Everywhere is looking so good with all the new fresh, green leaves growing on all the trees and plants. The garden is starting to look like a garden again and not a desert. We just need some rain now. Daily we have the winds and dust causing havoc with the sinus problems but no rain here yet.
The daily routine is some cleaning with a bit of office work and looking after Hubby. The major part being looking after Hubby and his sugar levels. I’m pleased to say that the small meals with a snack in between really does keep the sugar levels down as his levels are now a constant of around five.
The best news of all is how well his wound is healing. Hubby is still hooked up to the KCI and we are going to the wound specialist three times a week. The difference in the wound each time she changes the dressing and checks the wound is unbelievable. It is closing up so quickly and looking so good. When we think of what it looked like and the size of the wound when the second op was done we just can’t believe how small it now is. The hole is almost closed and is healing so cleanly with no jagged edges but as a smooth rounded area. Both Hubby and I are so happy and pleased with his progress and I’m really happy as Hubby is so determined to keep doing as instructed. He is resting his feet as much as possible with no walking at all and eating properly. The best of all is that he has still not smoked since before his first op. The area on the other foot where he had the ulcer is completely clear except for a spot of dry skin which I massage cream into to keep a callus from forming. Apparently if a callus forms an ulcer could develop again and we are both determined to keep that from happening. Lorraine, the wound specialist, has told us that once the three months are up the Dr will assess Hubby and maybe, just maybe, he will be able to do an op opening the veins in his legs. We are both hoping this will be possible as it would mean that Hubby’s feet would then be back to normal with no chance of ulcers developing again. He would then be back to walking as normal and not having to be off his feet as we originally thought. We were looking at motorised scooters but will hold off buying anything until we know what the Dr’s verdict will be. The good thing about this is how it has motivated Hubby into following Dr’s orders.
Well that is all for now as nothing exciting has been happening lately but this will change as Ali is coming to visit for a few days seeing that the next week is a school holiday. Best of all is the fact that it is the Annual Pride Parade next Saturday and Diane and I are going to get some pics of the colourful event. The vibe and colour is always great.
Have a Great Week.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Latest Update on Hubby

Diane and I were in Alberton early Saturday morning to visit Hubby and do some shopping. We spent most of the morning visiting and went back to the plot after lunch to pick up more injections for Hubby. Ali phoned and asked us to meet her somewhere as she needed a break and some me time. After fetching the injections we met up at The Glen where we spent a couple of hours chatting and enjoying ourselves at the Mugg n Bean. Diane and I returned to the hospital where we spent some more time with Hubby before going home to have an evening in front of the TV.
Sunday we were up fairly early as we were off to the annual `Wheels at the Vaal’ event. After washing the Sunbeam to use we left to go to the Vaal arriving about half ten. We had a great morning chatting to friends and checking out all that was on display from stunning old cars to steam engines and camel rides. Diane took plenty of pics to show Hubby and after having a picnic lunch with Sandy and Godfrey we left for the hospital. Hubby was happy to hear all about the event and enjoyed looking at the pics though he was feeling a bit down from spending so much time in hospital. It was almost dark when we got back home and we spent the evening getting sorted for the week ahead and watching TV.
Monday Diane left for her week in Alberton and about eight Hubby phoned all disappointed and upset because the DR had told him the earliest he could leave was Wednesday as they need to take a swab and get the results ( 2 days in the lab) before knowing what further treatment will be needed. I spent most of the morning starting a spring clean of the bedroom ready for his return. When I got to the hospital late morning Hubby was waiting for the swab to be taken so his foot could be re-bandaged. After about half an hour his foot was attended to and the bandage and KCI re-attached. Poor Hubby was really feeling down about having to stay until Wednesday. I spent time with Hubby cheering him up until I started to feel ill. The longer I sat the worse I felt until I just had to leave as I was scared I could infect Hubby and delay his leaving hospital. By the time I reached home I felt really ill and dosed up and had an early night.
Tuesday morning I woke up with the worst sinus attack I have ever had as well as a tight, painful chest. My head was pounding, my ears were aching and I had the worst sore throat ever. I phoned Hubby to tell him I was staying away and discovered I had lost my voice. He was very upset and worried and I told him not to worry as I intended sleeping and dosing up. I started some anti-biotics and spent most of the day napping in between finishing cleaning the bedroom. Wednesday Hubby needed clean pyjamas and help to change so I went in meeting Ali there as she also wanted to visit and see how he was doing. I quickly took her shopping to choose herself a birthday present. The results of his swab had shown he had no infection left and the Dr was now waiting for authorisation for his anti- biotic course from the medical aid before he could leave. I kept well away from Hubby with my germs and was home not long after lunch to rest some more as I still felt so bad. The rest of the week was spent either in bed trying to get better or cleaning ready for his return.
