Up as usual to a very chilly and windy morning. Had my coffee sitting on the kitchen chair sitting by the back door. At least I could still hear the birds. Did my usual chores before giving Hubby his breakfast. We decided to go to the bank today to sort out things for Oz. Ali left for her Top Tots class with Travis and Hubby and I left for the bank.
First I went and did some business banking – internet doesn’t help when you deposit. Hubby waited in the car for me and then we went across to the other bank. The lady assisting us was very helpful. We needed a proof of residence so I quickly went across to the Council office to get it while Hubby wandered around a second-hand shop. When we got back to the bank it didn’t take too long, thank goodness, though when we finished it was eleven already. Ali had asked me to meet her at the hairdressers at half eleven to take Travis. She wanted to get her hair cut before the holiday.
I phoned her and told her we would come past the class and fetch him – to go home just to get my car and go back would have been ridiculous. We fetched him and then decided to go to the German Deli for something to eat. We sat outside as it was easier with Travis. We ordered coffee which came with a biscuit. Travis was very happy to share them with us. We ordered Rye sandwiches and before they came Travis had fallen asleep. We ate and then headed for home.
Travis was still asleep so I put him down to finish his nap. Hubby decided it was too late to bother going in so he chilled for the rest of the day. Travis woke up and I fed him. I then spent the afternoon playing with him in his room. Hubby felt like something nice to eat so went off to the shop. He got back at four with chocolates for all as well as fruit for a salad. Ali arrived back as he was unpacking the shopping. She had decided to get a colour and streaks as well as a cut. She took Travis and as she was starving she had supper early. (Leftover spaghetti bolognaise)
Diane and I had a business meeting in Alberton at six so we got ready to leave. It had started to rain and as the highway is hectic in bad weather we wanted to leave early. We arrived at News Café at five and had a coffee. We decided to have a meal before the other person arrived. We were just finishing our meal when the guy arrived. The meeting went well and we each had a Hunters Dry afterwards before leaving for home.
Thunder was still rumbling around so we watched TV before going to bed.
Today the weather was a bit brighter and I was able to have my coffee outside under the trees again. The birds were also happy as there seemed to be more of them singing in the trees. After breakfast Hubby left for the workshop and before I could start anything Ali brought Travis to me as she was off to work. He was very miserable with a cough and runny nose. I spent my day wiping it clean.
Diane and I needed to go into Meyerton quickly as she had to sort out a stop order on her account. From Meyerton we went straight to Alberton where I sorted out wages and did a couple of faxes. Travis was still very miserable and hadn’t slept yet (it was almost twelve) so we stopped at KFC and got Sprinkle Pops. He fell asleep after having a few. He woke up when we got back but was still very tired so I soothed him back to sleep. Unfortunately he didn’t sleep long and I spent the rest of the afternoon keeping him amused. He was still very miserable so it wasn’t easy.
At four Diane and I sat outside with him and we had a glass of wine while he played around. Storm clouds built up again. We were able to sit till five before it started drizzling. I fed Travis and then let him play in his room some more so that he would be really tired. I bathed him at six and phoned Ali to see what time she would be home. She was running late and as the weather was bad on the highway she would be held up even more.
Travis was really tired now so I gave him his bottle and he fell asleep. Hubby and a friend have started having coffee and a snack on a Friday afternoon so he only arrived home at half six. Lucky for me he had bought burgers home so I didn’t need to cook. Diane and I watched TV as the weather was still bad. Ali arrived home at eight, exhausted after her long day. The highway had been a nightmare to drive on. Strange how bad weather makes bad drivers.
Last night the Neighbourhood Watch was having a blitz (everyone patrols at the same time) and they warned us that they would be testing the siren as well. As Ali got to the gate and climbed out to open it the siren went off. She got such a fright that she jumped back into her car and reversed back out the driveway and onto the road. When she got down the road she phoned me to ask what was wrong. She was so relieved to hear it was just the siren test but had got such a fright she would only come back if I went to the gate. When she got in she just ate and got ready for bed. Diane and I spent the evening watching TV. I quickly did this blog Saturday morning and must now post it.
