Was up for my chill under the trees which, unfortunately, never happened as the morning was rather chilly and windy. Instead I sat inside looking through the lounge window. The mornings are starting to get really chilly now and it feels as if autumn is fast approaching. Summer sped by with few really hot days due to all the rain. Not that I am complaining as the garden really benefitted this year – I have never seen it so thick and lush as it is now. I marvel at it every time I sit outside and appreciate all the rain received.
Today was the day Diane left her teens behind (by rights she should only celebrate tonight as that’s when she was born). I took her a cuppa in bed and wished her Happy Birthday after giving her present to her. My last one has now left the teens behind. A momentous occasion for her (I hope) and a sad one for me as it is a reminder of time passing and age creeping up. For me that is of course. Oh to be twenty again!After doing a bit of office/computer work Diane and I went in to watch ` The Princess and the Frog’, it was a cute movie which we both enjoyed. After our movie we headed off to Il Fornos to get some lunch. We started off with rock shandies and a foccacia bread. Our meal was Portuguese Peri Peri Chicken Livers for me and crumbed mushrooms for Diane. My meal was Hot but absolutely delicious. The finishing touch was cappuccinos for both of us. While we were there we booked for our get-together meal for the family to celebrate with Diane on Friday night. Leaving there we headed up to the workshop where after checking on things we left taking Hubby with us as he wanted to take his DKW in on Friday to put new white wall tyres on it. We stopped at his friend’s garage to see all his cars – Lancias, Alfas, an F1 Maclaren and a Masserati. The cars were fabulous! When we left Hubby drove as I wasn’t feeling too well (sinus). I spent the evening dozing on and off after taking some tablets. Diane spent the evening on the computer. About eleven thirty I got up to take the dogs out before locking up. I couldn’t even face the thought of a Milo and just went straight back to bed.
Friday morning I was up early for my chill outside as usual. The morning was chilly but not windy so I sat outside for awhile before starting the morning routine. Still wasn’t feeling too good though and took more tablets. I spent the morning doing some cleaning, resting and reading. I really am enjoying `Peking’ though not as much as `Saigon’. Hubby was home late afternoon in time to get ready for our night out. We left just before six (booking was for half six). The traffic was light so we were there in plenty of time for the meal. Everyone had arrived by seven and we chilled, drinking and chatting until we were ready to order food. Hubby and I had Lamb Curry while everyone else had Pizza. This was followed by more drinks and cappuccinos. We had such a good time that the oldies only left about half nine and the rest went on to party at Barrels. Hubby and I chilled with more coffee in front of the TV for the rest of the evening. I went to bed about half eleven and carried on reading before falling asleep. Diane and Co partied until about three after which Diane spent the rest of the night (morning) at Julie’s place.
On Saturday I was up for my chill time outside and was greeted by a beautiful day again. The trees were full of birds – I spotted some bulbuls, a pair of sunbirds and plenty of weavers as well as the usual doves and sparrows. They all seemed to be welcoming the day with me. It was very peaceful and energizing. After breakfast was over I spent some time cleaning before going in to town, with Hubby, for some much needed grocery shopping and replenishing Hubby’s medical necessities for his toe. When we got back we off loaded the shopping and packed everything away before I carried on reading my book. Lunch time Hubby made us wors and salad rolls which were really good. I read a short while longer before going into Alberton to fetch Diane. It was well after three by the time we got back home. Diane watched some TV and I carried on reading (I just can’t seem to put `Peking’ down). After supper we watched` Coyote Ugly’ on TV having our usual Milo. Sitting there I felt my foot starting to get really painful and couldn’t find a comfortable way to sit- it is still rather swollen after my fall and seems to get worse if I drive too much. Eventually I took an anti-inflammatory as I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t take something. Diane carried on watching TV while I went to bed to read while waiting for the tablet to take effect. I must say Hubby and I are really a pair of old crocks these days.
Sunday morning Hubby woke me about six when he was getting ready to leave for his Piston Ring Meet. (He dropped something and the crash woke me) He left and I went back to sleep eventually surfacing about half nine. I had my cup of coffee sitting outside on another beautiful day in paradise. I sat for nearly an hour enjoying the peace and tranquility. I passed the day doing some washing in-between reading my book which I’m happy to say is nearly finished. Hubby was home early afternoon and spent the rest of the afternoon resting his foot which is very swollen and red again. I made a meal of chops, roast potatoes and vegs after which I loaded the dishwasher and cleaned pots. Diane and I watched `The secret life of bees’ and then Diane watched `Confessions of a Shopaholic’ while I cleared my ironing. Once the movie was over Diane made our Milo before going off to bed. I went to bed to read and managed to finish my book about one. I must see if I can find anything more by Anthony Grey as I really enjoy his books. They are gripping right from the beginning. The last few days have seemed very quiet and we are missing Wayne Big Time. Cheers and have a Fantastic Week .
