front of us before also disappearing into the grass. We were climbing higher into the mountain range when we noticed a large flock of birds circling and stopped to look through the binoculars. While we were stopped we heard the bellowing of some animal in the distance. It really sounded as if it was in agony. We tried to see if there was anything where the birds were circling but the grass was too high so we carried on driving through some beautiful scenery with vegetation ranging from grassland to thickly wooded areas and in one spot a mass of aloe plants. Another stunning view was the Sedevan Dam where we stopped to take more pics. It was driving through another grassland area that we at last saw some bokkies and wildebees. There were three large groups close together and a little further on were a couple of zebra. Our day was made and we were happy to leave after that. It was after half two by the time we drove out the Kareekloof gate and it wasn’t long before we got home where we chilled with a cappuccino before doing anything. Hubby arrived home soon after and no sooner was he home than the rain started and it turned really cold. It rained for most of the evening with periods of heavy rain alternating with very light drizzle. We chilled in front of the TV watching ` Numbers’ after which we had our Milo and I did the blog. It must just be posted and the pics checked to see what can be included after which I’m off to bed.
Cheers. Hope you had a Great Easter Weekend and have a Good Week.

Cheers. Hope you had a Great Easter Weekend and have a Good Week.

Easter Monday,
Easter Weekend
Was woken when Hubby bought me breakfast in bed again. The sky was overcast and there was still a nip in the air. After chilling over breakfast I got up to see to the dogs and load the breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. Hubby had left eggshells on the counter top and I threw them into the garden (good fertilizer). Next thing brat Digby was sitting on the mat chewing an eggshell. He left a lovely mess of eggshell bits all over it for me to clean up. Dogs! Sometimes they are so irritating. With all the rain around Gaby has become very fastidious and refuses to go outside and get her feet wet so for the last few mornings has been leaving me a nice parcel to clean up. Enough is enough! Who needs that first thing in the morning?After seeing to his foot Hubby went in to the workshop to do some odds and ends – notably my Plymouth engine that has been patiently waiting for ever. Maybe will be able to drive it soon. By mid-morning the cloud had cleared and it was a gorgeous day so I made hay while the sun shone and quickly bathed the two brats (Babies). Diane checked e-mails quickly and then we decided to take my new phone in as it keeps going off and coming back on after fiddling around with the battery. We left late morning and went off to Eastgate. Driving there was an absolute pleasure as there were no road works being carried out and a lot of people must be away for the long weekend. Though when we reached the parking area it didn’t look like it as we had to drive around waiting for someone to leave to get a parking spot. On the drive there we had decided to see a movie seeing as we were there anyway and to go all that way just to take a phone in would be a waste. First we stopped at the booking office where we bought tickets to see ` It’s Complicated’ and then we took the phone in. It was booked in for checking by a technician and I put my sim card into my old phone which luckily I had taken with. That done we went to Mugg n Bean for a bite to eat. Diane ordered a veggie wrap while I had spicy wings and wedges - good stuff – and we both had coffees. A red cappuccino for me and a red latte for her. We both enjoyed the meal and after paying went down to the movies, getting there just in time. The movie was hilarious and really entertaining. It was nearly six when we reached home and still a beautiful day. The dogs were still looking good, Digby was so white. We spent a chill evening in front of the TV, having our wine with our meal.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day when we woke up. Hubby and I chilled outside with a morning cuppa and a chat. What a good start to the day! While I fed the dogs Hubby made the breakfast which I ate under the trees. He was eating his in front of the TV. I was energized after my chill outside and decided to tackle a long- awaited task. Mending! Hubby has so many pairs of jeans which he has torn. He is a very careless person and two pairs were brand new. Diane had also given me things to fix over the past few months like straps coming undone etc. It was a very productive day as all the mending was cleared. Hubby was so impressed and quickly dug out his new jacket and all the badges he had been collecting. There were seven altogether and after he had pinned them were he wanted them I started with the job. I was very happy to find that only three needed to be sewn on as the others were iron-on. After completing that we celebrated with a glass of wine under the trees. Hubby was thrilled with all that was back in his cupboard and so decided to make the supper. I was on a roll and went looking for more to sew but sadly there was nothing so spent the evening in front of the TV instead. `Americanizing Shelley’ and then ` Midsummer Murders’ was on and we enjoyed both having our Milo in between the two movies. ` Law and Order’ came on before I could switch the TV off and we ended up watching that as well before going to bed around midnight.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day when we woke up. Hubby and I chilled outside with a morning cuppa and a chat. What a good start to the day! While I fed the dogs Hubby made the breakfast which I ate under the trees. He was eating his in front of the TV. I was energized after my chill outside and decided to tackle a long- awaited task. Mending! Hubby has so many pairs of jeans which he has torn. He is a very careless person and two pairs were brand new. Diane had also given me things to fix over the past few months like straps coming undone etc. It was a very productive day as all the mending was cleared. Hubby was so impressed and quickly dug out his new jacket and all the badges he had been collecting. There were seven altogether and after he had pinned them were he wanted them I started with the job. I was very happy to find that only three needed to be sewn on as the others were iron-on. After completing that we celebrated with a glass of wine under the trees. Hubby was thrilled with all that was back in his cupboard and so decided to make the supper. I was on a roll and went looking for more to sew but sadly there was nothing so spent the evening in front of the TV instead. `Americanizing Shelley’ and then ` Midsummer Murders’ was on and we enjoyed both having our Milo in between the two movies. ` Law and Order’ came on before I could switch the TV off and we ended up watching that as well before going to bed around midnight.