Friday we finally received the authorisation and I fetched Hubby at lunchtime after first stopping at the workshop. The rest of Friday and Saturday was spent looking after Hubby and dosing myself up as I was still so ill. I kept clear of Hubby as much as possible as I was petrified I could infect him and cause problems with his foot.
Sunday I woke up feeling much better and for the first time since Monday had had clear head and no pain in the chest though I still have a slight cough and still can’t go anywhere without a good supply of tissues. Diane and I decided to take Hubby out for a bit seeing as he has been confined so long and we left late morning for Eastgate. We had a pleasant time wandering around the shops with Hubby in his wheelchair (It’s great to park at the entrance door in the wheel chair parking) before stopping for some lunch. Diane and I had pasta while Hubby had a Surf and Turf – we let him spoil himself a bit. We all had a rock shandie with the meal and then Diane and I had a cappuccino. After the meal we left for home as I didn’t want Hubby to overdo things though it was great to see how the outing had cheered him up.
Monday we were in Alberton early to see the wound specialist to change the dressing on Hubby’s foot and check on progress. She was very happy to see how well it seems to be healing. He is still using the KCI as the Dr doesn’t want it off until the wound has closed and a covering has started to develop. His next appointment is on Friday with the wound specialist. After leaving there we met Ali and the boys and after shopping for a special lunch for her birthday we returned to the plot. We had a lovely day together and Ali only left just before five to return home. I cleaned up a bit and then we had a lazy evening together before going to bed quite early as we were both rather tired.
Sorry to take so long to do the blog but being ill really took it out of me and looking after Hubby and his diet is a full time job.
All for now. Have A Great Week.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Second Operation and Hospital Time
Tuesday I visited Hubby who was very cheerful and in between I stopped at the workshop to check on things. All was fine so I went down to Hubby before going home but after getting a call from the workshop I returned to get supplies they needed. First Vusi and I went up to get sawdust that’s needed for the moils etc. before I went to get oil for the hammer. Diane and I visited again in the evening after stopping to do some shopping on the way down to the hospital.
Wednesday I left the plot just before eight so that I would be there for when Hubby came out from the op. To my surprise he was still waiting to go to theatre so we chatted and did crosswords until they eventually came for him at half ten. This time he was in Room 4 so the bed could be wheeled out for theatre. I went to the hospital Cafe for some breakfast and coffee and then carried on with the crossword and reading the magazine. Hubby was bought back to his room just before twelve- he had been so long as he had to lie and wait in line for his turn to be operated on. To his delight within minutes his lunch arrived and he tucked in immediately. I stayed with him until nearly two to see if the Dr would come and see him but unfortunately he was still busy in theatre. I returned to the plot and went back at five to fetch Diane and go back to the hospital. The Dr had been to see Hubby and told him that they had cleared out another infection they had found in the wound and that he would need very strong anti biotics to clear the one they had discovered out of his body. Tablets will not be strong enough and he would need to go to the hospital daily for an injection for at least a month. Hubby was very down and Diane said he was obviously hungry. When I asked what his supper had been he said it was some awful concoction. Hubby’s stomach sure rules his life. Diane and I decided to go across to Mike’s and have starters. It was pleasant to sit and relax. I had calamari and rice while Diane had mushrooms and we ordered chicken strips for Hubby. When we took Hubby’s food back he immediately brightened and by the time he had finished he was smiling and cheerful. Amazing what food can do!
Thursday morning I left the plot just after eight to go through to Ali for Travis’s birthday. She had phoned and said that Travis had been really sick with a temperature and coughing during the night. When I arrived at her we had a cappuccino before taking his cake to him at school so he could have it with his classmates. Travis was thrilled to see us and really enjoyed being sung to by everyone but as he was feeling lousy more than ready to leave. We took him straight to the Flora Clinic where both he and Ali got checked. Travis was diagnosed with pneumonia and Ali with bronchitis and they were given prescriptions. We stopped to get the medication and buy some lunch from Woolies before going back to Ali’s place. Josh was tired and while Ali saw to him I unpacked the car and started lunch. Travis needed to eat to take his medicine so I quickly made him a sandwich but he wasn’t very hungry so Ali gave him some of the chocolate mousse we had got him – it was his birthday and any food was good. After having a few mouthfuls we gave his medicine and Ali changed him into something cooler and settled him on the couch where he fell asleep. We ate our lunch and then I played with Josh on the bed till he fell asleep. I left about half two and went to visit Hubby at the hospital. Hubby was lying chatting to his friend Peter when I arrived and we chatted awhile before he left to collect a friend from the airport. The wound specialist, Lorainne, had been to see Hubby and had connected the KCI- vacuum pump- to his wound. This continuously pulses and draws blood down to the wound and keeps it clean while encouraging healing. I spent until just before five with Hubby before returning to the plot for the evening.
