Tuesday morning we were up and ready early arriving at the Dr at nine only to be told we only needed to come in three hours time. Pity we weren’t phoned and told this before we left home. Anyway, off we went to the workshop to check on things and fetch invoices. We then made our way to the bank and then the coffee shop. I felt bad as Hubby wasn’t allowed anything but he insisted on going there and I had a quick coffee and muffin. As we finished at eleven the receptionist phoned to say we could come now. I don’t know why as we sat there until after one before Hubby went in. I left to do some shopping and arrived back around three. Hubby was out and awake at four and after having a cup of tea and a walk around he was allowed to dress. Before leaving he was given a cup of soup which I am sure he was grateful for as he had last eaten just before ten on Monday night. His face really looked painful as it was covered in caked blood and very swollen. The sore on his lower eyelid had been removed and a flap from his cheek cut to do a skin graft. When the Dr did the nose he found four separate cancer sores so cut them off as one and cut a flap from the other cheek to do the skin graft over that wound. The Dr said that under No circumstances were the dressings to be removed from Hubby’s face and he must not let his face get wet. When we got home Hubby went to bed and Diane and I quickly went to Meyerton to fill his prescription. Once back I made supper and then gave Hubby his medication and put the drops in his eyes. He really was suffering as the anaesthetic had worn off. When I put the drops in I noticed how his eyes were full of blood and his wounds were oozing still. After supper Hubby fell asleep and when I went to check on him I was horrified to find him full of blood. I cleaned him up and he went back to sleep for a while but the pain kept waking him. Around eleven I phoned the hospital to tell them about the bleeding and was told to bring him to get a pressure bandage put on to stop it. When his wounds started bleeding badly again about half eleven we left for the hospital. Driving at night and me is not a good combination anymore. Luckily there was very little traffic around and we made fairly good time. At the hospital Hubby was checked out while I opened a file for him and then he was checked by the Dr on duty in casualty. It was decided that a pressure bandage was the best option and the Dr applied one to Hubby who ended up looking like a Mummy. Diane was up waiting when we got home and we all had a Milo before eventually getting in to bed at half two.
By Thursday morning Hubby looked terrible as the bruising on his face was coming through and he was on swollen and purple. The rest of the week was spent looking after Hubby and doing office work in between. On Saturday a couple of friends came to visit him and see how things were going. On Sunday Hubby had a very bad day as the stitch on the eyelid was scratching his eye continuously. Today we went back to the Dr for the follow up visit and the stitches were taken out. What a difference! Hubby now feels like a new person. With the dressing off he looks much better as his face is now cleaned of all the blood. He is just rather swollen but that will soon go down.
All for now. Enjoy your week.