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wayne's last Days

Monday was up to the usual weekly routine of chill time under the trees before starting the week. Diane and Wayne went into Alberton while I did some office work. They were back late afternoon just in time for Donovan to pop in for a visit with Wayne. Tuesday Wayne started organizing himself ready for his journey home. I cleared his washing for him and he started to pack before him and Donovan went out, saying cheers to various friends and having a braai together. We got a Steers lunch so he could have a good take away for the last time. Diane and I spent the evening in front of the TV and having our Milo before I made and organized some picnic food for our trip to the Lion and Rhino Park. Hubby was at a committee meeting for the car club and only got back after midnight. We had another violent storm which went on for hours during the night – the rain was widespread and many areas of the country were badly affected with flooding.
Wednesday morning we were up fairly early and after organizing the dogs and gardener left for the Game Park arriving late morning as the traffic was still quite hectic. At the gate we got tickets for the Wonder Cave for Wayne and Diane (Hubby and I had been down several times already). Once through the gate we followed the signs for the cave stopping along the way for pics. There was a large male Sable on the side of the kopjie with a female and her baby in the gully at the bottom. The baby was too cute peering up at us with his mom. We saw some springbok and zebra as well before reaching the cave where there were bus loads of people waiting to go down. It was still a half hour before the next tour down the cave so we decided to go through the park and come back later in the hope it would be quieter then. As we drove away we came across a large tortoise on the side of the road munching on the grass growing there. He took no notice of us and carried on with his meal. There were wildebees and buffalo herds grazing to the side of us. They must all be enjoying the lush vegetation after all the rain we have had. Further up we spotted two rhino walking along and Diane got a couple of good pics before they disappeared into the bushes. We reached the wild dog and cheetah enclosures and went inside. We only saw the wild dogs from a distance but were able to get good pics of the cheetahs. Next was the lion enclosure where we arrived in time to wait for the daily feeding time. While waiting we had our picnic and something to drink. The rangers went around the area hooting continuously to let the lions know it’s time to come feed before driving into the feeding area in front of us. Diane glanced behind us and was delighted to see a lioness walking past the car. She was joined by two lions coming down from the other side. The bakkie with the food came past us and dropped the carcass off for them in the middle of the feeding spot. Another group of two lionesses and a lion joined the first group. It was amazing to see them close up like that. They sniffed around the carcass but obviously weren’t too hungry as they all circled around before flopping down around it. We left as we were happy with all the pics we had and went down to the crèche area. On the way we passed a salt lick where a pair of warthog were wallowing in the mud with a group of zebra. In the crèche were white lion cubs and normal lion cubs as well as a tiger and a pair of jaguars. Running around the whole area were squirrels who were very tame. After our wander through we headed back to the cave, passing the salt lick and mud hole again. This time a pair of buffalo were wallowing in the mud. The cave only had a couple of cars parked there and we sat in the shade waiting for the next tour to start. Wayne and Diane thoroughly enjoyed the tour through the caves and of course taking plenty of pics. When the tour was over we left the park as it was now after three. The traffic on the way home wasn’t too bad and we were home about half four. Wayne quickly showered and got ready for the airport. I helped him finish his packing while Diane put his holiday pics on a disc for him to take home. He can’t wait to show all his friends back in Oz his pics. Donovan arrived to fetch Wayne for a final goodbye of the family before going to the airport. After they left we got organized and also left for the airport where we met up at Capellos for drinks and a snack meal. We had a good time and were able to chill together for the last time before Wayne had to go through ready for boarding his flight.
