Thursday was another cool start to the day but at least my alarm went off today – I fiddled around with the battery and now it seems ok. Only time will tell! Chilled inside with my coffee before feeding the dogs and Hubby. Hubby was picked up just after eight by Don as they were going to check out Alfa parts for sale. Diane and I got on to the computer sorting out various queries which took most of the morning. We had a mid morning break chilling under the trees with a cappuccino and were serenaded by all the birds around. There has been a flock of red billed hoopoes around for the last few weeks and they were in the trees near the gate making a lot of noise. There were also several sun birds flitting around among the cannas. They must be making the most of the time left before the flowers die off for the winter. Our printer has packed up which is a real nuisance as it’s always needed for making copies etc so after lunch we decided to go into Alberton to look for a new one. Game was having a Big Birthday Sale so we went there to check out printers and to use up the voucher given with my phone upgrade. On the way in we noticed the traffic on the outward bound side of the highway was at a standstill due to a truck that had jack-knifed.Us shopaholics had a wonderful spree! We were able to get an HP Photo printer which also scans, prints and copies. There was plenty on special and we picked up several other items as well leaving with a full trolley. Bliss! There is nothing like a shopping expedition to lift the spirits and improve the day. Next stop was ` The Coffee Shop’ for something to quench the thirst before heading home. I was happy to see it was not yet four thirty so knew we were missing the home going rush. The highway flowed freely until we reached the Heidelberg Turn Off where the traffic was not moving. Most cars were going off to take the road alongside the highway through to the next turn off. We followed suit but realized the traffic flow was no better as there were too many cars trying to go the same way. After phoning Hubby to warn him we turned right instead taking the dirt road through to Blue Saddles Ranch and onto the Walkerville road. It was almost half five now and once we got home and unpacked the cars we changed into shorts and had our ride. After recovering from the ride I made a quick supper in time for ` Numbers’ and `Flash Point’. Hubby only got home at seven just in time to eat. It was on to the internet again after our viewing before going to bed to read some more of my book.
It was another cool morning with a very light drizzle when I surfaced after the alarm went off. Phone still ok so far. Had my wake up cuppa inside again. After Hubby had left I got onto the computer to check emails before starting my weekly clean-up. Spent the day cleaning, chilling and reading. Hubby was home around four to get ready for his night out at a Tit meeting. A guy in the next street from ours had organized an evening with the `Welsh Male Voice Choir of South Africa’. It didn’t appeal to me at all but I agreed to take two tickets when he phoned to ask if we were interested in the evening. Hubby had his night out so I dragged Diane along with me. At least it was nice and close being in the next street and being on a plot plenty of parking. We were surprised to see so many people there when we arrived and there were very few seats left when we walked in to the seating area. The guy has a huge lounge as high as a double story with a balcony for extra seating. Before the Choir started he told the audience he had built it especially with the thought in mind of having the Choir sing there and the evening was a dream come true for him. The Choir filed in to the front of the lounge standing in three rows. There were about thirty of them altogether. Well! Were Diane and I pleasantly surprised? The evening was absolutely FANTASTIC. They sang some spiritual numbers, Elvis numbers as well as ` You Raise me Up’ and `The Rose’ plus of course some Welsh Numbers. They also sang my all time favourite ` Danny Boy’. The guy announcing what they would sing was a real comedian and had the audience in fits of laughter. We were even treated to some Piano playing by the Conductor who was really, really good. After an interval for refreshments we were treated to some more music. When they finished the audience clapped and cheered so much the Choir gave us an encore of ` When the Saints Come Marching In’. It was a perfect finish. Both Diane and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and when it was announced that the Conductor had agreed to come back next month and give us an evening of Piano we decided we would definitely be there. The Choir also agreed to come back later in the year. I can’t wait. The evening was not over as it was announced there would be a sing-a-long accompanied by the Conductor on the piano. Unfortunately we couldn’t stay as we needed to get home and unlock for Hubby. It was about ten forty when we got home and we watched TV for awhile before going off to bed.Cheers and have a Fabulous Weekend.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Start of a Short Week
Was up a bit late as my alarm hadn’t gone off. Luckily Hubby had woken and was already in the kitchen making coffee. It was annoying to see that my phone had switched off. The weather was clear but nippy so I chilled indoors with my cuppa. After Hubby had left for the workshop Diane got busy with computer work while I cleared some much needed washing. Late morning we went in to Meyerton to get groceries as well as stop at the bank and chemist for the dogs anti tick and flea tablets. We were back by two and I carried on with washing. There were four loads to do all in all. Hubby arrived just after I had hung out the last lot and no sooner was he home then it started raining. It turned really chilly and we were, sadly, unable to have our ride.I started supper early so that all would be finished by the time our favourite ` Numbers’ started. The meal consisted of ribs, chips and salad which was really tasty and made a nice change from the norm. The dishwasher was all loaded and the kitchen tidy in good time. Sometimes I even impress myself! We spent the evening watching TV as there was too much storm activity to be able to put the computer on. Obviously having our Milo while doing so. I checked my phone and the battery life was 76% so I set the alarm and went to bed to read briefly. I am now reading `Ninja’ by Eric Van Lustbader as I enjoyed his `Zero’.
I was really annoyed when I woke -late again- to find that my phone had switched off. Again! Will have to take it back. The day was overcast and very chilly so I chilled with my coffee in the sun lounge watching all the birds. I have noticed that the swallows are lining the electricity wires getting ready to migrate. I spent the morning sorting out queries ready for starting statements again while Diane was busy with computer work. About eleven I felt really sick with sinus so took some tablets and went to have a nap in the hope of improving my symptoms. The sleep helped slightly and I spent the rest of the day half-heartedly doing some more office work. Hubby was home early as he also wasn’t feeling too good either. Needless to say we didn’t have a ride again. Everything was an effort to do and I eventually got round to starting supper about twenty to seven. After a late meal I watched TV with Diane before finding the energy to clear the kitchen after which Diane and I got onto the computer again. We had a late Milo before going off to bed. No sooner was I in bed than my phone switched off - so annoying.
I have been watching the ABSA Cape Epic race each evening and am amazed at the fitness level of the competitors. They just never stop whether going up a steep climb or down an incline. Punctures or other problems are fixed at a phenomenal speed. The scenery they are riding through is absolutely spectacular going through mountains, valleys and vineyards but I’m sure they don’t have much time to appreciate it as time is of the essence. One part of the race was for 7kms along the railway line through Mitchells Pass - Stunning! I would love to take a Very Leisurely ride through some of the areas. The race is over a distance of 722kms done in eight days and the only race in the world where amateurs can participate alongside professionals. The participants ride in teams of two and cannot be more than 2 minutes apart to avoid penalties. Joel Stransky and Mark Fish are just two of the well known names participating in the event. After stage two tragedy struck the race with the passing away of James Williamson 26 years old from Melbourne, Australia. He just never woke up and was found in his tent in the morning. It was a sad, tragic day in the history of the race. Condolences have gone out for his family.
I was really annoyed when I woke -late again- to find that my phone had switched off. Again! Will have to take it back. The day was overcast and very chilly so I chilled with my coffee in the sun lounge watching all the birds. I have noticed that the swallows are lining the electricity wires getting ready to migrate. I spent the morning sorting out queries ready for starting statements again while Diane was busy with computer work. About eleven I felt really sick with sinus so took some tablets and went to have a nap in the hope of improving my symptoms. The sleep helped slightly and I spent the rest of the day half-heartedly doing some more office work. Hubby was home early as he also wasn’t feeling too good either. Needless to say we didn’t have a ride again. Everything was an effort to do and I eventually got round to starting supper about twenty to seven. After a late meal I watched TV with Diane before finding the energy to clear the kitchen after which Diane and I got onto the computer again. We had a late Milo before going off to bed. No sooner was I in bed than my phone switched off - so annoying.