Easter weekend,
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Chill Weekend/ Stressful Week
Had a really good chill weekend doing absolutely nothing but the bare necessities and chilling with my book. The weather was good and Diane and I enjoyed our chill times outside making the most of the good weather while it lasts. We went for a half hour walk on Saturday morning and on Sunday afternoon went for an hour ride around the area. There were a lot of guinea fowl around and at one time a large group of about eleven rushed out from the grass and ran along in front of us for a short while before breaking into flight. They really are amusing to watch. It was chill time with a glass of wine after the ride before having an evening in front of the TV while Hubby made supper. Went to bed late as usual after having the inevitable Milo.Monday morning was able to chill outside again as the weather was still good. Once breakfast was over and Hubby had left the pace changed. I got stuck into my statements and spent the morning on the computer. My ink was running low on the printer so after lunch we quickly went into Meyerton to get a new cartridge so that I could finish. We also did some shopping for the essentials of bread and milk etc. When we got back I continued and also faxed what I could via the computer before the weather turned bad and there was a lot of thunder and lightning around. Our afternoon ride was out as a fine rain started so we chilled with a glass of wine in front of the TV where we spent the evening. The rain was so fine it didn’t actually measure in the rain gauge but the storm activity kept us off the computer.
The weather was overcast and chilly on Tuesday morning and I just had a quick cuppa while making breakfast. I sorted out what needed faxing from the workshop and we went into Alberton early to fax from the workshop. Wonderful! Alberton had no power. The roads into the workshop were a nightmare as every single one was a four way stop which slowed and backed up the traffic. Diane and I left Hubby at the workshop and went down to Alberton City where luckily most shops had generators. We spent over an hour at Game trying to sort out the new printer which does all but print from emails. The Wonderful technician had no way of testing that so told us we must have connected our cables incorrectly and to go try the printer again. We realized how clued up he was when he tried to check the printer by opening the sms box. What a waste of time and so frustrating! We left there and went to console ourselves with a plate of Aroma Fries and a cappuccino. After a call to Hubby we learnt the power was still off so quickly went to the Sars office to sort out a query which took almost an hour with the queuing time. We really do waste so much time in queues! The power was still off so we picked up Hubby and headed home. The day had remained overcast and cool and the rain started again just after we reached home so no computer again.
Wednesday morning it was still cool and overcast so I quickly put some washing on before trying to fax the remaining statements on the computer. The connection kept disconnecting because of the weather and half the statements couldn’t go through as there was no response from the other end. Alberton’s power was only back on mid-morning. Customers were complaining bitterly as their work was taking longer than normal to get done but with no power what did they expect! Miracles! Hubby has decided it is time he organized a generator for there. The bad weather started again during the afternoon and we had to put the computer off again. I started with cleaning so that all would be clean for the long weekend.
Thursday was another frustrating day of bad weather, bad computer connections and cleaning. I spent part of the morning following up on slow paying customers as well as quickly going into the bank and doing some shopping for the long weekend. Diane managed to get most of the faxing done but there is still a few outstanding which will have to wait for next week. At least the house and cottage was all cleaned for the weekend and most of the month end office work finished. During the afternoon I went outside to the braai area and couldn’t believe how windy it was. The wind was whipping the top of the trees and a sudden gust sent swirling clouds of leaves and dust all around me. I could hardly see through it all. It is amazing how quickly the trees are losing their leaves.