Cheers. Have a good weekend.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hectic Wednesday
Hubby woke me up before 4.30am while he was getting ready to leave for the workshop. (It is impossible for him to do anything quietly).He wanted to leave early as he was going to help someone start a Cadillac and needed to be there by 6am. I went back to sleep after he left and was woken at five by Ali who was leaving for work (she also wanted to be early). She gave me Travis who went back to sleep with me.
I was up at 6am as usual and let the dogs out. The morning was pleasant and I had my coffee outside while listening for Travis to wake up. I fed the dogs, had a piece of toast and a second coffee. Travis was still sleeping so I showered quickly and got dressed. Talk about perfect timing! As I finished Travis woke up. He had a drink and some cereal sitting outside with me, after which he had his bath. Next was off to his Creche. He was not happy to be left there and was crying when I left.
I got back at eight and after giving the gardener his tea Diane and I left for the workshop to go and fax statements. When we arrived we first looked at the `work in progress’ on a Studebaker Lark Hubby is busy with. It was really looking good. I faxed statements and did some queries while there. Work went well and we were finished before 10.30am so we quickly went to Alberton City shopping centre. First stop was the coffee shop where I had a Red Cappuccino and Diane had a Red Latte. We both had a snack of crumbed Mozzarella and chips. After eating we went looking for a Cami Top for me for the wedding in Oz. No Luck. I bought a couple of things for Travis ready for OZ.
By now it was half eleven so we left to fetch Travis. We made it just in time for twelve. Travis had not had a good morning as he had cried all the time. He was happy to see me. We stopped at the shop opposite and bought some fruit for his lunch. After lunch, which he had under the trees as it was so lovely outside, Travis and I had a nap. By now I was really feeling tired.
Ali got home just after three and took Travis. We had a drink and I checked my emails before starting supper. I sat outside with Travis in the sandpit while having my glass of wine. Hubby came home late as he had been longer than expected with the Cadillac.
We had supper and then I scanned all the faxes that go via computer and sent them. I finished in time to watch half of CSI but luckily was able to watch a double feature of NCIS. I have cleaned the kitchen and we have had our Milo so after posting the blog we are off to bed.
I was up at 6am as usual and let the dogs out. The morning was pleasant and I had my coffee outside while listening for Travis to wake up. I fed the dogs, had a piece of toast and a second coffee. Travis was still sleeping so I showered quickly and got dressed. Talk about perfect timing! As I finished Travis woke up. He had a drink and some cereal sitting outside with me, after which he had his bath. Next was off to his Creche. He was not happy to be left there and was crying when I left.
I got back at eight and after giving the gardener his tea Diane and I left for the workshop to go and fax statements. When we arrived we first looked at the `work in progress’ on a Studebaker Lark Hubby is busy with. It was really looking good. I faxed statements and did some queries while there. Work went well and we were finished before 10.30am so we quickly went to Alberton City shopping centre. First stop was the coffee shop where I had a Red Cappuccino and Diane had a Red Latte. We both had a snack of crumbed Mozzarella and chips. After eating we went looking for a Cami Top for me for the wedding in Oz. No Luck. I bought a couple of things for Travis ready for OZ.
By now it was half eleven so we left to fetch Travis. We made it just in time for twelve. Travis had not had a good morning as he had cried all the time. He was happy to see me. We stopped at the shop opposite and bought some fruit for his lunch. After lunch, which he had under the trees as it was so lovely outside, Travis and I had a nap. By now I was really feeling tired.
Ali got home just after three and took Travis. We had a drink and I checked my emails before starting supper. I sat outside with Travis in the sandpit while having my glass of wine. Hubby came home late as he had been longer than expected with the Cadillac.
We had supper and then I scanned all the faxes that go via computer and sent them. I finished in time to watch half of CSI but luckily was able to watch a double feature of NCIS. I have cleaned the kitchen and we have had our Milo so after posting the blog we are off to bed.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
New Week
THREE WEEKS TO GO and we will be in Oz. Unbelievable! There is so much to do still.
Up as usual for my morning coffee outside. Lovely morning again. Put washing on while I had my second cup. Fed the dogs and had breakfast. Hung up the washing and put another load on.