I have been watching the ABSA Cape Epic race each evening and am amazed at the fitness level of the competitors. They just never stop whether going up a steep climb or down an incline. Punctures or other problems are fixed at a phenomenal speed. The scenery they are riding through is absolutely spectacular going through mountains, valleys and vineyards but I’m sure they don’t have much time to appreciate it as time is of the essence. One part of the race was for 7kms along the railway line through Mitchells Pass - Stunning! I would love to take a Very Leisurely ride through some of the areas. The race is over a distance of 722kms done in eight days and the only race in the world where amateurs can participate alongside professionals. The participants ride in teams of two and cannot be more than 2 minutes apart to avoid penalties. Joel Stransky and Mark Fish are just two of the well known names participating in the event. After stage two tragedy struck the race with the passing away of James Williamson 26 years old from Melbourne, Australia. He just never woke up and was found in his tent in the morning. It was a sad, tragic day in the history of the race. Condolences have gone out for his family.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Human Rights Day
Was up early to an overcast, cool day. Went to the kitchen to have my wake up cuppa. Hubby followed as he wanted to make breakfast seeing that he was not able to on Sunday. I sat with my cuppa looking out the window at the birds while he made a breakfast of bacon, egg and toast. After breakfast Diane and I went onto the computer while we waited to see if the weather would improve so that we could have our hike. We eventually organized our `pad kos’ (picnic) and left just after eleven. The road down to Suikerbosrand was stunning. Just miles and miles of cosmos. Two weeks ago there was nothing and then this time they were everywhere.We arrived and started our hike about ten to twelve. Diane set my new phone to count our steps as she discovered the facility when going through the booklet. Whenever I get an upgrade she checks it out and then shows me what to do. Much easier than me trying to work out the instructions.Seeing that we had so much more time to complete the hike we were able to take our time and appreciate the scenery around us. I am happy to say the cycling has definitely improved my fitness level. I only started huffing and puffing on the second uphill this time. The day had really warmed up and the sun was shining in a blue sky. We had our stop at the same place as last time reaching it after an hour. There were several groups of people around also hiking through. While we were sitting eating our cheese rolls a guy came up from the opposite direction who made me feel good as he was huffing and puffing even worse than I had done. After chilling and enjoying the scenery we carried on going down all the way before leveling out and carrying on along the road side. I could see why the guy had huffed and puffed so much. When we have completed a few more hikes I would like to go from the opposite direction too. We passed two more groups resting with a picnic on the side of the path before going up again. By now thunder and lightning had started up in the distance and we quickened the pace so that we wouldn’t be caught in the middle of the lightning among the rocky kopies - not that anywhere was really rock free, but it felt safer along the level ridges. Luckily the storm activity passed us by after about half an hour and we slowed down and continued enjoying the scenery and hike. When we reached the signposts Diane wanted to take the 10km route but I wanted to try the same route as last time to see if we could find the way up and over the kopies to the car park. When we reached the little stream we relaxed and took some pics before going upstream for a short way to try and find the start of another path. Unfortunately we had no such luck and seeing that it was almost three decided to walk along the road. As I told Diane we had plenty of time to do it in. Diane wasn’t too impressed as we reached the car park at ten past four. I promised her we wouldn’t go that route again but at least we now know for sure that the route ends at the road. We checked the reading on the phone and were pleased and surprised to see that we had completed 18,392 steps. Don’t know the kms but it must have been between 13 and 15 – at least I hope so. Starting a hike earlier is a much better plan as we were able to enjoy the experience so much more and can’t wait to do the next one. Hopefully we will be able to do a hike every second week at least. On the way home we took pics of the cosmos on the roadside. When we got back Hubby was fast asleep so Diane and I chilled with a glass of wine which was interrupted by friends of Hubby who arrived to look at old car parts. Diane and I watched ` Kung Fu Panda on TV while they were busy outside. When they left Diane made herself noodles while I made wors rolls for Hubby and I. It was too late for anything else. We watched our normal of `Numbers’ and ` Flash Point’ chilling with our Milo after which we got on the computer for a while before retiring for the night.

good times,
Human rights day,
Monday, March 22, 2010
Chilled Sunday
The alarm woke us up at four and Hubby got up to get ready to leave for the Piston Ring meeting. I reset the alarm for seven and went back to sleep. When the alarm went off again I got up to have my chill coffee outside under the trees. Diane and I were ready just before nine and took the Sunbeam for a spin to the local shop to get the dog food before leaving for the Piston Ring. The March Meeting is a Swop Meet and is always a busy one. We decided to risk the highway as it was already nearly ten. To our surprise the highway was clear all the way as all the lanes were open. As we got to Modderfontein we joined up with the Harley Club who were also arriving. There were about 40 bikes in the convoy and we fell in behind them arriving to quite a welcome as lots of people stopped to watch the arrival. The place was packed with cars parked all the way down both sides of the road as the parking areas were all full. Luckily we managed to find a parking quite close on the verge of the road. We wandered around for some time taking pics before eventually finding Hubby stopping to talk to friends along the way. We found Gino manning the bottom entrance and after a chat went off to buy coollies for the three of us. After giving Gino his drink we went back up the club house where we sat chatting with friends before wandering around again. There were tons of people there – it was one of the biggest Swop Meets in years. When Diane and I tried to get something to eat just before twelve everywhere had sold out already. Hubby said he would take us to lunch on the way home. We left about one stopping at the Piatto in Alberton. Diane and I arrived first and ordered rock shandies for all of us. Hubby ordered spaghetti bolognaise with a salad, I ordered a `Fillet Piatto’ and Diane ordered butternut filled pasta pockets with a cheese sauce. Diane and I had a glass of wine with our food. The rock shandies are really good at the Piatto as they put a cherry in them. My meal was delicious. The fillet was on a bed of polenta smothered with mushroom sauce and rocket with sweet pumpkin and creamed spinach. When we arrived at the Piatto it was bright sunshine and very hot but by the time we left it was dark and windy with a few drops of rain in the air. Hubby enjoyed his cherry so much he asked the waiter if he could have a couple on a plate and was delighted when he was given four of them. Needless to say the waiter got a good tip.We arrived home about four and all went for a nap. I woke up just before six and woke Diane up so that we could go for a quick ride. It was getting dark so we just took the shortest route and rode for half an hour. This is our fourth ride for the week so I reckon we aren’t doing too badly with our keep fit. When we got back we spent the rest of the evening chilling in front of the TV. The Sunday Night Movie was ` Australia’ which we thoroughly enjoyed. Diane made the Milo ready for the start of the movie which finished about half ten. There was nothing else worth watching so we went to bed after making sure the dogs went out to the loo. I read for about an hour or so before putting out the light.Cheers and have a great week.

Good start to the Long Weekend
It was a windy, overcast morning again when the alarm woke me up. I sat looking outside in the cottage lounge with my wake-up cuppa and noticed the leaves on the mulberry tree are turning yellow. Autumn is officially here. Hubby left for the Piston Ring as soon as breakfast was over - about eight- and Diane and I got ready for our day out. We were ready to leave just before ten but before leaving phoned Hubby to see how the highway had been on his way through. He said it had been a clear run all the way through so we decided to go on the highway and not through the back roads. We had a good run until joining the highway just before Germiston where as we rounded to join the N3 from the R59 the five lanes suddenly became one about half a Km in front of us. The traffic was at a standstill and the traffic stood unmoving. Eventually I turned off the car as most people around had done. People were even getting out their vehicles and walking around. It was ridiculous! After about fifteen minutes the cars started moving and within minutes were through. A second lane had been opened and once five lanes had managed to squeeze into two we all moved fast and within five minutes had parked at Bedford Centre where even though it was almost eleven the parking area was almost empty. I remarked to Diane that everyone must be stuck on the highway. We made our way across to the Mugg and Bean where Pauline, Val and Kim had got a table for all of us. Pauline had been stuck in a road block coming from the other direction so also had only just arrived. We had coffees and breakfast while Diane and I heard all about their stay in Prague. The trip was Pauline’s second but Val’s first and she had also loved the history all around the city. I really want to go back there and hopefully will do so within the next year. Hubby wants to go to friends in America and me to Prague with Diane so we have agreed to do so.After our breakfast we wandered around the centre for awhile and then went through to the new section which Pauline hadn’t seen before. After shopping at Clicks we parted ways as Pauline had parked on the opposite side to Val and myself. Val was off to see Swan Lake in the city centre at three and as it was almost one we decided to go up to Vida E Café for something to drink while waiting until it was nearer to three. We all had Frios which were delicious while chatting and listening to the guy playing the piano right next to the Café. The music reminded me of Richard Clayderman’s playing. After finishing our drinks Diane and I left for Eastgate while Val and Kim went off to their ballet. At Eastgate we went into Game to see about an upgrade phone for myself. The computer was down so we were told to wait half an hour. We spent the time wandering around the store buying a lightweight cooler bag ready for our hikes. When we got back to the cellular bar at two fifty the lady had just started dealing with us when the power in the centre went off. Within minutes the generator had kicked in but only for part of the store. The lady went off to another section to use the copy machine but came back asking us to wait as it was not working yet. We sat around until about four before the lady was able to finalize everything and were able to leave about half four. When we got home the weather wasn’t too bad and Diane and I chilled with a glass of wine before going for a ride. This time we went for an even longer distance which took us forty minutes to complete. After recovering I made supper after which we chilled watching `Apartment 12’ followed by `Lipstick’. The first was a good comedy and the second was very inspirational. I set my alarm for four on Sunday morning as Hubby wanted to be up early for his Piston Ring meeting and read for a short while before putting the light off around half twelve.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Keeping Fit
Was up to a lovely clear day and was able to chill outside with my coffee. The birds are really enjoying the warmer weather again and were noisily flitting among the trees. The day was spent doing chores and computer work. During the day we had several breaks sitting outside keeping cool under the trees and had our sundowner wine under the trees enjoying the cooling temperature. After supper we spent the evening in our usual way of watching TV with our Milo. On Tuesday I was on my own as Diane went into the workshop to man the office as Violet was off. She spent a busy morning trying to clean the office and working on the computer in between helping customers. In the afternoon her and Hubby went to check on a customer’s car at the upholsterer - apparently the car is looking really good. They then went to visit Barney and also went to the spares shop. I started supper mid – afternoon as Hubby and Diane and I had meetings in the evening. Hubby and Diane were home around four bringing the Plymouth back with them. All the minor problems had been sorted out and the car is A1 again. We ate supper about six after which Hubby left for his Piston Ring committee meeting. Diane quickly went on the computer before we left for our meeting in Meyerton. The council and business community are setting up a Tourist Committee to promote tourism in the Vaal and the Vaal Meander and we went to see what it was all about. We had a very interesting meeting followed by coffee/ tea and sandwiches. We were home round ten and watched some TV with our Milo before going to bed around twelve. Hubby came in soon after (I heard him in the kitchen) but fell asleep before he got down the passage and never heard anything more.
