The rest of the week was spent chilling and chatting under the trees with Mike and Sandy. Saturday Hubby took them to a Car Meet which they thoroughly enjoyed while I quickly did some cleaning and got the place ship-shape again. Sunday Ali bought the boys over for Mike and Sandy to see as they were last here before Travis was born and we had another chill day under the trees. Josh was coughing badly and not at all well so we decided to keep him here and take him to the Dr on Monday morning. I had him with me for the night in the spare room and it was not a good night at all. He was miserable and kept waking up and each time it took a while to settle him again. Luckily I got an appointment for him mid-morning and was given an anti-biotic among other medicine. The rest of the day was spent with Sandy and I taking turns with him. Ali phoned in the evening to say Travis was also sick now and asked me to try getting him an appointment with the Dr for Tuesday. The medicine had not had time to take effect so Josh and I had another bad night with very little sleep. Tuesday I managed to get an appointment for Travis and Ali bought him through. Josh was asleep so I left him with Sandy while I went to meet Ali at the Dr. Once we had finished there we returned to the plot for Ali to say Hi and Bye to Josh and everyone before returning to work. As both boys were too sick for nursery school I kept them on the plot. Sandy made a delicious casserole for supper so that I could see to the boys with feeding and bath time etc. They were both asleep when Diane and Hubby returned just after six and we sat chatting and enjoying our food. No sooner had I started clearing the kitchen when Josh woke up. We all took turns amusing him until he fell asleep again about half nine. Travis was coughing badly so we put Josh in Diane’s bed as we didn’t want them to disturb each other especially as Josh was improving. It was another bad night for me as Travis coughed most of the night and kept waking himself up with it. Several times I rubbed more breathe oil on his chest and back and eventually resorted to giving him honey which helped for a short while. We were up just before six and found Diane and Josh sitting in front of the TV. Josh had woken briefly a couple of times in the night and was up at five ready for his day. We all had breakfast and then Hubby and Diane left followed shortly by Sandy and Mike who were continuing their holiday and going up to the Kruger and surrounding area for a few days. Josh was tired and fell asleep for a couple of hours about half nine. Travis was also tired but determined to stay awake. I quickly cleaned the kitchen while he played just outside the back door with his cars. Once Josh woke we had lunch after which Travis fell asleep. Josh and I chilled under the trees until Travis woke an hour later very miserable as he was still so tired. I managed to rock him to sleep again sitting on the swing bench and put him back to bed. Josh had his supper and a play by which time Travis woke Very Miserable and still Very Tired. I couldn’t do anything with him as he was so miserable and just lay crying. Luckily Hubby and Diane returned and she took Josh while I calmed Travis and bathed him after which he had some supper and his medicine. I put him on the couch with a pillow to watch TV and within minutes he was asleep again. We quickly had some supper and kept Josh awake until half seven so that he would sleep through. By now I felt like a zombie from lack of sleep and we were all in bed soon after nine. Before putting off the light I rubbed Travis’s chest and back and gave him some honey. It worked for a while as he only woke me up around two and after doing all again we slept until six. Diane and Josh had been up since five again. Both Travis and I felt a lot more normal after having a decent sleep. Hubby and Diane left after breakfast and I started my day with the boys. Josh had a good sleep again mid-morning and after an early lunch we left for Alberton as I was running short of supplies. Travis slept in the car until the workshop where we picked Diane up to help me with the boys while we shopped. We were home late afternoon and after feeding the boys and bathing them we put Travis in front of the TV with his pillow again. Luckily it worked again and he was asleep within minutes. After having our supper and keeping Josh amused until seven when he fell asleep with his bottle we spent the rest of the evening on the computer. Both Diane and I had a fairly good night with not too many interruptions though I still needed to keep rubbing Travis’s chest and give him honey to soothe his cough. At least his cough wasn’t bad enough to wake him up. Friday was Diane’s 21st but unfortunately we were not able to do anything as the weather was so miserable and cold and we didn’t want to take the boys out and start them off again with their coughing. Plans to go to the circus farm had to be shelved and by evening we were too tired to care about going out. Saturday when Travis and I got up we found Diane and Josh in front of the TV again. Diane was in quite a state as Josh had been awake since two in the morning wanting to play. I took Josh and told her to have a couple of hours sleep. The weather was miserable and cold with drizzle so we stayed inside again. Josh was asleep not long after breakfast and after dressing Travis up warmly Hubby took him out to play so that I could get their things ready and bags packed to go home. Travis fell asleep until it was time to leave just after eleven. Diane and I were really exhausted after our hectic week of looking after sick boys and were happy to hand them over to Alison who at least had had time to catch up on her sleep and be ready to carry on looking after them now that they were getting better.
After leaving the boys with Alison we left for Lifestyle where Diane and I went to Piatto for a light lunch. I had chicken livers and Diane had a pasta dish. As usual the food was excellent and it was a pleasure not to have to worry about the boys though I was already missing them but with the miserable weather it wasn’t worth taking them out with us. After eating we wandered around Lifestyle where the annual garden display was up. The exhibits were stunning as usual and gave great ideas for the garden. Just before three we made our way to the Lifestyle restaurant to secure a table ready for afternoon tea with Pauline, Val and all. The place was quite busy but we managed to get a table for seven and were joined shortly after by Pauline. We ordered coffee and tea and Diane and I opened presents. I had a lovely necklace and Diane had champagne and glasses. Not long after Val, Kelly, Michelle and Aeron joined us and after opening more presents – Diane had a lovely jewellery box (which matched the purse Ali had given her) with earrings in – we ordered more coffee and cake. Pauline also ordered champagne to toast Diane. When the champagne was poured we sang Happy Birthday to Diane and proceeded to enjoy it as well as the cake and coffee. We had a really great time laughing and enjoying ourselves together. Once the cake was over one of the waiters came over and asked about Diane’s birthday and presents. When he found out it was her 21st he said he was going to organise something. A large group of them came a little later and after making Diane stand on her chair they all sang Happy Birthday to her. Not long after our party broke up and we all headed home where we chilled at home for the evening.
Sunday we were up early to go to a Piston Ring Meet using the Plymouth. As soon as we parked Diane and I headed for the coffee stand we got coffee and then pies which we ate sitting on the stand in the clubhouse area. We spent the morning wandering around looking at the cars on display and taking pics. At twelve we left to meet Dean and his wife for lunch at Europa in Melrose Arch. After parking we made our way, with Brian, to the restaurant where we were joined by Dean and Anne. We ordered lunch- steak for Hubby, a fish basket for me and pasta for Diane – and sat chatting while waiting for it. Not one of us was impressed with our food. Hubby just had a piece of steak with some chips in a little bowl – it wouldn’t have looked too bad on a smaller plate. In my basket was just one piece of each type of fish and some chips – at least the Irish Harp gives about five pieces of each – and Diane didn’t enjoy her pasta at all. Most disappointing and we will never waste our time going there again. At least the drinks were OK with Diane having a strawberry daiquiri and me a glass of wine. The rest of the day was relaxing and having a nap to catch up on much-needed sleep.