Friday was in Alberton early again as Hubby wanted help with washing and changing – not an easy process with a drip and the KCI attached. We sat chatting and having our drinks from the Cafe for about an hour before the Sister came in to discuss Hubby’s treatment. The hospital was waiting for authorisation from the medical aid for the KCI and anti biotics. The med aid had acknowledged receiving the letter but not replied. She asked me to contact them as this would probably speed up the process. I was going up to the workshop so I left immediately to make the phone call. At the workshop I paid the workers and then made the phone calls I needed to make and was pleased when they gave the authorisation number. While in the office I had a phone call from a customer wanting gwalas made so I asked Gino to get a price on the material for me and let me have the figures later. I went back to the hospital and gave the number authorising use of the KCI until the 10th September. After spending some more time with Hubby and Don who was visiting I left for home. I spent the afternoon cleaning and sorting things out the quote and order for the gwalas. I was too tired to return to Alberton and when Diane got home we had a glass of wine before having supper and relaxing for the rest of the evening.
Cheers and Have a Great Weekend.
Wednesday I left the plot just before eight so that I would be there for when Hubby came out from the op. To my surprise he was still waiting to go to theatre so we chatted and did crosswords until they eventually came for him at half ten. This time he was in Room 4 so the bed could be wheeled out for theatre. I went to the hospital Cafe for some breakfast and coffee and then carried on with the crossword and reading the magazine. Hubby was bought back to his room just before twelve- he had been so long as he had to lie and wait in line for his turn to be operated on. To his delight within minutes his lunch arrived and he tucked in immediately. I stayed with him until nearly two to see if the Dr would come and see him but unfortunately he was still busy in theatre. I returned to the plot and went back at five to fetch Diane and go back to the hospital. The Dr had been to see Hubby and told him that they had cleared out another infection they had found in the wound and that he would need very strong anti biotics to clear the one they had discovered out of his body. Tablets will not be strong enough and he would need to go to the hospital daily for an injection for at least a month. Hubby was very down and Diane said he was obviously hungry. When I asked what his supper had been he said it was some awful concoction. Hubby’s stomach sure rules his life. Diane and I decided to go across to Mike’s and have starters. It was pleasant to sit and relax. I had calamari and rice while Diane had mushrooms and we ordered chicken strips for Hubby. When we took Hubby’s food back he immediately brightened and by the time he had finished he was smiling and cheerful. Amazing what food can do!
Thursday morning I left the plot just after eight to go through to Ali for Travis’s birthday. She had phoned and said that Travis had been really sick with a temperature and coughing during the night. When I arrived at her we had a cappuccino before taking his cake to him at school so he could have it with his classmates. Travis was thrilled to see us and really enjoyed being sung to by everyone but as he was feeling lousy more than ready to leave. We took him straight to the Flora Clinic where both he and Ali got checked. Travis was diagnosed with pneumonia and Ali with bronchitis and they were given prescriptions. We stopped to get the medication and buy some lunch from Woolies before going back to Ali’s place. Josh was tired and while Ali saw to him I unpacked the car and started lunch. Travis needed to eat to take his medicine so I quickly made him a sandwich but he wasn’t very hungry so Ali gave him some of the chocolate mousse we had got him – it was his birthday and any food was good. After having a few mouthfuls we gave his medicine and Ali changed him into something cooler and settled him on the couch where he fell asleep. We ate our lunch and then I played with Josh on the bed till he fell asleep. I left about half two and went to visit Hubby at the hospital. Hubby was lying chatting to his friend Peter when I arrived and we chatted awhile before he left to collect a friend from the airport. The wound specialist, Lorainne, had been to see Hubby and had connected the KCI- vacuum pump- to his wound. This continuously pulses and draws blood down to the wound and keeps it clean while encouraging healing. I spent until just before five with Hubby before returning to the plot for the evening.
Friday was in Alberton early again as Hubby wanted help with washing and changing – not an easy process with a drip and the KCI attached. We sat chatting and having our drinks from the Cafe for about an hour before the Sister came in to discuss Hubby’s treatment. The hospital was waiting for authorisation from the medical aid for the KCI and anti biotics. The med aid had acknowledged receiving the letter but not replied. She asked me to contact them as this would probably speed up the process. I was going up to the workshop so I left immediately to make the phone call. At the workshop I paid the workers and then made the phone calls I needed to make and was pleased when they gave the authorisation number. While in the office I had a phone call from a customer wanting gwalas made so I asked Gino to get a price on the material for me and let me have the figures later. I went back to the hospital and gave the number authorising use of the KCI until the 10th September. After spending some more time with Hubby and Don who was visiting I left for home. I spent the afternoon cleaning and sorting things out the quote and order for the gwalas. I was too tired to return to Alberton and when Diane got home we had a glass of wine before having supper and relaxing for the rest of the evening.
Cheers and Have a Great Weekend.
life operation
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