It was black and thunder was rumbling all around when my alarm went off on Wednesday morning. I chilled in the lounge with my coffee while surveying the scene through the window. The wind was howling through the trees and the clouds were very low. The trees were whipping around so much I was worried some would get blown over. We had all the noise but not a drop of rain and by mid-morning the sky was clear. After working on the computer Diane and I went into Meyerton as we needed air time for the internet as well as some necessities. We stopped at Steers to get lunch before coming home seeing that it was Wacky Wednesday. What a disappointment! I have never ever had such terrible chips! They were soggy and saturated with oil. Diane and I couldn’t even manage one packet between us and felt really sick after that. At least my burger was ok but Diane’s patty was burnt. I phoned to complain and was offered a replacement and an apology. Apparently the kitchen staff is new and need to be trained properly. It will be a long time before we go back there! I spent the afternoon reading my book - I am reading `Zero’ by Eric Van Lustbader - while Diane worked on the computer. Hubby was home fairly early and as it was so hot we chilled with a beer shandie. Our bicycles had been cleaned and tyres pumped by the gardener so Diane and I oiled the brakes, chains and wheels ( they have been stored for years) and went for a ride. The bikes had been stored in the dog kennel and when Diane tried her bike saw that half of one pedal had been chewed up and my bike had the back light chewed off. Obviously when the dogs got bored they had a chew. That didn’t stop us and we set off around the area. We cycled for half an hour in all and when we got home felt good though the legs quivered somewhat. I really enjoyed the ride and intend to cycle several times a week as well as hike whenever possible. I chilled in front of the TV for a while summoning up the energy to make supper. After supper I watched ` Numbers’ and ` Flashpoint’ while Diane was on the computer. Thunder was rumbling and lightning flashing all around by now so Diane had to switch the computer off. She made the Milo and we spent the rest of the evening watching TV.
It was another fabulous sunny morning on Thursday when I was woken by the alarm and had another chill under the trees with my coffee before starting the day. Diane spent the morning on the computer after I quickly did my banking. While she was busy I cleaned the bedroom section of the house. We were both finished by twelve and after getting ready left for Alberton. First stop was the license department where I had four licenses to renew. The queue was short and two cashiers were working so I was very happy as I was out with the licenses before one. Diane couldn’t believe it when I got back to the car so quickly. Next we went off to the workshop to see how things were going. The Sunbeam was finished and waiting to go home but as the top was off we couldn’t take it to do our shopping spree so decided to go back for it afterwards. At Alberton City we first went to `The Coffee Shop’ as by now our stomachs were complaining. We both had coffee, while I had a steak and paw-paw salad( got to keep up the good work seeing as we now ride) and Diane had a mushroom and cheese pancake with chips. The food was really good and Diane really enjoyed her chips after the disastrous chips from yesterday. While we were waiting to pay Hubby phoned to see where we were and if we were still coming back for the Sunbeam. I told him we were busy and would be there later. After paying we went through a few shops buying a track suit top each and Diane got herself a little waistcoat. I remembered we had seen an ad for a sale at Jam so we decided to go there before going back to the workshop. While we were in Jam Hubby phoned again paffing about the time – it was only four now. We couldn’t resist the bargains and each got a couple of T-shirts before stopping at the Pick n Pay next door. We were back at the workshop just before half four where Hubby was waiting with the Sunbeam. We left in a convoy with me driving the Sunbeam. It was a fabulous drive home with the roof down. The wind whipping my hair all over the place kept me cool in the hot afternoon though my hair didn’t look too good when I got out the car. We were home by five and chilled with our sundowner glass of wine before Diane and I went for another ride. I had enjoyed my ride the day before so much I decided to ride further this time. We did an extra couple of kms riding up a fairly steep slope and I was surprised to find our easy it was – all the walking in Oz was good for us. I was even more surprised to get home in half an hour which showed how fit we actually are. When we started riding our legs quivered until we got into our stride but our rear ends were rather tender. When we got back we chilled for a while before I made Hubby his supper – we weren’t hungry after our late lunch. The rest of the evening was spent watching my favourite shows on TV while Diane was busy on the computer.
It was very dark and overcast when I woke on Friday so chilled in front of the window with my coffee. By the time Hubby left after breakfast the sky was clear. Diane spent the morning on the computer while I finished cleaning the other half of the house and the cottage. We stopped mid-morning to chill outside with a Milo and to enjoy the lovely day. By lunch time the sky was black and thunder was rumbling all around. Diane switched off the computer and we spent the rest of the day reading and chilling waiting for the weather to clear so we could have another ride. But no such luck! It cleared briefly about five and I chilled outside with a glass of wine while Diane watched her soapie. By the time that was over it was very black with thunder and lightning again so we gave up the idea of a ride. We had an early supper after which we watched ` Numbers’. It cleared and Diane went on the computer while I watched ` Flash Point’. I was disappointed to see that it was a repeat of yesterdays show so decided to colour my hair instead. By the time that was done it was time for the movie. Diane made our Milo and we chilled with them while watching Clive Owen in ` The International’. The movie was excellent and I always enjoy Clive Owen who is one of my favourite actors. By the time that was finished it was late so we went to bed where I read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any more.Cheers and Have a Fabulous Weekend.
It was black and thunder was rumbling all around when my alarm went off on Wednesday morning. I chilled in the lounge with my coffee while surveying the scene through the window. The wind was howling through the trees and the clouds were very low. The trees were whipping around so much I was worried some would get blown over. We had all the noise but not a drop of rain and by mid-morning the sky was clear. After working on the computer Diane and I went into Meyerton as we needed air time for the internet as well as some necessities. We stopped at Steers to get lunch before coming home seeing that it was Wacky Wednesday. What a disappointment! I have never ever had such terrible chips! They were soggy and saturated with oil. Diane and I couldn’t even manage one packet between us and felt really sick after that. At least my burger was ok but Diane’s patty was burnt. I phoned to complain and was offered a replacement and an apology. Apparently the kitchen staff is new and need to be trained properly. It will be a long time before we go back there! I spent the afternoon reading my book - I am reading `Zero’ by Eric Van Lustbader - while Diane worked on the computer. Hubby was home fairly early and as it was so hot we chilled with a beer shandie. Our bicycles had been cleaned and tyres pumped by the gardener so Diane and I oiled the brakes, chains and wheels ( they have been stored for years) and went for a ride. The bikes had been stored in the dog kennel and when Diane tried her bike saw that half of one pedal had been chewed up and my bike had the back light chewed off. Obviously when the dogs got bored they had a chew. That didn’t stop us and we set off around the area. We cycled for half an hour in all and when we got home felt good though the legs quivered somewhat. I really enjoyed the ride and intend to cycle several times a week as well as hike whenever possible. I chilled in front of the TV for a while summoning up the energy to make supper. After supper I watched ` Numbers’ and ` Flashpoint’ while Diane was on the computer. Thunder was rumbling and lightning flashing all around by now so Diane had to switch the computer off. She made the Milo and we spent the rest of the evening watching TV.