Wednesday morning we were up fairly early and after organizing the dogs and gardener left for the Game Park arriving late morning as the traffic was still quite hectic. At the gate we got tickets for the Wonder Cave for Wayne and Diane (Hubby and I had been down several times already). Once through the gate we followed the signs for the cave stopping along the way for pics. There was a large male Sable on the side of the kopjie with a female and her baby in the gully at the bottom. The baby was too cute peering up at us with his mom. We saw some springbok and zebra as well before reaching the cave where there were bus loads of people waiting to go down. It was still a half hour before the next tour down the cave so we decided to go through the park and come back later in the hope it would be quieter then. As we drove away we came across a large tortoise on the side of the road munching on the grass growing there. He took no notice of us and carried on with his meal. There were wildebees and buffalo herds grazing to the side of us. They must all be enjoying the lush vegetation after all the rain we have had. Further up we spotted two rhino walking along and Diane got a couple of good pics before they disappeared into the bushes. We reached the wild dog and cheetah enclosures and went inside. We only saw the wild dogs from a distance but were able to get good pics of the cheetahs. Next was the lion enclosure where we arrived in time to wait for the daily feeding time. While waiting we had our picnic and something to drink. The rangers went around the area hooting continuously to let the lions know it’s time to come feed before driving into the feeding area in front of us. Diane glanced behind us and was delighted to see a lioness walking past the car. She was joined by two lions coming down from the other side. The bakkie with the food came past us and dropped the carcass off for them in the middle of the feeding spot. Another group of two lionesses and a lion joined the first group. It was amazing to see them close up like that. They sniffed around the carcass but obviously weren’t too hungry as they all circled around before flopping down around it. We left as we were happy with all the pics we had and went down to the crèche area. On the way we passed a salt lick where a pair of warthog were wallowing in the mud with a group of zebra. In the crèche were white lion cubs and normal lion cubs as well as a tiger and a pair of jaguars. Running around the whole area were squirrels who were very tame. After our wander through we headed back to the cave, passing the salt lick and mud hole again. This time a pair of buffalo were wallowing in the mud. The cave only had a couple of cars parked there and we sat in the shade waiting for the next tour to start. Wayne and Diane thoroughly enjoyed the tour through the caves and of course taking plenty of pics. When the tour was over we left the park as it was now after three. The traffic on the way home wasn’t too bad and we were home about half four. Wayne quickly showered and got ready for the airport. I helped him finish his packing while Diane put his holiday pics on a disc for him to take home. He can’t wait to show all his friends back in Oz his pics. Donovan arrived to fetch Wayne for a final goodbye of the family before going to the airport. After they left we got organized and also left for the airport where we met up at Capellos for drinks and a snack meal. We had a good time and were able to chill together for the last time before Wayne had to go through ready for boarding his flight.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday was up to a great day again when the alarm went off at six. Had to force myself out of bed though I felt as if I needed a good few more hours of sleep. Had my chill two cups of coffee to get up enough steam to start my day before making breakfast and seeing to the dogs. Once all that was out the way I could start on the final preparations for Hubby’s Tit Meeting. By the end of the morning there were bowls of all sorts of salad plus a big pot of pap ready and waiting for the start of the meeting. Diane and I got ourselves organized for our disappearance (Men only car club) from home. About half twelve the first few cars drove in and after being nosey and peering out the window to see who they were we grabbed a coke and sneaked out the side gate. We had already parked our car outside for our get away. Our first stop was in Meyersdal at the Steers. It was too hot to eat much but we were hungry so we ordered a packet of chips and a cone ice-cream each. The first to satisfy the hunger and the second to cool off. We parked under a tree and polished off the food before carrying on to Val’s place. The highway wasn’t too bad but as we rounded the corner we drove into a bottle neck where there were road works. It was pathetic and an absolute nightmare to get through. Luckily further down the road opened from the one lane to three again. We were using the GPS to try it out and were thrilled when we were warned twice of speed traps. Not that we were able to go over the limit with all the traffic around but it’s nice to know if you are speeding one day. I told Diane I will never drive without it on again.We got to Val and first thing was an ice cold coke to recover from the journey there before checking out the Photo Album for the 80th present. There is still work to be done on it before they leave on Friday but what has been finished is really stunning. They have worked hard on it and it shows. I take my hat off to them for a fantastic job. I’m sure it will give many hours of pleasure. That out the way we settled for an afternoon of coffee, cake and chat. Diane did a quick photo shoot of Kelly before she left to go out while we carried on chatting. Kim was slaving away over her books studying for exams this week coming. The afternoon flew past and we eventually left about six. As we turned on the on-ramp for the highway home we saw a roadblock in front and just our luck they stopped us. The young cop came to the window, leant on it and had a good look into the car. Diane was trying to find my Drivers License among all my paraphernalia in my bag and while we waited the cop wanted to know when I would be selling my car. I just laughed saying “but then I won’t have a car to drive “. By now Diane had found the license which he just glanced at before waving us on. Thank goodness that was all. We arrived home as it was getting dark to find a couple of die-hards still chilling in the braai area. Diane and I joined them sitting chilling with glasses of wine and munching crisps. Barney, one of the guys still there, had just recently got himself a 1946 Ford which he insisted Hubby take us for a drive in. We had a quick ride around the block. When we got back we teased him saying while it is a great car it just can’t compare to our 46 Plymouth - much to his disgust. It was about half nine before the guys left and we had a quick tidy - up before watching some TV. I started feeling sick and just went to bed leaving everything to be cleaned on Sunday. I was up to take the dogs out about midnight and saw that it was building up for a storm as lightning was flashing all around.