Diane and I got stuck into the office spring-clean. Also cleared some office queries. Hubby wasn’t feeling too good so he came home just after lunch. His stomach(gall bladder!) is feeling rather painful again. He had too good a weekend. By now the weather was building up for rain again so I put a third load of washing on and took off what was dry. (I’m sure you can imagine the ironing piling up again)
I needed to go to the shops so decided to go while the washing was on. Diane and I went into Meyerton while Hubby rested. We had several shops to go to so it was nearly five when we got back. The sky was very dark and the wind was blowing hard. We unloaded the shopping and I got the rest of the washing off the line. I had a quick glass of wine with Diane outside. As we finished it started to rain.
I started supper and while I was busy Ali and Travis arrived home. Because of Hubby’s stomach I made very plain food – baked potato and lamb for him- with creamed spinach for the rest of us. He is back to drinking black tea. We ate and because of the weather couldn’t use computers so we watched TV. The late movie was called `Perfume’ and was about a very sick guy who killed girls to distill their perfume. I can’t believe we even watched it. No accounting for taste! We had 11mm of rain.
When I got up to let the dogs out the weather was overcast and very chilly with a strong wind. Too unpleasant to be outside so I had my coffee in front of the TV. Hung my washing out (yesterdays lot) in case we had more rain. Fed animals and made breakfast. Ali left for work taking Travis to Creche on the way.
Hubby left for the workshop and I started my invoices and statements. I worked until eleven then got ready to go to the bank before fetching Travis at twelve. Travis had a good day at the crèche and was pleased to see me. We had lunch when we got back. Travis was tired so fell asleep about 2.15pm. I quickly did some more office work until he woke at three. We sat outside as the weather was nice and sunny having a drink and donuts – oops not helping with looking good in Oz. Will have to behave tomorrow though I know we have lots of exercise lined up for us there. Travis enjoyed sharing with me.
We spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the play area. We were sitting in the sandpit when Hubby came home and he joined us there. Diane made us coffee and Hubby had his black tea. The sand was a bit wet still and Travis got rather dirty. Hubby took him around to the swing and horse. I was sitting in the sandpit doing a crossword puzzle when Hubby started laughing and told me to come and look at Travis. He had taken Travis on the slide and there was water in the bottom of it from the rain. He was filthy and his nappy was dripping wet. I stripped him off and took him for a bath. After his bath I gave him his supper and started ours. After we ate Ali came home and put Travis to bed. Diane and I watched TV – there are some good programs on Tuesdays. We have started watching Ghost Whisperer as well as CSI. I carried on with my statements in-between the two shows. We had our Milo while CSI was on. I have 14 invoices left for my last statement which I will do while Diane posts the blog. I think we deserve another Milo now.
Cheers for now.
THREE WEEKS TO GO and we will be in Oz. Unbelievable! There is so much to do still.
Up as usual for my morning coffee outside. Lovely morning again. Put washing on while I had my second cup. Fed the dogs and had breakfast. Hung up the washing and put another load on.
Diane and I got stuck into the office spring-clean. Also cleared some office queries. Hubby wasn’t feeling too good so he came home just after lunch. His stomach(gall bladder!) is feeling rather painful again. He had too good a weekend. By now the weather was building up for rain again so I put a third load of washing on and took off what was dry. (I’m sure you can imagine the ironing piling up again)
I needed to go to the shops so decided to go while the washing was on. Diane and I went into Meyerton while Hubby rested. We had several shops to go to so it was nearly five when we got back. The sky was very dark and the wind was blowing hard. We unloaded the shopping and I got the rest of the washing off the line. I had a quick glass of wine with Diane outside. As we finished it started to rain.
I started supper and while I was busy Ali and Travis arrived home. Because of Hubby’s stomach I made very plain food – baked potato and lamb for him- with creamed spinach for the rest of us. He is back to drinking black tea. We ate and because of the weather couldn’t use computers so we watched TV. The late movie was called `Perfume’ and was about a very sick guy who killed girls to distill their perfume. I can’t believe we even watched it. No accounting for taste! We had 11mm of rain.
When I got up to let the dogs out the weather was overcast and very chilly with a strong wind. Too unpleasant to be outside so I had my coffee in front of the TV. Hung my washing out (yesterdays lot) in case we had more rain. Fed animals and made breakfast. Ali left for work taking Travis to Creche on the way.