It was another fabulous sunny morning on Thursday when I was woken by the alarm and had another chill under the trees with my coffee before starting the day. Diane spent the morning on the computer after I quickly did my banking. While she was busy I cleaned the bedroom section of the house. We were both finished by twelve and after getting ready left for Alberton. First stop was the license department where I had four licenses to renew. The queue was short and two cashiers were working so I was very happy as I was out with the licenses before one. Diane couldn’t believe it when I got back to the car so quickly. Next we went off to the workshop to see how things were going. The Sunbeam was finished and waiting to go home but as the top was off we couldn’t take it to do our shopping spree so decided to go back for it afterwards. At Alberton City we first went to `The Coffee Shop’ as by now our stomachs were complaining. We both had coffee, while I had a steak and paw-paw salad( got to keep up the good work seeing as we now ride) and Diane had a mushroom and cheese pancake with chips. The food was really good and Diane really enjoyed her chips after the disastrous chips from yesterday. While we were waiting to pay Hubby phoned to see where we were and if we were still coming back for the Sunbeam. I told him we were busy and would be there later. After paying we went through a few shops buying a track suit top each and Diane got herself a little waistcoat. I remembered we had seen an ad for a sale at Jam so we decided to go there before going back to the workshop. While we were in Jam Hubby phoned again paffing about the time – it was only four now. We couldn’t resist the bargains and each got a couple of T-shirts before stopping at the Pick n Pay next door. We were back at the workshop just before half four where Hubby was waiting with the Sunbeam. We left in a convoy with me driving the Sunbeam. It was a fabulous drive home with the roof down. The wind whipping my hair all over the place kept me cool in the hot afternoon though my hair didn’t look too good when I got out the car. We were home by five and chilled with our sundowner glass of wine before Diane and I went for another ride. I had enjoyed my ride the day before so much I decided to ride further this time. We did an extra couple of kms riding up a fairly steep slope and I was surprised to find our easy it was – all the walking in Oz was good for us. I was even more surprised to get home in half an hour which showed how fit we actually are. When we started riding our legs quivered until we got into our stride but our rear ends were rather tender. When we got back we chilled for a while before I made Hubby his supper – we weren’t hungry after our late lunch. The rest of the evening was spent watching my favourite shows on TV while Diane was busy on the computer.
It was very dark and overcast when I woke on Friday so chilled in front of the window with my coffee. By the time Hubby left after breakfast the sky was clear. Diane spent the morning on the computer while I finished cleaning the other half of the house and the cottage. We stopped mid-morning to chill outside with a Milo and to enjoy the lovely day. By lunch time the sky was black and thunder was rumbling all around. Diane switched off the computer and we spent the rest of the day reading and chilling waiting for the weather to clear so we could have another ride. But no such luck! It cleared briefly about five and I chilled outside with a glass of wine while Diane watched her soapie. By the time that was over it was very black with thunder and lightning again so we gave up the idea of a ride. We had an early supper after which we watched ` Numbers’. It cleared and Diane went on the computer while I watched ` Flash Point’. I was disappointed to see that it was a repeat of yesterdays show so decided to colour my hair instead. By the time that was done it was time for the movie. Diane made our Milo and we chilled with them while watching Clive Owen in ` The International’. The movie was excellent and I always enjoy Clive Owen who is one of my favourite actors. By the time that was finished it was late so we went to bed where I read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any more.Cheers and Have a Fabulous Weekend.
Keeping fit,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Our week
Had a quiet start to the week with chilly, windy mornings which seems to be the start of the cold season. Spent the first two days doing office and computer work. Diane was also very busy with computer work. On Tuesday evening I was feeling energetic and made a really delicious (Even if I say so myself) meal of trout with salad and rice smothered in lemon butter. I really enjoyed it and it just goes to show that a home-cooked meal can be just as good as eating out anytime.
On Wednesday after spending the morning on the computers again we headed off to Boksburg to fetch `sky tiles’ we had ordered. The `sky tiles’ are for the cottage which hopefully, when installed will alleviate our rat problem in the ceiling. For years we have had rats running around up there and nothing helps in getting rid of them. An exterminator said they like dark places and putting windows in would get rid of them. Hubby had thought of breaking through the wall and putting windows in at either end but when I saw the ad for the tiles I thought it would be a much quicker and cleaner way of doing it. One ‘sky tile’ replaces six roof tiles so it should be nice and bright in there when they are put in. I ordered four, two on each side and at each end of the roof – it will also be easy to see to work on the geyser when necessary. We thought it would be a good idea to go for a hike during the afternoon at Rietvlei in Alberton but my heel was still too sore to wear my takkies. I did try but it was a painful experience so we gave up the idea. After picking up the tiles we went back to Alberton , where the first stop was The Coffee Shop in Alberton City where we had coffee with a lemon meringue for me and a chocolate mousse cake for Diane. Delicious and oh-so-fattening. Not as healthy as a hike though. By now it was after four so we quickly did some shopping before returning home. We chilled with a glass of wine once we were home to get me in the mood to cook supper. Hard to achieve after our coffee shop sojurn. The evening was the usual TV and Milo. There is no more CSI so I am now into `Numbers’ and `Flash Point’.
On Thursday I got stuck into cleaning and gave our bedroom a thorough going over while clearing all the washing. Once that was done Diane and I started her bedroom – she hoards just like Hubby so it needs doing regularly. At lunchtime Hubby came home with Gino to fetch the blue Plymouth to check over ready for a Matric Dance next week. Don’t know what his problem was but he sure was in a ` foul mood’ and found fault with everything. Obviously we ended up screeching at each other as nothing irritates me more then someone trying to find fault when there is none. Thank goodness he didn’t stay long. After peace reigned again Diane and I carried on cleaning. We only finished about five and I still had to go into Meyerton to fetch Hubby’s medication. I quickly phoned to request the repeat prescription to save time waiting for it. Diane and I went in and collected the prescription before popping into Pick ‘n Pay for things we had forgotten on Wednesday when shopping. By this time it was half six and I told Diane that I was not in the mood to cook supper now so we stopped at Steers for a Vegie Burger and chips for Diane and Steak rolls and chips for Hubby and I. It was a good meal and the best part about it was`I didn’t stop and make it.’ Hubby was in a better mood thank goodness. We had our usual dose of TV and Milo during the evening.
On Friday I was up early as usual and chilled outside with a cappuccino before feeding the dogs. While waiting for the dogs to finish eating I realized what a beautiful day it was. It was warm with no wind at all so after finishing with the dogs I chilled outside with another cup of coffee. The birds were also enjoying the warmer weather. Diane and I spent the day in more cleaning in between spending time on the computer. In the afternoon we took the Sunbeam for a drive to the local shop to fetch dog food. It took a while to start as it has been standing for some time. We were enjoying the drive and the attention the car always gets. As we turned the corner to the local shops the engine suddenly went mad revving crazily. I switched off and coasted into a parking bay where we sat in horrified silence before laughing crazily with embarrassment. We certainly had been the focus of all the attention of everyone in the vicinity after that noise we made. I phoned Hubby who was having his coffee afternoon with Brain as is the usual Friday routine with him. I had forgotten about it but told him about our incident. He told us not to start the car and he would come through. I told him not to hurry as Diane and I would go to ` Bare Food’ for coffee and wait there. We locked the car and slunk along to the coffee shop hoping we were not noticed as we had just planned on running in to get the dog food quickly and weren’t dressed for doing anything else. We hid in the back of the place and ordered milkshakes and an open sandwich with cheese, mushroom and lettuce to share. It was delicious and we had just finished and were paying when Hubby arrived. While Diane went to the car with him, I went in to get the dog food. When I came out Diane had found the problem for Hubby and we all returned home where we chilled with a glass of wine before spending the evening watching TV.
On Saturday my alarm went off at five so I could get Hubby up for a Blitz at half five. He left and I stayed in bed sleeping until half six. I was up making my cup of coffee when Hubby arrived back and we sat chilling and talking enjoying the beautiful weather before starting our day. Hubby left mid-morning for his Tit Car Club meeting taking the Sunbeam which he was not happy with as the exhaust fell off as he arrived at the workshop. Pommie rubbish as he says. Luckily the Plymouth was there and he used that instead. Diane and I went in to The Glen where we got tickets for the half two showing of ` Valentine’s Day’. We went down to the Mugg and Bean for a snack lunch where we both had coffee and a haloumi and mushroom sandwich with health bread and chips. It was very tasty and we enjoyed ourselves chatting and eating. After paying we left and wandered around the shops buying a bicycle pump for the bikes as we intend starting to cycle again. We returned to the cinema ready for our movie which we both thoroughly enjoyed. By the time we got back to the car the sky was black and it was very windy. What a contrast to the beautiful day it had been. We got back in time for a glass of wine before starting supper. The weather was really miserable and windy for the rest of the evening though we had no rain.
On Sunday we woke to a beautiful day again and Hubby and I had our coffee and breakfast outside under the tree. We decided we should make the most of the good weather while we can. It will be winter all too soon and our chill times under the trees will be on hold until summer arrives again. Horrible thought! We all spent the day chilling and resting and not much else. Hubby was energetic again and made supper as well as breakfast so I really had a lazy day. Well that’s it for now. Have a fabulous week!
