Saturday was woken by Hubby with a coffee at half four. He was all eager to be off to Zwartkops and didn’t want to waste any time. I drank my coffee and then got up to wake Diane and Wayne with a cup of tea each. I dressed, fed the animals and put the little ones into the front yard for the day - it would be too long a day to leave them shut in the house. We were all ready by five forty five and left for our day out. First stop was the garage for petrol and cold-drinks before heading for Alberton to meet friends who were also going. We were on our way just after six and arrived at Zwartkops about seven twenty. I couldn’t believe how many people were already there. We parked behind the first stand, put our cushions out to keep our seats and then started our breakfast braai (I was really hungry now). The weather was overcast and cold. I had thought it would be a hot day seeing that we were in Pretoria and hadn’t brought a jacket with. Luckily Ian had extra jackets and gave me one to wear. We had a delicious breakfast of bacon, eggs, tomato, sausage, beans and rolls. While the men folk packed everything back into the bakkie and car Diane, Wayne and I headed for the Pits to check out the cars. Wayne was in his element running around taking pics. Diane and I took pics and then headed over to get a cup of coffee from the canteen. While we had our coffee we wandered around the bikes taking more pics. Bikes headed out into the track for the first event of the day. We finished our coffee while watching the race before heading back to the stand where Diane wanted to change the memory card in her camera. I stayed at the stand to watch the racing while Diane and Wayne headed back to the pits to take more pics. We had chosen a good spot to sit as it was on a bend. We had a good view of the cars coming down the straight, racing round the corner and then round into the second bend before continuing down and past the pits area. It was exciting viewing! We saw our fair share of spins and cars losing control. The Trans-Am Pre 1974 and the Pre 1966 Legend Production Cars were the most exciting to watch. The muscle power of these cars is phenomenal. My heart was in my mouth every time the cars raced round the corners. I was so relieved there were no accidents. One of the events was the ` Elana Classic Touring Cars (Handicap) Radio Highveld. Both Wackhead (in a 1962 Ford Anglia) and Paul Rotherham( in a 1965 Alfa Sprint GT) raced in it. I take my hat off to both of them for having the guts to participate. I told Diane that if it was me I would have pulled off and sat quivering like a jelly after the first corner. According to Hubby the most powerful muscle car there was a Plymouth Fury and the most collectable an Aston Martin DBR1 both 1957.
It was really cold up on the stands and I was glad of the warmth cuddling up to Hubby. Diane and Wayne came back and sat with me while Hubby and friends went off for their tour of the pits. My ankle wasn’t feeling too good so I stayed put. Old Dougie had made sandwiches and dished them out to all of us at lunchtime when we were all together again. After lunch Diane and I headed back to the pits to find a loo (Those portable things are just too awful).We used the facilities and then wandered around the pits again. The air was full of the noise of revving cars getting ready and the buzz was electric. We watched a race from the front of the pit area before heading back to the stand. By three the early start was catching up with me and I nearly fell asleep waiting between events. I had visions of falling asleep and toppling off the stand. At three the Legends of the 9 Hour Production Cars was on again followed by the Trans- Am Saloon Cars. Both were such exciting races that by the end of it I was wide awake. We left soon after at about four. At the exit were three speed cops directing traffic as the road we needed to turn into was very busy. We were first in line to turn as the speed cop directing had just allowed the car in front through. The three of them chatted awhile and then when there was a queue behind us one of them stepped into the middle of the road to stop the traffic. To the left the traffic stopped but the first car from the right didn’t. The cop got agitated and waved wildly at the car to stop. The driver didn’t understand and though he slowed kept coming. He must have thought it was a roadblock because he started to pull to the side of the road right in front of us. The cop freaked out at him telling him that when he is told to stop he must stop. Obviously he was not so polite to the driver! When the driver had stopped and the cop had finished performing he indicated to us and the queue to go. As we drove around the driver to get onto the road the cop was still freaking out at the driver. I bet that’s the last time that driver doesn’t stop immediately when told to do so. Seeing as we were right there in Pretoria Hubby decided to go via the Voortrekker Monument to show it to Wayne. We drove through and stopped for Wayne to take pics of some zebra and buck before heading to the monument. The view from up there over Pretoria is stunning. Diane and I left Wayne taking pics of the view while we went up and took some pics by the monument. This done we headed back home arriving about six. Wayne had made arrangements to meet a friend from his school days here at Carnival City so he showered and changed. Hubby went to relax and rest his foot while Diane and I sat watching TV. When Wayne was ready Diane and I took him to his meeting place. We all went to the casino entrance where Wayne was to meet his friend. While Wayne waited Diane and I headed inside to get something to drink before returning home. We found a coffee bar and sat down to order a cappuccino each. While waiting for the coffee we decided we might as well eat as it would be rather late when we got back home. When the coffees came we ordered a plate of French fries and a basket of fried haloumi and ciabatta bread to share. Both the food and the coffee were good. People were queuing for seats at the coffee shop by the time we were finished. We walked around afterwards and everywhere was busy. Carnival City was absolutely packed – I couldn’t believe how many people were there. When we left a train at the entrance was just leaving for the car park and another pulled up so we climbed on. While waiting for the train to full up I quickly sent an sms to Ros for her birthday. It was after ten by the time we got home. Hubby was fast asleep already. Diane and I had our Milo and headed off to bed. It had been a very long but very good day.