Hubby left for the workshop and I started my invoices and statements. I worked until eleven then got ready to go to the bank before fetching Travis at twelve. Travis had a good day at the crèche and was pleased to see me. We had lunch when we got back. Travis was tired so fell asleep about 2.15pm. I quickly did some more office work until he woke at three. We sat outside as the weather was nice and sunny having a drink and donuts – oops not helping with looking good in Oz. Will have to behave tomorrow though I know we have lots of exercise lined up for us there. Travis enjoyed sharing with me.
We spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the play area. We were sitting in the sandpit when Hubby came home and he joined us there. Diane made us coffee and Hubby had his black tea. The sand was a bit wet still and Travis got rather dirty. Hubby took him around to the swing and horse. I was sitting in the sandpit doing a crossword puzzle when Hubby started laughing and told me to come and look at Travis. He had taken Travis on the slide and there was water in the bottom of it from the rain. He was filthy and his nappy was dripping wet. I stripped him off and took him for a bath. After his bath I gave him his supper and started ours. After we ate Ali came home and put Travis to bed. Diane and I watched TV – there are some good programs on Tuesdays. We have started watching Ghost Whisperer as well as CSI. I carried on with my statements in-between the two shows. We had our Milo while CSI was on. I have 14 invoices left for my last statement which I will do while Diane posts the blog. I think we deserve another Milo now.
Cheers for now.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Another weekend
Up early to let the spoilt ones out with their biscuits. Packed away the washing up. Travis woke at half six. We both chilled outside – me with my coffee and Travis with some tea. I had my second cup while he finished his tea. It was a lovely morning again. Gave Travis some cereal while still chilling outside. He thoroughly enjoyed being outdoors.
Ali arrived and took Travis to bath him and sort herself out for her weekend. Made breakfast and took Hubby his. Fed the dogs, cleaned the kitchen and then got down to clearing my ironing which had piled up. I finished all of the backlog and put out another lot of washing on the line. (More ironing – Whoppee!)
By the time all this was done it was time to shower and wash my hair as Hubby and I were off to his cousin for lunch. We left as the clouds rolled in and thunder started rumbling in the distance. Halfway to Alberton we drove into a cloudburst. The rain was so heavy we could hardly see in front of us. When we reached Alberton it was clear again. Rain is funny stuff – we have stood outside here in bright sunshine and down below on the highway it will be pouring with rain.
The highway wasn’t too bad and we arrived at one. We sat on the patio chatting and having a drink – red wine for me of course. It was lovely to see Dennis and Marion and we spent a pleasant hour or so catching up with each other’s latest news. Marion brought the lunch out and we got down to the serious business of eating. There was a chicken pasta dish, salad and crispy ciabatta bread. It was all very tasty. This was followed by a lemon cheesecake and ice-cream. We sat around the table chatting, eating, drinking and having a good laugh. It really was a great afternoon and we were sorry to leave.
We left at five as we had been invited out for an evening braai. Coming home was a nightmare. There was such congestion on the highway thanks to the road works everywhere. Driving on our highways is really pathetic as they are working on every highway around Joburg. No such thing as do one and finish before going onto the next. While we were on the way I phoned Diane to tell her we were on the way and to get ready for us to pick her up. We arrived back at six and both Hubby and I rushed in for the loo.
As soon as we were ready we locked up and put the alarm on. Luckily we were just going to the top of the road to Trevor and Margie. Debbie is staying with them and we were going to meet the boyfriend. He is Canadian and was visiting for the last time as Debbie is going to live in Canada at the end of the year.
We arrived and were offered a drink. I had a coke in an effort to dilute the wine I had over lunch. We chatted awhile getting to know Dave and then moved out to the patio to start braaing. There is nothing to beat the smell of meat on the braai. We were in great company again and really enjoyed ourselves. Once the meat was ready we dished up. There was wors, chops and steak with salads, rolls, pap and gravy. I wasn’t too hungry after lunch and took a small helping. The chops were delicious –nice and crispy. After eating Debbie told us about her record player and collection of seven singles and then went to fetch it. We sat listening to her music for ages. She had ` Rhodesians never die’ and the ` UDI’ singles. It really bought back memories listening to them. Her record player was a supersonic (Rhodesian made).We had a lovely chat about the good old days up there.