On Wednesday after spending the morning on the computers again we headed off to Boksburg to fetch `sky tiles’ we had ordered. The `sky tiles’ are for the cottage which hopefully, when installed will alleviate our rat problem in the ceiling. For years we have had rats running around up there and nothing helps in getting rid of them. An exterminator said they like dark places and putting windows in would get rid of them. Hubby had thought of breaking through the wall and putting windows in at either end but when I saw the ad for the tiles I thought it would be a much quicker and cleaner way of doing it. One ‘sky tile’ replaces six roof tiles so it should be nice and bright in there when they are put in. I ordered four, two on each side and at each end of the roof – it will also be easy to see to work on the geyser when necessary. We thought it would be a good idea to go for a hike during the afternoon at Rietvlei in Alberton but my heel was still too sore to wear my takkies. I did try but it was a painful experience so we gave up the idea. After picking up the tiles we went back to Alberton , where the first stop was The Coffee Shop in Alberton City where we had coffee with a lemon meringue for me and a chocolate mousse cake for Diane. Delicious and oh-so-fattening. Not as healthy as a hike though. By now it was after four so we quickly did some shopping before returning home. We chilled with a glass of wine once we were home to get me in the mood to cook supper. Hard to achieve after our coffee shop sojurn. The evening was the usual TV and Milo. There is no more CSI so I am now into `Numbers’ and `Flash Point’.
On Thursday I got stuck into cleaning and gave our bedroom a thorough going over while clearing all the washing. Once that was done Diane and I started her bedroom – she hoards just like Hubby so it needs doing regularly. At lunchtime Hubby came home with Gino to fetch the blue Plymouth to check over ready for a Matric Dance next week. Don’t know what his problem was but he sure was in a ` foul mood’ and found fault with everything. Obviously we ended up screeching at each other as nothing irritates me more then someone trying to find fault when there is none. Thank goodness he didn’t stay long. After peace reigned again Diane and I carried on cleaning. We only finished about five and I still had to go into Meyerton to fetch Hubby’s medication. I quickly phoned to request the repeat prescription to save time waiting for it. Diane and I went in and collected the prescription before popping into Pick ‘n Pay for things we had forgotten on Wednesday when shopping. By this time it was half six and I told Diane that I was not in the mood to cook supper now so we stopped at Steers for a Vegie Burger and chips for Diane and Steak rolls and chips for Hubby and I. It was a good meal and the best part about it was`I didn’t stop and make it.’ Hubby was in a better mood thank goodness. We had our usual dose of TV and Milo during the evening.
On Friday I was up early as usual and chilled outside with a cappuccino before feeding the dogs. While waiting for the dogs to finish eating I realized what a beautiful day it was. It was warm with no wind at all so after finishing with the dogs I chilled outside with another cup of coffee. The birds were also enjoying the warmer weather. Diane and I spent the day in more cleaning in between spending time on the computer. In the afternoon we took the Sunbeam for a drive to the local shop to fetch dog food. It took a while to start as it has been standing for some time. We were enjoying the drive and the attention the car always gets. As we turned the corner to the local shops the engine suddenly went mad revving crazily. I switched off and coasted into a parking bay where we sat in horrified silence before laughing crazily with embarrassment. We certainly had been the focus of all the attention of everyone in the vicinity after that noise we made. I phoned Hubby who was having his coffee afternoon with Brain as is the usual Friday routine with him. I had forgotten about it but told him about our incident. He told us not to start the car and he would come through. I told him not to hurry as Diane and I would go to ` Bare Food’ for coffee and wait there. We locked the car and slunk along to the coffee shop hoping we were not noticed as we had just planned on running in to get the dog food quickly and weren’t dressed for doing anything else. We hid in the back of the place and ordered milkshakes and an open sandwich with cheese, mushroom and lettuce to share. It was delicious and we had just finished and were paying when Hubby arrived. While Diane went to the car with him, I went in to get the dog food. When I came out Diane had found the problem for Hubby and we all returned home where we chilled with a glass of wine before spending the evening watching TV.
On Saturday my alarm went off at five so I could get Hubby up for a Blitz at half five. He left and I stayed in bed sleeping until half six. I was up making my cup of coffee when Hubby arrived back and we sat chilling and talking enjoying the beautiful weather before starting our day. Hubby left mid-morning for his Tit Car Club meeting taking the Sunbeam which he was not happy with as the exhaust fell off as he arrived at the workshop. Pommie rubbish as he says. Luckily the Plymouth was there and he used that instead. Diane and I went in to The Glen where we got tickets for the half two showing of ` Valentine’s Day’. We went down to the Mugg and Bean for a snack lunch where we both had coffee and a haloumi and mushroom sandwich with health bread and chips. It was very tasty and we enjoyed ourselves chatting and eating. After paying we left and wandered around the shops buying a bicycle pump for the bikes as we intend starting to cycle again. We returned to the cinema ready for our movie which we both thoroughly enjoyed. By the time we got back to the car the sky was black and it was very windy. What a contrast to the beautiful day it had been. We got back in time for a glass of wine before starting supper. The weather was really miserable and windy for the rest of the evening though we had no rain.
On Sunday we woke to a beautiful day again and Hubby and I had our coffee and breakfast outside under the tree. We decided we should make the most of the good weather while we can. It will be winter all too soon and our chill times under the trees will be on hold until summer arrives again. Horrible thought! We all spent the day chilling and resting and not much else. Hubby was energetic again and made supper as well as breakfast so I really had a lazy day. Well that’s it for now. Have a fabulous week!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Chill Weekend
Was up early to have my chill cuppa under the trees before starting to get ready for lunch with Dennis and Marion. I finished breakfast and put the chicken in the oven. While it roasted I put potatoes on and made a coleslaw. Hubby went to the shop to get milk and some odds and ends he wanted. I finished cleaning up and put the other vegs on to cook. When the chicken was nearly ready I put some cocktail sausages to cook while that finished. When both were done I took them out to cool and then put them on a platter in the fridge till needed. The rice and pumpkin were done and on the stove keeping hot. Dennis and Marion arrived and we chilled with a glass of wine outside. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining in a clear sky. We were all enjoying our chill and conversation under the trees. Marion asked Hubby for a second glass of wine. Hubby was busy telling a story and just reached over to grab a bottle and started pouring. He got rather a shock when Marion yelled `No’ – he was pouring whiskey into her glass. Once we were back on track with our second glass in our hand I put the rest of the food on to cook. Once all was ready Diane and I put everything into serving bowls and we all tucked in. We ate under the trees and sat for several hours lingering at the table enjoying each other’s company. Once the main course had time to settle I served the dessert. Diane left just before three to go into Alberton where she was meeting a friend for coffee at News Café. At about four we had coffee and carried on with our chill around the table. We went through all our Oz holiday pics and Dennis and Marion told us of their trip they are taking this week in Israel which they are really looking forward to. Both of them commented on our lush garden and how peaceful it was sitting under the trees with the background of bird song. Comments like this are always a reminder of how lucky we are in our little spot of paradise. It was after five before a move was made and Dennis and Marion went off home. I cleared up and loaded the dishwasher. Just had to wash the pots. It was all done by six and then Hubby and I chilled in front of the TV. Diane had such a god time that she only got home around nine. We chilled and chatted with our Milo until bedtime.
On Sunday Hubby woke me when he bought me breakfast in bed just before nine. We chatted for a while after which he got himself ready to go to the Sunbeam Club meeting – taking my Sunbeam of course. Diane and I had planned a hike so didn’t go with. By the time Diane and I were up and finished doing minor chores it was twelve. I was feeling rather lazy so suggested having the hike during the week and was rather put out when she laughed and said her friend had taken a bet with her that I would back out. That Did It! We got ready and left for Suikerbosrand but unfortunately went to the wrong entrance for the hikes and were re-directed to the correct one. By the time we eventually got inside and started our hike it was nearly two and rather a hot day. We set off for the start which had two hikes marked, a 4,5 km and a 10km one. Stupidly we thought `what’s the point of doing the short one and we have plenty of time’. The hike started with a steep climb and before we reached the top I was huffing and puffing. I couldn’t believe how unfit I was, considering how fit I was when we got back from Oz, after our daily walks there. But as Diane said the walks were along flat ground and we hadn’t done much exercise since. Before we were half way up we were making inroads into our first bottle of water. It was a relief when we finally reached the top after about half an hour. The path leveled out and I was able to catch my breath. The views were stunning up there. We crossed the ridge and started going down. When I got ready I had put on old socks that were rather loose and had thought about taking a spare pair but didn’t bother. Always Trust Your Instincts! My socks kept slipping down and I was having to stop to pull them up as it was uncomfortable. We crossed the road and went onto the next Koppie where we stopped in an open rocky area for a sit down and to take pics while having a drink and a couple of chocolates (to keep energy levels up). The hiking shoes we had bought were very comfortable, just a pity about my lousy socks. We set off again going on down and around to the right where we met up with the road again. This time we didn’t cross it but walked alongside before cutting back towards the next Koppie. We were still going down but could see the path going up in front of us on the next Koppie. As we walked along we were keeping up a steady stream of chatter but were bought to a sudden halt and silence when we heard a grunting noise in front of us and to the right. We stood frozen for several minutes listening but heard nothing more. The noise must have come from the gully at the bottom between the two Koppies. I told Diane we just had to go on - to go back all the way we had just come would take too long – so we carefully and quickly crossed the gully and up the other side. My sore heel didn’t stop me making good time up and over the top. We carried on up and down, up and down expecting to see the parking area with the car waiting for us each time we got to the top of a rise. Eventually at about half four we passed a sign indicating a 10km hike to the right and a 17km hike to the left, and panicked thinking we had gone wrong somewhere. After a slight detour to the road on the right we retraced our steps and carried on going forward where we found the path indicators again. The area was now just a large expanse of open veld and we were now doing a power walk to get back and out before the gate closed. There was a small group of buck to the left of us. We crossed the road again and then a small stream after which we were back on the road where we decided to stay, hoping we were going in the right direction. A couple of cars passed us and as we were in a flat out panic now we stopped one to ask if we were going in the right direction. What a Relief to find we were and even better the couple gave us a lift back to the car. The distance they took us would have been at least a half hour walk so we were very relieved and grateful to our rescuers. We got in the car and headed straight to the gate where they were busy closing up. We got home and while Diane got ready for a night out I told Hubby all about our hike. When Diane was ready the two of us chilled outside with a much needed glass of wine. My heel was killing me where my sock had rubbed it raw but I felt really good after all the exercise. We must definitely have more hikes, but will leave early in the morning to do it. After Diane went out I tended to my heel before chilling in front of the TV.