Hubby bought me breakfast in bed on Sunday morning just before eight. I was feeling a bit better so was up not long after to start the Big Clean. There really and truly is nothing worse than getting up to a dirty kitchen. I just never do it but couldn’t cope with it last night. Luckily paper plates were used for the Tit Meeting so it was utensils, glasses and bowls only. It took me an hour or two to clean after which I felt lousy again and seeing that Hubby also wasn’t feeling too good we just forgot about celebrating The Love Day. Instead we just relaxed, watched TV and read – at our age that is more enjoyable and less energy is required. Wayne was home early evening all excited after his Cape Town Trip. We were treated to a running commentary on all he had done- his meeting with Percy Montgomery, going up Table Mountain and Robbin Island and all the fab restaurants – as well as viewing his pics and video clips. We ate a light supper after which Diane and Wayne headed off to the movies. I spent the evening on the computer until I was forced to switch off due to all the thunder and lightning around. I watched some TV with my ‘can’t do without’ Milo. I was in bed around midnight with a book. I am now reading ‘Peking’ by Anthony Grey and am looking forward to it after reading his oh-so-enjoyable book ‘ Saigon”.
Cheers and have a fantastic week.
Hubby bought me breakfast in bed on Sunday morning just before eight. I was feeling a bit better so was up not long after to start the Big Clean. There really and truly is nothing worse than getting up to a dirty kitchen. I just never do it but couldn’t cope with it last night. Luckily paper plates were used for the Tit Meeting so it was utensils, glasses and bowls only. It took me an hour or two to clean after which I felt lousy again and seeing that Hubby also wasn’t feeling too good we just forgot about celebrating The Love Day. Instead we just relaxed, watched TV and read – at our age that is more enjoyable and less energy is required. Wayne was home early evening all excited after his Cape Town Trip. We were treated to a running commentary on all he had done- his meeting with Percy Montgomery, going up Table Mountain and Robbin Island and all the fab restaurants – as well as viewing his pics and video clips. We ate a light supper after which Diane and Wayne headed off to the movies. I spent the evening on the computer until I was forced to switch off due to all the thunder and lightning around. I watched some TV with my ‘can’t do without’ Milo. I was in bed around midnight with a book. I am now reading ‘Peking’ by Anthony Grey and am looking forward to it after reading his oh-so-enjoyable book ‘ Saigon”.
Cheers and have a fantastic week.
life weekend braai,
old cars
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Our Week

Was up as usual to a gorgeous day and had my chill time under the trees with the dogs. Had my second cuppa out there before I made any attempt to start my day. Hubby left after a rather late breakfast (we were both still in a chill mood after our weekend) and I did a bit of office work while Diane got on the computer to do what she needed to do. About mid-morning I decided to take Wayne to Emerald Casino. Diane thought it was a good opportunity to take some pics and decided to join us. We left about midday. Our first stop was at the Animal Park. There were only three other cars parked there so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. Once inside our first pic opportunity was at the hippo pool. There were two hippo lying just under the surface of the water – it was a real scorcher of a day- keeping cool. Next up was the bird enclosure where they had a variety of brightly coloured birds. We were fascinated and spent a while bird watching and taking pics before moving on and going through the reptile section. Coming out from the reptile house we found ourselves in front of the Meerkat area – we realized what it was by the tunnels everywhere- but the place seemed to be deserted. We were most disappointed but as we spoke little heads popped out of the tunnels. They were obviously curious to see where the voices were coming from. From one tunnel a female emerged and behind her peering out were two of the cutest little faces ever. We were entranced and stayed ages watching before moving on to the monkey area. Coming back past we saw a meerkat on top of the large branch in their area. He was obviously on sentry duty as others were out digging in the sand. The two babies were also out with their mother. There was a lot of chatter back and forth between the sentry and the rest of the group. It was fascinating to watch them all. It was the seals and chimps next as well as a large pool with plenty of pink flamingo around the edge. By now we were really hot so stopped at the kiosk for an ice-cream to cool us down. The last stop was the lion area. They had and enclosure with two cheetahs, the enclosure with two lions and another of wild dogs. Diane and Wayne had taken some good pics so we were all very happy and ready to move on to the Casino. The casino entertainment area was undergoing renovations so while Wayne browsed among the curio stands Diane and I went to see what was open for something to eat. Only Wimpy was and as we didn’t feel like that we went into the Casino area where we wandered through the gambling area briefly. Poor Diane had to produce her ID Book as they didn’t believe she was over 18.Inside I was amazed – Monday afternoon but there were people already gambling . Not my scene as I don’t believe in throwing money away. We went back out and into the restaurant downstairs – the Da Romano. After walking through the Animal Park in the intense, humid heat we were absolutely parched so quickly order drinks. Diane and I had beer shandies while Wayne had a milk shake. They were delicious and sooo cold! Wayne ordered a pasta dish, Diane had a mushroom starter and I had an avo filled with shrimps. The food was really good and we finished off with a cappuccino while Wayne had a coke. It was lovely and cool inside and we chilled reminiscing over the days when Wayne and Co had lived in S.A. The time was well after four, when we regretfully made our move for home. It had been such a lovely outing it was a pity the end had to come. We stopped in Meyerton on the way back as Hubby’s tablets were finished and I needed to get the next month’s supply. I also stopped for a couple of things at the supermarket. After supper Diane and Wayne went into The Glen to see ` Did You Hear About The Morgan’s?’. They both enjoyed the movie and came home via The Harvard Café. I spent the evening watching my usual dose of `Sea Patrol’ and `NCIS’ with my Milo. It was quite late when we all made our way to bed.