It was really cold up on the stands and I was glad of the warmth cuddling up to Hubby. Diane and Wayne came back and sat with me while Hubby and friends went off for their tour of the pits. My ankle wasn’t feeling too good so I stayed put. Old Dougie had made sandwiches and dished them out to all of us at lunchtime when we were all together again. After lunch Diane and I headed back to the pits to find a loo (Those portable things are just too awful).We used the facilities and then wandered around the pits again. The air was full of the noise of revving cars getting ready and the buzz was electric. We watched a race from the front of the pit area before heading back to the stand. By three the early start was catching up with me and I nearly fell asleep waiting between events. I had visions of falling asleep and toppling off the stand. At three the Legends of the 9 Hour Production Cars was on again followed by the Trans- Am Saloon Cars. Both were such exciting races that by the end of it I was wide awake. We left soon after at about four. At the exit were three speed cops directing traffic as the road we needed to turn into was very busy. We were first in line to turn as the speed cop directing had just allowed the car in front through. The three of them chatted awhile and then when there was a queue behind us one of them stepped into the middle of the road to stop the traffic. To the left the traffic stopped but the first car from the right didn’t. The cop got agitated and waved wildly at the car to stop. The driver didn’t understand and though he slowed kept coming. He must have thought it was a roadblock because he started to pull to the side of the road right in front of us. The cop freaked out at him telling him that when he is told to stop he must stop. Obviously he was not so polite to the driver! When the driver had stopped and the cop had finished performing he indicated to us and the queue to go. As we drove around the driver to get onto the road the cop was still freaking out at the driver. I bet that’s the last time that driver doesn’t stop immediately when told to do so. Seeing as we were right there in Pretoria Hubby decided to go via the Voortrekker Monument to show it to Wayne. We drove through and stopped for Wayne to take pics of some zebra and buck before heading to the monument. The view from up there over Pretoria is stunning. Diane and I left Wayne taking pics of the view while we went up and took some pics by the monument. This done we headed back home arriving about six. Wayne had made arrangements to meet a friend from his school days here at Carnival City so he showered and changed. Hubby went to relax and rest his foot while Diane and I sat watching TV. When Wayne was ready Diane and I took him to his meeting place. We all went to the casino entrance where Wayne was to meet his friend. While Wayne waited Diane and I headed inside to get something to drink before returning home. We found a coffee bar and sat down to order a cappuccino each. While waiting for the coffee we decided we might as well eat as it would be rather late when we got back home. When the coffees came we ordered a plate of French fries and a basket of fried haloumi and ciabatta bread to share. Both the food and the coffee were good. People were queuing for seats at the coffee shop by the time we were finished. We walked around afterwards and everywhere was busy. Carnival City was absolutely packed – I couldn’t believe how many people were there. When we left a train at the entrance was just leaving for the car park and another pulled up so we climbed on. While waiting for the train to full up I quickly sent an sms to Ros for her birthday. It was after ten by the time we got home. Hubby was fast asleep already. Diane and I had our Milo and headed off to bed. It had been a very long but very good day.
On Sunday morning I eventually surfaced when Hubby brought me coffee and toast in bed just before ten. I chilled in bed with my breakfast before getting up. We all had a very lazy chilled day with nothing energetic happening at all. Hubby rested his foot while watching TV, Diane did some computer work and I did my blog for last week. In the afternoon I lay and read my book which I managed to finish at last and Diane had a nap. Hubby made a pasta dish with bacon and tomato while I was reading. It was nice to get up and find a meal waiting. Diane and I chilled with a glass of wine outside at about five after which I started the weekend blog. At eight we watched the Sunday night movie which was `Taken in Broad Daylight’ while having our usual Milo. Diane is now bathing and I am finishing the weekend blog ready to post after which we shall be heading for bed. My restful day has been good for my ankle as it is not so swollen now.
Cheers and I hope you all have a wonderful week.
Cheers and I hope you all have a wonderful week.