That’s all for now. Hav
e a great week.
On Sunday Hubby woke me when he bought me breakfast in bed just before nine. We chatted for a while after which he got himself ready to go to the Sunbeam Club meeting – taking my Sunbeam of course. Diane and I had planned a hike so didn’t go with. By the time Diane and I were up and finished doing minor chores it was twelve. I was feeling rather lazy so suggested having the hike during the week and was rather put out when she laughed and said her friend had taken a bet with her that I would back out. That Did It! We got ready and left for Suikerbosrand but unfortunately went to the wrong entrance for the hikes and were re-directed to the correct one. By the time we eventually got inside and started our hike it was nearly two and rather a hot day. We set off for the start which had two hikes marked, a 4,5 km and a 10km one. Stupidly we thought `what’s the point of doing the short one and we have plenty of time’. The hike started with a steep climb and before we reached the top I was huffing and puffing. I couldn’t believe how unfit I was, considering how fit I was when we got back from Oz, after our daily walks there. But as Diane said the walks were along flat ground and we hadn’t done much exercise since. Before we were half way up we were making inroads into our first bottle of water. It was a relief when we finally reached the top after about half an hour. The path leveled out and I was able to catch my breath. The views were stunning up there. We crossed the ridge and started going down. When I got ready I had put on old socks that were rather loose and had thought about taking a spare pair but didn’t bother. Always Trust Your Instincts! My socks kept slipping down and I was having to stop to pull them up as it was uncomfortable. We crossed the road and went onto the next Koppie where we stopped in an open rocky area for a sit down and to take pics while having a drink and a couple of chocolates (to keep energy levels up). The hiking shoes we had bought were very comfortable, just a pity about my lousy socks. We set off again going on down and around to the right where we met up with the road again. This time we didn’t cross it but walked alongside before cutting back towards the next Koppie. We were still going down but could see the path going up in front of us on the next Koppie. As we walked along we were keeping up a steady stream of chatter but were bought to a sudden halt and silence when we heard a grunting noise in front of us and to the right. We stood frozen for several minutes listening but heard nothing more. The noise must have come from the gully at the bottom between the two Koppies. I told Diane we just had to go on - to go back all the way we had just come would take too long – so we carefully and quickly crossed the gully and up the other side. My sore heel didn’t stop me making good time up and over the top. We carried on up and down, up and down expecting to see the parking area with the car waiting for us each time we got to the top of a rise. Eventually at about half four we passed a sign indicating a 10km hike to the right and a 17km hike to the left, and panicked thinking we had gone wrong somewhere. After a slight detour to the road on the right we retraced our steps and carried on going forward where we found the path indicators again. The area was now just a large expanse of open veld and we were now doing a power walk to get back and out before the gate closed. There was a small group of buck to the left of us. We crossed the road again and then a small stream after which we were back on the road where we decided to stay, hoping we were going in the right direction. A couple of cars passed us and as we were in a flat out panic now we stopped one to ask if we were going in the right direction. What a Relief to find we were and even better the couple gave us a lift back to the car. The distance they took us would have been at least a half hour walk so we were very relieved and grateful to our rescuers. We got in the car and headed straight to the gate where they were busy closing up. We got home and while Diane got ready for a night out I told Hubby all about our hike. When Diane was ready the two of us chilled outside with a much needed glass of wine. My heel was killing me where my sock had rubbed it raw but I felt really good after all the exercise. We must definitely have more hikes, but will leave early in the morning to do it. After Diane went out I tended to my heel before chilling in front of the TV.

Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday - Friday
Monday was up to a gorgeous day and had my chill time before starting another hectic week. I spent the day finishing off invoices and doing the statements. Diane was busy on her computer with her work. About mid-morning I had a call telling me that in a competition I had entered last year October I was one of the finalists for a brand new Chevy car. The draw was for Tuesday evening at six and if I was a winner had to be prepared for my photo being taken. I most certainly didn’t mind. The day flew past and before we knew it was time for our sundowner glass of wine. The evening was spent in our normal routine of supper and TV with our Milo.
Tuesday morning I was up and after my chill cuppa and breakfast got down to scanning in statements and invoices to fax and email. It was finally finished late morning and Diane and I quickly went into Alberton to fax those statements that go via the landline. We were there a couple of hours before heading back to get ready for the Chevy Draw. Hubby was home early and we left just after four as the venue was the other side of Jhb. By the time we got through the traffic – taking side roads and avoiding highway as much as possible – it was a few minutes before six. We arrived at the offices and after signing in were directed into an office. As we walked in I realized that this was not a genuine draw but a Time Share Con. There were rows of chairs with a large screen at the front of the room. I was very annoyed as we had come a long way through temper-fraying traffic just for this. Hubby was fuming and ready to leave after giving them What-For. I told him to relax and we sat down. A guy came in and welcomed us and said they had sponsored the draw which would follow a short show of all their resorts. We had to fill in a form putting in six numbers in a space provided. We had our show after which the guy came back and called us out in our groups to go with a consultant to explain how they worked before the draw was done. We had our explanation and then went for the draw. What a Farce! The draw was done behind closed doors, separately for each couple or group. Nobody won a car and the number written down was used for the draw – everybody ended up with a stay at one of their resorts. We at least were handed a meal voucher for the ’Kitchen Bar’ downstairs. At R35 each it at least paid towards our bill as we stopped to eat there. Diane had a pizza, Hubby had greek snacks and I had chicken livers with foccacia bread. The food was tasty and the best part was we didn’t have to go home and cook. I really don’t know why these Time Share Places must use these tactics to con people into buying. As far as Hubby is concerned, if they con you to get you there then their product must be dodgy and he wants no part of it. Talk about Live and Learn! A genuine competition will send you your prize. I most certainly won’t take a ticket in future draws if approached.
Wednesday Diane and I spent the day doing more computer work. Thursday morning Hubby and I went into Alberton for a funeral which was on late morning. After the church service we went off to the `Piatto’ for a quick lunch. We both had a rock shandie and the special of a cheese smothered steak and chips. Delicious! I took Hubby up to the workshop afterwards to check on things before heading home. Back home I relaxed in front of the TV and watched the movie ` At first Sight’ which was very good. Diane was still busy working on the computer. Just before seven friends arrived to take Hubby and I out for dinner. Diane stayed home to carry on working. We went into Three Rivers to Rio Sol. The ladies had wine and the men draughts. I had prawns and rice which, as usual, was the most delicious ever. Hubby had a Seafood Platter as did Carl. Siegrid had Kingklip. Everybody enjoyed the meal which we followed with a Dom Pedro and then coffee. We were having such a good time we didn’t want to leave and in fact we went outside where we chatted for almost another hour. It was a wonderful evening with the usual combination of good food, conversation and company.
On Friday morning I was up as usual to have a quick cuppa under the trees. I fed the dogs, gave Hubby a snack breakfast and then we all headed into Alberton. We stopped at the workshop to pick up Don before going to Rand Airport. Hubby’s friend works there and has been working on a Catalina that they were going to fire up today and he had invited us to be there for it. We arrived in time for a tour of the hangar and an informative talk all about the Catalina and its history. Diane took plenty of pics and we also took a video. The fire up was to be at half twelve so we went up to The Harvard Café for breakfast. It was a lovely day and there were plenty of people enjoying the sunshine and all the activity at the airport. After breakfast we went back to the workshop to drop Don and Hubby off. Diane and I quickly went down to Alberton City as we wanted to get ourselves some new takkies for hiking (We have decided it’s time to get back into it). We found exactly what we were looking for and went back to fetch Hubby ready for The Fire Up Test Run. Don was already there and we watched as the Catalina was towed out on to the runway in front of the hangar. Regulations there are strictly enforced and a Fire Truck was on standby. We took more pics and another video. Hubby was absolutely thrilled as he was invited to be inside the plane for the Fire Up. It started raining while the test was on and we sheltered under the wings of another plane nearby. It was a very exciting event and we have been invited to be there for when the Test Run is done at the Vaal. Hubby can’t wait. Once the plane was pushed back inside we left, dropping Hubby at the workshop before going back home. Diane and I drove through an absolute downpour on the highway. It was so bad I couldn’t see anything in front and just crawled along. Luckily we soon passed out of it and by the time we got home the sky was clear. We had a coffee while we made a shopping list for Saturday. Hubby’s cousin and wife were coming for lunch on Saturday. I decided to go in and see what the shops had before finalizing the menu. We ended up buying veggies and a chicken to roast. Friday evening was the usual routine of supper, TV and our Milo.