Tuesday was a quiet day as Wayne was sorting things out ready for his Cape Town trip and Diane and I were busy with computer work. Donovan picked Wayne up about eight and we had our usual evening of TV and Milo. Wednesday was more of the same for the two of us – just very quiet without Wayne. We missed him as we are so used to him being around now. Thursday Diane and I went into Alberton to the workshop after which Hubby and the two of us shopped at Alberton City. There were plenty of sales on and Hubby got himself a Camcorder while I got a new GPS.
On Friday I cleaned while Diane was doing more computer work. Hubby went into the workshop briefly before coming home to sort out the braai area for his Tit Car Club Meeting which is scheduled for tomorrow. After spending the morning cleaning I bathed the dogs and as I was so hot showered to cool off before having lunch. I was too exhausted to do much more after lunch so spent the afternoon chilling and reading. Late afternoon we all sat outside chilling with wine. It was so cool under the trees with the sun going down. After re-energizing with our chill time Diane and I tackled the cottage cleaning while Hubby made a bean salad and pasta salad ready for his meeting. Diane then got herself ready for a night out while I made steak and chips. It was now after eight so I dropped Diane off in Henley (She didn’t want to leave her car parked on the street). When I got back I cleaned the kitchen and did some more cleaning before watching TV. Diane phoned about half twelve for me to pick her up. As we got back Hubby woke up and half asleep wandering down the passageway. When he saw me he asked when I was going to drop Diane off and I informed him she was already back. Shows how long he had been sleeping! It was now after one so we all went to bed as we needed an early start tomorrow.
Tuesday was a quiet day as Wayne was sorting things out ready for his Cape Town trip and Diane and I were busy with computer work. Donovan picked Wayne up about eight and we had our usual evening of TV and Milo. Wednesday was more of the same for the two of us – just very quiet without Wayne. We missed him as we are so used to him being around now. Thursday Diane and I went into Alberton to the workshop after which Hubby and the two of us shopped at Alberton City. There were plenty of sales on and Hubby got himself a Camcorder while I got a new GPS.
On Friday I cleaned while Diane was doing more computer work. Hubby went into the workshop briefly before coming home to sort out the braai area for his Tit Car Club Meeting which is scheduled for tomorrow. After spending the morning cleaning I bathed the dogs and as I was so hot showered to cool off before having lunch. I was too exhausted to do much more after lunch so spent the afternoon chilling and reading. Late afternoon we all sat outside chilling with wine. It was so cool under the trees with the sun going down. After re-energizing with our chill time Diane and I tackled the cottage cleaning while Hubby made a bean salad and pasta salad ready for his meeting. Diane then got herself ready for a night out while I made steak and chips. It was now after eight so I dropped Diane off in Henley (She didn’t want to leave her car parked on the street). When I got back I cleaned the kitchen and did some more cleaning before watching TV. Diane phoned about half twelve for me to pick her up. As we got back Hubby woke up and half asleep wandering down the passageway. When he saw me he asked when I was going to drop Diane off and I informed him she was already back. Shows how long he had been sleeping! It was now after one so we all went to bed as we needed an early start tomorrow.
life casino animal park
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Weekend
Was up early on Saturday to enjoy a quick cuppa outside under the trees before starting the Big clean ready for Sunday. It was a lovely day with birds singing everywhere. After breakfast and seeing to the dogs Diane and I got stuck into the cleaning. I did the house while Diane did the cottage. Hubby went off to the shops late morning for some hooks at the hardware so that he could hang some pictures of his cars he had commissioned up in the passage. We had brief tea breaks every so often as well as our lunch break which was a nice long one as `Spiderman 2’ was on TV. After the movie Diane and I went into town for supplies for Sunday’s lunch. When we got back we carried on and finished the cleaning. Hubby wasn’t feeling too good so had a lie down to recover. Late afternoon the clouds built up again and we had another downpour. Hubby was feeling a little better now so he went out to the braai area and put the chickens on the smoker ready for the Sunday lunch – one thing less to do on Sunday. The rain continued for several hours and Hubby dashed out through the rain every now and then to check on the progress of the chickens. We had supper and then watched some TV. Hubby bought the chickens in when they were cooked. They looked and smelt good. I left them to cool and then separated the meat from the bone. There were four chickens altogether and I managed to fill a large container with meat which I put into the fridge. After watching ` Along came Polly’ and `Derailed’ on TV with our inevitable Milo we went to bed.