We left about ten and came home to bed.
Up early to let the dogs out and then back to bed to have my one and only lie in. Woke up at nine to the smell of breakfast cooking. I hadn’t even heard Hubby get up. Sat outside with my breakfast chilling. It was really peaceful with no sound of people anywhere. The sun was shining in a gorgeous blue sky. Had my cup of coffee outside and just relaxed listening to the birds around the garden.
Heard the dogs barking at the front and shouted to Hubby that it sounded as if they had found a snake. I went out and they were standing around the little bridge across the stream-to-be. Hubby came out with his pellet gun. Diane joined us. We couldn’t see anything so Hubby took the hosepipe to poke underneath the bridge. He gave me the pellet gun to hold. I told him I would poke around with the hosepipe while he took the gun. Really! What would I do if a snake popped it’s head out – throw the gun at it. I noticed a large landmine just behind Hubby and told him to be careful. Nothing happened with all the poking around and my attention wandered which is when I noticed the landmine was all flat. I looked at Hubby. Gross! His shoe was covered and even the ends of his toes. When he says he has no feeling in his feet he means it. Diane and I couldn’t stop laughing. He took the hosepipe and rinsed his shoe and foot. I told him he had better go and disinfect his foot. The snake must have found a hole to hide in because we never found it.
The rest of the morning was spent relaxing outside. At about two Diane and I got stuck into the passage. We took every single book out of the bookcases shelf by shelf, dusted each book and shelf and reorganized the shelves. There are three bookcases each with five shelves so it took quite a time. Hubby made himself supper as we were still busy and weren’t hungry yet. We finished just before eight and while I vacuumed and mopped the passage Diane made us cheese and biscuits. We ate them while watching District 9 on her computer. It was quite a funny movie about the Alien Prawns. After the movie I cleaned the kitchen and Diane made the Milo. WE are now ready to post the blog and go to bed. I have just realized the time. Its Monday morning.
Cheers. Hope your weekend was as good as ours. Have a good week
Up early to let the spoilt ones out with their biscuits. Packed away the washing up. Travis woke at half six. We both chilled outside – me with my coffee and Travis with some tea. I had my second cup while he finished his tea. It was a lovely morning again. Gave Travis some cereal while still chilling outside. He thoroughly enjoyed being outdoors.
Ali arrived and took Travis to bath him and sort herself out for her weekend. Made breakfast and took Hubby his. Fed the dogs, cleaned the kitchen and then got down to clearing my ironing which had piled up. I finished all of the backlog and put out another lot of washing on the line. (More ironing – Whoppee!)
By the time all this was done it was time to shower and wash my hair as Hubby and I were off to his cousin for lunch. We left as the clouds rolled in and thunder started rumbling in the distance. Halfway to Alberton we drove into a cloudburst. The rain was so heavy we could hardly see in front of us. When we reached Alberton it was clear again. Rain is funny stuff – we have stood outside here in bright sunshine and down below on the highway it will be pouring with rain.
The highway wasn’t too bad and we arrived at one. We sat on the patio chatting and having a drink – red wine for me of course. It was lovely to see Dennis and Marion and we spent a pleasant hour or so catching up with each other’s latest news. Marion brought the lunch out and we got down to the serious business of eating. There was a chicken pasta dish, salad and crispy ciabatta bread. It was all very tasty. This was followed by a lemon cheesecake and ice-cream. We sat around the table chatting, eating, drinking and having a good laugh. It really was a great afternoon and we were sorry to leave.
We left at five as we had been invited out for an evening braai. Coming home was a nightmare. There was such congestion on the highway thanks to the road works everywhere. Driving on our highways is really pathetic as they are working on every highway around Joburg. No such thing as do one and finish before going onto the next. While we were on the way I phoned Diane to tell her we were on the way and to get ready for us to pick her up. We arrived back at six and both Hubby and I rushed in for the loo.
As soon as we were ready we locked up and put the alarm on. Luckily we were just going to the top of the road to Trevor and Margie. Debbie is staying with them and we were going to meet the boyfriend. He is Canadian and was visiting for the last time as Debbie is going to live in Canada at the end of the year.