Tuesday morning I was up and after my chill cuppa and breakfast got down to scanning in statements and invoices to fax and email. It was finally finished late morning and Diane and I quickly went into Alberton to fax those statements that go via the landline. We were there a couple of hours before heading back to get ready for the Chevy Draw. Hubby was home early and we left just after four as the venue was the other side of Jhb. By the time we got through the traffic – taking side roads and avoiding highway as much as possible – it was a few minutes before six. We arrived at the offices and after signing in were directed into an office. As we walked in I realized that this was not a genuine draw but a Time Share Con. There were rows of chairs with a large screen at the front of the room. I was very annoyed as we had come a long way through temper-fraying traffic just for this. Hubby was fuming and ready to leave after giving them What-For. I told him to relax and we sat down. A guy came in and welcomed us and said they had sponsored the draw which would follow a short show of all their resorts. We had to fill in a form putting in six numbers in a space provided. We had our show after which the guy came back and called us out in our groups to go with a consultant to explain how they worked before the draw was done. We had our explanation and then went for the draw. What a Farce! The draw was done behind closed doors, separately for each couple or group. Nobody won a car and the number written down was used for the draw – everybody ended up with a stay at one of their resorts. We at least were handed a meal voucher for the ’Kitchen Bar’ downstairs. At R35 each it at least paid towards our bill as we stopped to eat there. Diane had a pizza, Hubby had greek snacks and I had chicken livers with foccacia bread. The food was tasty and the best part was we didn’t have to go home and cook. I really don’t know why these Time Share Places must use these tactics to con people into buying. As far as Hubby is concerned, if they con you to get you there then their product must be dodgy and he wants no part of it. Talk about Live and Learn! A genuine competition will send you your prize. I most certainly won’t take a ticket in future draws if approached.
Wednesday Diane and I spent the day doing more computer work. Thursday morning Hubby and I went into Alberton for a funeral which was on late morning. After the church service we went off to the `Piatto’ for a quick lunch. We both had a rock shandie and the special of a cheese smothered steak and chips. Delicious! I took Hubby up to the workshop afterwards to check on things before heading home. Back home I relaxed in front of the TV and watched the movie ` At first Sight’ which was very good. Diane was still busy working on the computer. Just before seven friends arrived to take Hubby and I out for dinner. Diane stayed home to carry on working. We went into Three Rivers to Rio Sol. The ladies had wine and the men draughts. I had prawns and rice which, as usual, was the most delicious ever. Hubby had a Seafood Platter as did Carl. Siegrid had Kingklip. Everybody enjoyed the meal which we followed with a Dom Pedro and then coffee. We were having such a good time we didn’t want to leave and in fact we went outside where we chatted for almost another hour. It was a wonderful evening with the usual combination of good food, conversation and company.
On Friday morning I was up as usual to have a quick cuppa under the trees. I fed the dogs, gave Hubby a snack breakfast and then we all headed into Alberton. We stopped at the workshop to pick up Don before going to Rand Airport. Hubby’s friend works there and has been working on a Catalina that they were going to fire up today and he had invited us to be there for it. We arrived in time for a tour of the hangar and an informative talk all about the Catalina and its history. Diane took plenty of pics and we also took a video. The fire up was to be at half twelve so we went up to The Harvard Café for breakfast. It was a lovely day and there were plenty of people enjoying the sunshine and all the activity at the airport. After breakfast we went back to the workshop to drop Don and Hubby off. Diane and I quickly went down to Alberton City as we wanted to get ourselves some new takkies for hiking (We have decided it’s time to get back into it). We found exactly what we were looking for and went back to fetch Hubby ready for The Fire Up Test Run. Don was already there and we watched as the Catalina was towed out on to the runway in front of the hangar. Regulations there are strictly enforced and a Fire Truck was on standby. We took more pics and another video. Hubby was absolutely thrilled as he was invited to be inside the plane for the Fire Up. It started raining while the test was on and we sheltered under the wings of another plane nearby. It was a very exciting event and we have been invited to be there for when the Test Run is done at the Vaal. Hubby can’t wait. Once the plane was pushed back inside we left, dropping Hubby at the workshop before going back home. Diane and I drove through an absolute downpour on the highway. It was so bad I couldn’t see anything in front and just crawled along. Luckily we soon passed out of it and by the time we got home the sky was clear. We had a coffee while we made a shopping list for Saturday. Hubby’s cousin and wife were coming for lunch on Saturday. I decided to go in and see what the shops had before finalizing the menu. We ended up buying veggies and a chicken to roast. Friday evening was the usual routine of supper, TV and our Milo.

chill time.,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Busy Week in Paradise
It is that time of the year again. End of February and the end of the financial year. So had a busy week making sure I was as up-to-date as possible with my office work. In fact I even impressed myself at how much I achieved. I spent Monday to Wednesday making sure everything possible was on the computer with of course the occasional break to chill outside under the trees, Made a brief trip into Meyerton to collect an order for cleaning materials for the workshop on Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday morning Hubby was up and gone just after six as he had to go fetch a car that had broken down in Ermelo. I was up as he left for a nice long chill outside before carrying on with office work. Diane has also been very busy updating sites etc on the computer. Two busy little bees sitting together engrossed in our own little world of work. Sad really! Though we make sure we enjoy the breaks when we have them and we appreciate our paradise we are surrounded by.
Wednesday evening we went for a nice long walk to get the muscles working and the blood flowing. Sure needed it.
Thursday we had our normal trip into the workshop to see how things were going there. We left about half twelve and stopped at the Engen Blockhouse for petrol. We had been busy all morning and hadn’t bothered to eat. Our stomachs were protesting at the oversight so we decided to go into the Wimpy for lunch. I had calamari and chips while Diane had a toasted cheese and tomato with chips with a cappuccino. The food was good and we enjoyed the chill. On the way to the workshop we went via the tax office to drop off our return. The place was so packed we couldn’t even find a parking down the streets outside so decided to go back later. At workshop all was going fine. Diane’s Lancia has the primer coat on and is looking good. It was dark green and Hubby is planning on spraying it off white. He has also been busy revamping machinery and as usual we have to watch while he demonstrates what is up and running. After that he left for home as he wasn’t feeling too good. By the time we had finished there it was late afternoon so we didn’t even stop and do shopping, just dropped the return at the tax office and headed home. By the time we got home it was raining. We spent the evening in the usual way watching TV and having a Milo.
On Friday I phoned Mom for her birthday and both Diane and I spoke to her. The weather there hasn’t been too bad – reaching temps of 8c. Shame! I told them all there we would have a toast for Mom our time half five so that they could have one the same time there. Diane had a few queries to sort out but my work was on track so once she was finished we went into Meyerton to the license dept. to register the Lancia. We arrived about eleven and were most impressed when we were out before twelve with everything in order. A big improvement on our attempt in Alberton. Next we headed off to the Post Point where Diane needed copies of documents which she wanted laminated. The machine was being worked on by a technician so leaving the documents there we carried on to Heidelberg where we went into Home Affairs to request documents after which we went into the OTK for a fumigator for the bees and rats in the cottage ceiling. We were back in Meyerton to pick up Diane’s documents before two. While Diane picked up her documents I got us both some chips from Steers (nowhere can beat Steers for chips). We were home by half two, very pleased that we had done all that was needed so quickly. I put washing on quickly while Diane got on the computer to finish dealing with queries. She then started to get ready as she had a Blind Date. Hubby was home fairly early and after showering chilled in front of his TV to rest his foot which was badly swollen and painful (again). Diane interrupted her ablutions to chill with me while we had our glass of wine to toast Mom’s 80th. Diane didn’t want to drive in on her own to meet the date so asked Hubby and I to spend the evening at the Glen while she was there on her date. Hubby decided that he wouldn’t be able to go as his foot was just too painful. So it was just Diane and I who headed in to the Glen. Luckily the traffic was quiet and we were there before seven. Diane met her date and I wandered around the shops. (I saw her meet him and from the distance only noticed that he had a striped shirt on). I was wandering around Edgars looking for something to spend my birthday voucher on when Hubby phoned to say it was pouring with rain at home. It was still clear at the Glen luckily. I found myself a nice handbag and also spotted one for Diane. After making my purchases I decided to go for something to eat. I went into the Mugg and Bean at about eight and ordered a coffee. While waiting for it to arrive I sent Diane an sms to say where I was. When the coffee came I ordered myself a bobotie and as I had no answer sent a couple of missed calls to Diane. I started to worry as there was still no answer. As my food arrived I noticed a guy go past to the loos and recognized the shirt so tried to phone Diane but before I could she phoned me saying look behind you. Lo and behold there she was sitting in Mugg and Bean behind me. At that moment the heavens opened and the rain just poured down. Diane quickly moved seats as they were sitting outside under umbrellas. She now sat two tables away from me. I finished my meal and left going past her and the date on the way out. It was still pouring and very chilly so I went looking for a jersey to wear but had no luck. I went back past Mugg and Bean and saw Diane on her own (the date had gone looking for smokes to buy) so stopped for a chat. When I saw the date appear I left but unfortunately he had seen me and had seen Diane and I together when we arrived and realized who I was. Anyway he told Diane he would take her home so I left driving home in the pouring rain. I watched TV when I got back with a Milo. Diane was home not long after. Her evening had been fairly pleasant but she said the guy had talked a bit too much about his ex. We went to bed soon after.