On Sunday was up early to have my chill cuppa before starting preparations for Sunday lunch. It was a beautiful morning after all the rain on Saturday. After breakfast I peeled and put potatoes to boil. While they boiled we sorted out all the cutlery, crockery, serving bowls, glasses and serviettes. Once they were cooked I put them to cool while cooking the rest of the meal. Hubby made the rice dish – with peppers etc. – while I cooked the butternut. At about half ten I went to shower and get myself ready after which I put a roast beef in the oven. People started arriving about twelve and when the last had arrived just before one I put the potatoes to roast in the oven and peas on to boil. Peter carved the roast and I put the rice and butternut to heat through. Margaret and Diane made a salad. Everyone was chatting and chilling with a drink. Diane and Julie laid the table while I put all in serving bowls and we were all able to sit and eat. There were sixteen of us altogether and we sat out on the cottage verandah around two catering tables. It was a nice change to have a sit-down roast instead of a braai. The meal was delicious (even if I say so myself) and everyone seemed to enjoy it with most people having seconds. The wine flowed and the conversation was enjoyable. It was really pleasant and peaceful sitting outside. Thank goodness for dishwashers! It would have been a nightmare to have to do all the dirty dishes by hand. While the table was cleared and the dishwasher loaded I got the pudding heated. We had Cape Brandy Pudding with custard. Delicious. Those of us still sitting at the table chilled and chatted some more while others moved outside to sit under the trees. The meal finished with tea and coffee for those that wanted. Pauline, Val, Margie and myself with Diane and KIm sat looking at photos and the album Val and Kelly are making ready for Mom’s 80th Birthday. It is going to be stunning when it is finished and is such a lovely, personal present for her. Wayne entertained us with the guitar and singing while we discussed the album. Val and Kim left and the rest of us joined the men outside and Wayne went to catch up on some sleep after his hectic party he had on Saturday. By now only Pauline and Peter with Trevor and Margie were left and we all relaxed under the trees with wine and beers. We all felt good after the food and conversation and nobody felt energetic enough to make a move. It was about half five when they all left and I quickly cleared up and put the dishwasher on. I had to put it on twice to clear all - I really do love my dishwasher. We spent the rest of the evening watching TV and relaxing after the hectic day. It really had been another perfect day in paradise with fabulous people, great food and good conversation. The kind of day we need more of. The day had been for all to see Wayne as well as my usual birthday get-together. I hope Wayne enjoyed himself as much as I did.
Cheers and hope you all have good times with family and friends
On Sunday was up early to have my chill cuppa before starting preparations for Sunday lunch. It was a beautiful morning after all the rain on Saturday. After breakfast I peeled and put potatoes to boil. While they boiled we sorted out all the cutlery, crockery, serving bowls, glasses and serviettes. Once they were cooked I put them to cool while cooking the rest of the meal. Hubby made the rice dish – with peppers etc. – while I cooked the butternut. At about half ten I went to shower and get myself ready after which I put a roast beef in the oven. People started arriving about twelve and when the last had arrived just before one I put the potatoes to roast in the oven and peas on to boil. Peter carved the roast and I put the rice and butternut to heat through. Margaret and Diane made a salad. Everyone was chatting and chilling with a drink. Diane and Julie laid the table while I put all in serving bowls and we were all able to sit and eat. There were sixteen of us altogether and we sat out on the cottage verandah around two catering tables. It was a nice change to have a sit-down roast instead of a braai. The meal was delicious (even if I say so myself) and everyone seemed to enjoy it with most people having seconds. The wine flowed and the conversation was enjoyable. It was really pleasant and peaceful sitting outside. Thank goodness for dishwashers! It would have been a nightmare to have to do all the dirty dishes by hand. While the table was cleared and the dishwasher loaded I got the pudding heated. We had Cape Brandy Pudding with custard. Delicious. Those of us still sitting at the table chilled and chatted some more while others moved outside to sit under the trees. The meal finished with tea and coffee for those that wanted. Pauline, Val, Margie and myself with Diane and KIm sat looking at photos and the album Val and Kelly are making ready for Mom’s 80th Birthday. It is going to be stunning when it is finished and is such a lovely, personal present for her. Wayne entertained us with the guitar and singing while we discussed the album. Val and Kim left and the rest of us joined the men outside and Wayne went to catch up on some sleep after his hectic party he had on Saturday. By now only Pauline and Peter with Trevor and Margie were left and we all relaxed under the trees with wine and beers. We all felt good after the food and conversation and nobody felt energetic enough to make a move. It was about half five when they all left and I quickly cleared up and put the dishwasher on. I had to put it on twice to clear all - I really do love my dishwasher. We spent the rest of the evening watching TV and relaxing after the hectic day. It really had been another perfect day in paradise with fabulous people, great food and good conversation. The kind of day we need more of. The day had been for all to see Wayne as well as my usual birthday get-together. I hope Wayne enjoyed himself as much as I did.
