We were all up early to get ourselves ready to go to Germiston where The Reef Steam Train Members were having an event. The weather was overcast and cool but the forecast was for a warm day so we hoped it would improve. We left just before half eight for Alberton City to meet Ali who was joining us on the outing. The train left Germiston just after ten and we had a ride through to Boksburg and back. The train which consisted of about ten carriages was full. It was an enjoyable ride and lasted about an hour and a half with all the shunting back and forth. At Boksburg station we got off and watched them bring the engine round to pull the carriages back to Germiston. Travis really enjoyed the ride and almost fell asleep several times. When we got back to Germiston Travis had a jump on the Jumping Castle before we left. We were all starving by now and decided to go to The Harvard Cafe as it was on the way home and from there easy to join the highway. The place was quite full with most people watching the Rugby on a large screen TV. The weather had warmed up nicely so we decided to sit outside on the deck. Josh was asleep so Ali took Travis to watch the planes from the end of the deck while we ordered drinks and food. Diane and I had a Savannah Dry while Ali and Hubby had juices. Diane had a vegetarian pasta, Hubby had fish and chips, Travis had chips with a toasted ham and cheese while Ali and I had chicken schnitzel with veg and chips. We sat with our drinks enjoying the warmth and vibe of the place. There was a lot of activity on the runway with planes and helicopters landing and taking off non-stop. We were surprised when our food arrived so quickly considering how busy the place was. All the food was delicious and the veg so fresh. Travis really enjoyed himself. He sat between Ali and I and kept dipping his chips into either my or Ali’s mushroom sauce. Josh woke up and while I held him Ali finished eating before going to the car to see to him. I finished my food while Diane took Travis to the play area and then we all had cappuccino before leaving for home. We arrived home just as Ali’s friend Stephanie arrived to come visit her and see Josh for the first time. They chatted together with Josh while Diane and I took Travis out for a last play before going home. He scooted around on his motor bike and spent time in the sandpit. Stephanie left half three and then Ali got herself sorted out to leave. After loading the car with things and kids there was not much space left especially as Travis wanted his bike and had it on the seat next to his car seat. After they left Diane and I went to the shop quickly for milk and other things we needed before having supper and settling to check emails etc on the computer. After watching some TV we went to bed where I read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer.
Sunday was up around nine and Hubby made breakfast before going to rest his feet. After the hectic last few days I didn’t feel like doing much so have had a fairly lazy day. Diane has been sorting things out for her week ahead at work. She has enjoyed her first week and is looking forward to the next. They are happy with her and have already given her the catalogues to do from start to finish. Luckily the camera they use is the same as her one. I vacuumed everywhere as it was dusty with bits of dry grass from the dogs and everyone’s shoes all over. Once Diane is ready I will have to take her in to Margaret as Hubby wasn’t feeling too good this week and didn’t finish her car.
Cheers and have a Fantastic Week