Saturday morning I was up as usual but after the downpour (44mm) of Friday night had to chill inside with my coffee. It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining in a clear sky. Mid-morning Diane and I went into Meyerton to deposit at the bank for year end and to get a final bank statement after which we did some grocery shopping. When we got back I was feeling sick so took some tabs and went to have a nap. Diane was still tired so she also went for a nap. Hubby was resting his foot - under protest –but got up and made a pasta lunch. I dozed on and off all afternoon. Every now and again the dogs would wake me up with their barking. I eventually surfaced about four and made us all a Milo. Diane and I watched `Bolt’ on TV. What a cute movie! I made us a light supper of steak rolls and veggie sausage on rolls for Diane of course. After that I loaded the dishwasher in time to watch ` Secret lives of Second Wives’. We had our Milo and were deciding to go to bed when we saw `Death Proof’ was on so watched that instead. It is an old movie but we thoroughly enjoyed it especially when the girls got their revenge on the ass. It has motivated Diane and I into wanting to do some form of Martial Arts. I would just love to `kick ass’ like that.
Sunday was spoilt again with breakfast in bed at about half eight. Hubby and I then watched some TV before I got up about half nine to feed the dogs. Hubby and I sat outside chilling with a Milo. It was an absolutely gorgeous day with a brilliant blue sky. The birds were also enjoying the day and were out in full force. I spent the rest of the day cleaning while Diane did computer work. Hubby went in to visit a friend who had just come out of hospital, returning late afternoon with a good selection of munchies for us. Diane finished her work about five and we had a chill outside with a glass of wine before watching TV. We had an early supper and spent the rest of the evening in front of the TV.
Cheers. Have a fantastic week.
Wednesday morning Hubby was up and gone just after six as he had to go fetch a car that had broken down in Ermelo. I was up as he left for a nice long chill outside before carrying on with office work. Diane has also been very busy updating sites etc on the computer. Two busy little bees sitting together engrossed in our own little world of work. Sad really! Though we make sure we enjoy the breaks when we have them and we appreciate our paradise we are surrounded by.
Wednesday evening we went for a nice long walk to get the muscles working and the blood flowing. Sure needed it.
Thursday we had our normal trip into the workshop to see how things were going there. We left about half twelve and stopped at the Engen Blockhouse for petrol. We had been busy all morning and hadn’t bothered to eat. Our stomachs were protesting at the oversight so we decided to go into the Wimpy for lunch. I had calamari and chips while Diane had a toasted cheese and tomato with chips with a cappuccino. The food was good and we enjoyed the chill. On the way to the workshop we went via the tax office to drop off our return. The place was so packed we couldn’t even find a parking down the streets outside so decided to go back later. At workshop all was going fine. Diane’s Lancia has the primer coat on and is looking good. It was dark green and Hubby is planning on spraying it off white. He has also been busy revamping machinery and as usual we have to watch while he demonstrates what is up and running. After that he left for home as he wasn’t feeling too good. By the time we had finished there it was late afternoon so we didn’t even stop and do shopping, just dropped the return at the tax office and headed home. By the time we got home it was raining. We spent the evening in the usual way watching TV and having a Milo.
On Friday I phoned Mom for her birthday and both Diane and I spoke to her. The weather there hasn’t been too bad – reaching temps of 8c. Shame! I told them all there we would have a toast for Mom our time half five so that they could have one the same time there. Diane had a few queries to sort out but my work was on track so once she was finished we went into Meyerton to the license dept. to register the Lancia. We arrived about eleven and were most impressed when we were out before twelve with everything in order. A big improvement on our attempt in Alberton. Next we headed off to the Post Point where Diane needed copies of documents which she wanted laminated. The machine was being worked on by a technician so leaving the documents there we carried on to Heidelberg where we went into Home Affairs to request documents after which we went into the OTK for a fumigator for the bees and rats in the cottage ceiling. We were back in Meyerton to pick up Diane’s documents before two. While Diane picked up her documents I got us both some chips from Steers (nowhere can beat Steers for chips). We were home by half two, very pleased that we had done all that was needed so quickly. I put washing on quickly while Diane got on the computer to finish dealing with queries. She then started to get ready as she had a Blind Date. Hubby was home fairly early and after showering chilled in front of his TV to rest his foot which was badly swollen and painful (again). Diane interrupted her ablutions to chill with me while we had our glass of wine to toast Mom’s 80th. Diane didn’t want to drive in on her own to meet the date so asked Hubby and I to spend the evening at the Glen while she was there on her date. Hubby decided that he wouldn’t be able to go as his foot was just too painful. So it was just Diane and I who headed in to the Glen. Luckily the traffic was quiet and we were there before seven. Diane met her date and I wandered around the shops. (I saw her meet him and from the distance only noticed that he had a striped shirt on). I was wandering around Edgars looking for something to spend my birthday voucher on when Hubby phoned to say it was pouring with rain at home. It was still clear at the Glen luckily. I found myself a nice handbag and also spotted one for Diane. After making my purchases I decided to go for something to eat. I went into the Mugg and Bean at about eight and ordered a coffee. While waiting for it to arrive I sent Diane an sms to say where I was. When the coffee came I ordered myself a bobotie and as I had no answer sent a couple of missed calls to Diane. I started to worry as there was still no answer. As my food arrived I noticed a guy go past to the loos and recognized the shirt so tried to phone Diane but before I could she phoned me saying look behind you. Lo and behold there she was sitting in Mugg and Bean behind me. At that moment the heavens opened and the rain just poured down. Diane quickly moved seats as they were sitting outside under umbrellas. She now sat two tables away from me. I finished my meal and left going past her and the date on the way out. It was still pouring and very chilly so I went looking for a jersey to wear but had no luck. I went back past Mugg and Bean and saw Diane on her own (the date had gone looking for smokes to buy) so stopped for a chat. When I saw the date appear I left but unfortunately he had seen me and had seen Diane and I together when we arrived and realized who I was. Anyway he told Diane he would take her home so I left driving home in the pouring rain. I watched TV when I got back with a Milo. Diane was home not long after. Her evening had been fairly pleasant but she said the guy had talked a bit too much about his ex. We went to bed soon after.
Saturday morning I was up as usual but after the downpour (44mm) of Friday night had to chill inside with my coffee. It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining in a clear sky. Mid-morning Diane and I went into Meyerton to deposit at the bank for year end and to get a final bank statement after which we did some grocery shopping. When we got back I was feeling sick so took some tabs and went to have a nap. Diane was still tired so she also went for a nap. Hubby was resting his foot - under protest –but got up and made a pasta lunch. I dozed on and off all afternoon. Every now and again the dogs would wake me up with their barking. I eventually surfaced about four and made us all a Milo. Diane and I watched `Bolt’ on TV. What a cute movie! I made us a light supper of steak rolls and veggie sausage on rolls for Diane of course. After that I loaded the dishwasher in time to watch ` Secret lives of Second Wives’. We had our Milo and were deciding to go to bed when we saw `Death Proof’ was on so watched that instead. It is an old movie but we thoroughly enjoyed it especially when the girls got their revenge on the ass. It has motivated Diane and I into wanting to do some form of Martial Arts. I would just love to `kick ass’ like that.
Sunday was spoilt again with breakfast in bed at about half eight. Hubby and I then watched some TV before I got up about half nine to feed the dogs. Hubby and I sat outside chilling with a Milo. It was an absolutely gorgeous day with a brilliant blue sky. The birds were also enjoying the day and were out in full force. I spent the rest of the day cleaning while Diane did computer work. Hubby went in to visit a friend who had just come out of hospital, returning late afternoon with a good selection of munchies for us. Diane finished her work about five and we had a chill outside with a glass of wine before watching TV. We had an early supper and spent the rest of the evening in front of the TV.
Cheers. Have a fantastic week.
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