Cheers and hope you all have good times with family and friends
life weekend family friends
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Our Week
Monday had a good start as was able to sit out under the trees and have my chill time. Spent my morning doing office work and a brief clean up. Diane went off in the afternoon to see a client in connection with her photography. I read my magazines and did crosswords – must exercise the brain whenever possible. We had a day without rain for a change though it did build up and have some thunder and lightning. I added up the rainfall for January and the total was 365mm. The next highest we had for January was 222mm in 2006. It is no wonder everywhere is so overgrown and lush. The evening was the usual routine of supper and TV with our Milo. Hubby wasn’t feeling too good with his foot and was Not in a happy mood and when I finally went to bed he was muttering and carrying on much better at me. I just pretended to be asleep and ignored him. MEN!
On Tuesday morning was up to my usual chill coffee but it was very nippy and windy so I sat inside. By now I was annoyed by Hubby so I had my turn and gave him `what for’ before he stomped off to the workshop. I took Digby in to the parlour as he was looking rather the worse for wear. Diane was waiting for a delivery for pics which were only coming in the afternoon so her and Wayne decided to spend the morning at the Glen and see Planet 51 and do some wandering around the shops. They were back early afternoon arriving just after I got back from collecting Digby. He was all clean and had little blue ribbons in his ears. He was so thrilled when I fetched him and tried to sit on my lap on the way back home. Hubby was home about four having bought me a birthday present which he couldn’t resist giving me early. I was happy to see he was in a better mood. He actually apologized for his bad mood saying the pain of his foot puts him in a bad mood. I suppose anyone suffering permanently like that would also get cranky. The evening was the usual routine of Milo and TV for me while Diane and Wayne went into Alberton to Barrels and News Café for their usual jol.
On Wednesday Hubby brought me my breakfast in bed which is our usual birthday treat to each other. Diane and Wayne gave me their presents too. I enjoyed being spoilt and the extra time in bed. Hubby went off to work for the morning as we planned on seeing the afternoon movie. He phoned mid-morning to say that he was running late so Diane and I quickly went into Meyerton to the bank. We got back around two with Hubby arriving just after. Hubby and I got ready and headed off to The Glen. First thing we did was get our tickets for `Avatar’ - the movie was to start at five – and then wander around the shops. Hubby decided he wanted to buy me a shirt so we went looking for something suitable and managed to find exactly what I wanted. We bumped into friends and chatted awhile before heading off for something to eat before going into the movie. Going past `Ocean Basket’ gave me an appetite for prawns so we went in. We both ordered prawns with me having a glass of red wine and Hubby a beer. The prawns were delicious as usual and we both thoroughly enjoyed the meal which I finished off with a cappuccino. It was now time for the movie so we made our way there with a stop at the loo. (Three hours is a long time to wait). When I came out I couldn’t see Hubby so went to the entrance while hunting for the tickets in my bag. I searched every pocket and started to panic as I couldn’t find them. While I was looking for them a friend came over to talk to me. He asked where Hubby was and I told him I didn’t know. We carried on talking while I continued my search. The friend suddenly noticed Hubby in the queue for popcorn. I was still trying to find the tickets without success and told him this. He told me to look in my pocket. I really felt a fool when I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out the tickets. We both headed over to Hubby where we had a brief chat before we parted and went into our respective movies. `Avatar’ was all we expected and more. The show was spectacular and held us spellbound. The three hours flew past. I can see why everyone is raving about it. It is a movie I can recommend to everybody. We got home in time to rave about the movie before having a Milo in front of the TV. I went to bed in a really relaxed mood after having the most wonderful birthday and being thoroughly spoilt.
Thursday was back to the usual routine with some office work before heading in to Alberton just before one. Our first stop was the License dept to register a car. The queue wasn’t too bad and I was impressed when we got to the counter at half one. The happy feeling didn’t last long as when the papers were processed we were given a number and told to wait until it was called. We sat down hoping it wouldn’t be for long but our illusions were shattered when the lady next to us said she had been there two hours already. Her number was 274 and we were 292. We sat there with everybody fuming as the staff at the counters were either sitting on their cellphones, eating , chatting to each other or disappearing with an occasional serving of someone from the queue in between. We were eventually called just before they closed and told we needed more paperwork before anything could be done. By now we were fuming and left for Alberton City for a coffee to recover from the ordeal. It was now too late to do anything and we just headed home after getting some groceries.