Good Friday started well with Hubby bringing me breakfast in bed after which I chilled with him watching some TV before getting up to feed the dogs and clean the kitchen. `Philadelphia‘ was on TV and ended up watching it. I had never bothered before as it didn’t appeal to me but I really enjoyed watching it. Tom Hanks is an outstanding actor and was really impressive in the role. We spent the rest of the day lazing around as it was very chilly and windy with intermittent rain. Hubby’s foot was throbbing and after taking painkillers he rested it. I made spaghetti bolognaise for supper using wheat-free pasta I found which we had with a glass of wine. Diane enjoyed it but I wasn’t too sure whether I liked it or not. Hubby doesn’t like this sort of pasta and always moans when I use the low Gi variety but I was most surprised when he said how good the meal was. In fact he enjoyed it so much he went to the garage to buy us some chocolate to end off the meal in the right way. I didn’t complain. We spent the rest of the evening watching TV. `Flyboys’ was on again and we were able to watch the entire movie – before we had only managed to see the last part of it. Those guys had guts flying those planes during the First World War.
Well that’s all for now. Enjoy the rest of the Easter Weekend.
The weather was overcast and chilly on Tuesday morning and I just had a quick cuppa while making breakfast. I sorted out what needed faxing from the workshop and we went into Alberton early to fax from the workshop. Wonderful! Alberton had no power. The roads into the workshop were a nightmare as every single one was a four way stop which slowed and backed up the traffic. Diane and I left Hubby at the workshop and went down to Alberton City where luckily most shops had generators. We spent over an hour at Game trying to sort out the new printer which does all but print from emails. The Wonderful technician had no way of testing that so told us we must have connected our cables incorrectly and to go try the printer again. We realized how clued up he was when he tried to check the printer by opening the sms box. What a waste of time and so frustrating! We left there and went to console ourselves with a plate of Aroma Fries and a cappuccino. After a call to Hubby we learnt the power was still off so quickly went to the Sars office to sort out a query which took almost an hour with the queuing time. We really do waste so much time in queues! The power was still off so we picked up Hubby and headed home. The day had remained overcast and cool and the rain started again just after we reached home so no computer again.
Wednesday morning it was still cool and overcast so I quickly put some washing on before trying to fax the remaining statements on the computer. The connection kept disconnecting because of the weather and half the statements couldn’t go through as there was no response from the other end. Alberton’s power was only back on mid-morning. Customers were complaining bitterly as their work was taking longer than normal to get done but with no power what did they expect! Miracles! Hubby has decided it is time he organized a generator for there. The bad weather started again during the afternoon and we had to put the computer off again. I started with cleaning so that all would be clean for the long weekend.
Thursday was another frustrating day of bad weather, bad computer connections and cleaning. I spent part of the morning following up on slow paying customers as well as quickly going into the bank and doing some shopping for the long weekend. Diane managed to get most of the faxing done but there is still a few outstanding which will have to wait for next week. At least the house and cottage was all cleaned for the weekend and most of the month end office work finished. During the afternoon I went outside to the braai area and couldn’t believe how windy it was. The wind was whipping the top of the trees and a sudden gust sent swirling clouds of leaves and dust all around me. I could hardly see through it all. It is amazing how quickly the trees are losing their leaves.
Good Friday started well with Hubby bringing me breakfast in bed after which I chilled with him watching some TV before getting up to feed the dogs and clean the kitchen. `Philadelphia‘ was on TV and ended up watching it. I had never bothered before as it didn’t appeal to me but I really enjoyed watching it. Tom Hanks is an outstanding actor and was really impressive in the role. We spent the rest of the day lazing around as it was very chilly and windy with intermittent rain. Hubby’s foot was throbbing and after taking painkillers he rested it. I made spaghetti bolognaise for supper using wheat-free pasta I found which we had with a glass of wine. Diane enjoyed it but I wasn’t too sure whether I liked it or not. Hubby doesn’t like this sort of pasta and always moans when I use the low Gi variety but I was most surprised when he said how good the meal was. In fact he enjoyed it so much he went to the garage to buy us some chocolate to end off the meal in the right way. I didn’t complain. We spent the rest of the evening watching TV. `Flyboys’ was on again and we were able to watch the entire movie – before we had only managed to see the last part of it. Those guys had guts flying those planes during the First World War.
Well that’s all for now. Enjoy the rest of the Easter Weekend.
chill time.,
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