Friday after my chill time outside and Hubby had left for the workshop I did a bit of office work before going back into Alberton to do all that was supposed to be done on Thursday. We were back home by mid-afternoon in time for Wayne to be picked up by Donovan as they were off to the ‘ Top Gear Show’ at the Dome. Diane and I started cleaning ready for the weekend after they left. Early evening we had thunder and lightning again and a downpour. After a stir fry supper we chilled in front of the TV watching ` Sea Patrol’ and `NCIS’ having our usual Milo before heading off to bed as we had a busy weekend ahead.
On Tuesday morning was up to my usual chill coffee but it was very nippy and windy so I sat inside. By now I was annoyed by Hubby so I had my turn and gave him `what for’ before he stomped off to the workshop. I took Digby in to the parlour as he was looking rather the worse for wear. Diane was waiting for a delivery for pics which were only coming in the afternoon so her and Wayne decided to spend the morning at the Glen and see Planet 51 and do some wandering around the shops. They were back early afternoon arriving just after I got back from collecting Digby. He was all clean and had little blue ribbons in his ears. He was so thrilled when I fetched him and tried to sit on my lap on the way back home. Hubby was home about four having bought me a birthday present which he couldn’t resist giving me early. I was happy to see he was in a better mood. He actually apologized for his bad mood saying the pain of his foot puts him in a bad mood. I suppose anyone suffering permanently like that would also get cranky. The evening was the usual routine of Milo and TV for me while Diane and Wayne went into Alberton to Barrels and News Café for their usual jol.
On Wednesday Hubby brought me my breakfast in bed which is our usual birthday treat to each other. Diane and Wayne gave me their presents too. I enjoyed being spoilt and the extra time in bed. Hubby went off to work for the morning as we planned on seeing the afternoon movie. He phoned mid-morning to say that he was running late so Diane and I quickly went into Meyerton to the bank. We got back around two with Hubby arriving just after. Hubby and I got ready and headed off to The Glen. First thing we did was get our tickets for `Avatar’ - the movie was to start at five – and then wander around the shops. Hubby decided he wanted to buy me a shirt so we went looking for something suitable and managed to find exactly what I wanted. We bumped into friends and chatted awhile before heading off for something to eat before going into the movie. Going past `Ocean Basket’ gave me an appetite for prawns so we went in. We both ordered prawns with me having a glass of red wine and Hubby a beer. The prawns were delicious as usual and we both thoroughly enjoyed the meal which I finished off with a cappuccino. It was now time for the movie so we made our way there with a stop at the loo. (Three hours is a long time to wait). When I came out I couldn’t see Hubby so went to the entrance while hunting for the tickets in my bag. I searched every pocket and started to panic as I couldn’t find them. While I was looking for them a friend came over to talk to me. He asked where Hubby was and I told him I didn’t know. We carried on talking while I continued my search. The friend suddenly noticed Hubby in the queue for popcorn. I was still trying to find the tickets without success and told him this. He told me to look in my pocket. I really felt a fool when I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out the tickets. We both headed over to Hubby where we had a brief chat before we parted and went into our respective movies. `Avatar’ was all we expected and more. The show was spectacular and held us spellbound. The three hours flew past. I can see why everyone is raving about it. It is a movie I can recommend to everybody. We got home in time to rave about the movie before having a Milo in front of the TV. I went to bed in a really relaxed mood after having the most wonderful birthday and being thoroughly spoilt.
Thursday was back to the usual routine with some office work before heading in to Alberton just before one. Our first stop was the License dept to register a car. The queue wasn’t too bad and I was impressed when we got to the counter at half one. The happy feeling didn’t last long as when the papers were processed we were given a number and told to wait until it was called. We sat down hoping it wouldn’t be for long but our illusions were shattered when the lady next to us said she had been there two hours already. Her number was 274 and we were 292. We sat there with everybody fuming as the staff at the counters were either sitting on their cellphones, eating , chatting to each other or disappearing with an occasional serving of someone from the queue in between. We were eventually called just before they closed and told we needed more paperwork before anything could be done. By now we were fuming and left for Alberton City for a coffee to recover from the ordeal. It was now too late to do anything and we just headed home after getting some groceries.
Friday after my chill time outside and Hubby had left for the workshop I did a bit of office work before going back into Alberton to do all that was supposed to be done on Thursday. We were back home by mid-afternoon in time for Wayne to be picked up by Donovan as they were off to the ‘ Top Gear Show’ at the Dome. Diane and I started cleaning ready for the weekend after they left. Early evening we had thunder and lightning again and a downpour. After a stir fry supper we chilled in front of the TV watching ` Sea Patrol’ and `NCIS’ having our usual Milo before heading off to bed as we had a busy weekend ahead.
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