We arrived and were offered a drink. I had a coke in an effort to dilute the wine I had over lunch. We chatted awhile getting to know Dave and then moved out to the patio to start braaing. There is nothing to beat the smell of meat on the braai. We were in great company again and really enjoyed ourselves. Once the meat was ready we dished up. There was wors, chops and steak with salads, rolls, pap and gravy. I wasn’t too hungry after lunch and took a small helping. The chops were delicious –nice and crispy. After eating Debbie told us about her record player and collection of seven singles and then went to fetch it. We sat listening to her music for ages. She had ` Rhodesians never die’ and the ` UDI’ singles. It really bought back memories listening to them. Her record player was a supersonic (Rhodesian made).We had a lovely chat about the good old days up there.
We left about ten and came home to bed.
Up early to let the dogs out and then back to bed to have my one and only lie in. Woke up at nine to the smell of breakfast cooking. I hadn’t even heard Hubby get up. Sat outside with my breakfast chilling. It was really peaceful with no sound of people anywhere. The sun was shining in a gorgeous blue sky. Had my cup of coffee outside and just relaxed listening to the birds around the garden.
Heard the dogs barking at the front and shouted to Hubby that it sounded as if they had found a snake. I went out and they were standing around the little bridge across the stream-to-be. Hubby came out with his pellet gun. Diane joined us. We couldn’t see anything so Hubby took the hosepipe to poke underneath the bridge. He gave me the pellet gun to hold. I told him I would poke around with the hosepipe while he took the gun. Really! What would I do if a snake popped it’s head out – throw the gun at it. I noticed a large landmine just behind Hubby and told him to be careful. Nothing happened with all the poking around and my attention wandered which is when I noticed the landmine was all flat. I looked at Hubby. Gross! His shoe was covered and even the ends of his toes. When he says he has no feeling in his feet he means it. Diane and I couldn’t stop laughing. He took the hosepipe and rinsed his shoe and foot. I told him he had better go and disinfect his foot. The snake must have found a hole to hide in because we never found it.
The rest of the morning was spent relaxing outside. At about two Diane and I got stuck into the passage. We took every single book out of the bookcases shelf by shelf, dusted each book and shelf and reorganized the shelves. There are three bookcases each with five shelves so it took quite a time. Hubby made himself supper as we were still busy and weren’t hungry yet. We finished just before eight and while I vacuumed and mopped the passage Diane made us cheese and biscuits. We ate them while watching District 9 on her computer. It was quite a funny movie about the Alien Prawns. After the movie I cleaned the kitchen and Diane made the Milo. WE are now ready to post the blog and go to bed. I have just realized the time. Its Monday morning.
Cheers. Hope your weekend was as good as ours. Have a good week
Saturday, October 24, 2009
End of Another Week
Up as usual with the dogs. Chilled under the tree with my coffee absorbing the peace. After the second cup I fed the dogs and made breakfast for Hubby. Ali left for work just before seven. After our breakfast I fed Travis and then bathed him. Today is his day for his Top Tots class and as Ali is working I took him. He played awhile in his room while I did a few chores. He was miserable and sounded tired so I put him in his pram and pushed him around while I was busy. I got dressed and loaded his things into the car. He fell asleep so I put him in his car seat and left at nine to take a slow ride giving him time to sleep. When we arrived I sat in the car until 9.30am- time for the class. He woke up when I took him out the car.
The class went well. Top Tots has Moms(Grannies) and their children playing together doing activities to help with their development in motor skills etc. They also socialize at the same time. Afterwards is the time for tea and cake. I had a lovely cup of coffee and a piece of carrot cake while Travis had biscuits.
We got home just after eleven and Travis and I had a nap until lunchtime. After lunch the sky turned very black and thunder and lightning started. I took Travis to play in his room just as the heavens opened. The lightning was terrible and flashing all around. I took his ball pool into the passage and shut the doors. Diane and Bowser joined us. Bowser was nervous and kept inching closer to Diane. The power went out for a short while so we were in the dark (With all the doors closed the passage is dark) until it came back on. The rain was over quickly and the sun came out again.
We spent the rest of the afternoon playing (amusing Travis). I fed Travis at five and then bathed him ready for when Ali got home. She was home about half five and took Travis. I had made a large amount of Pasta Bolognaise the night before so there was plenty for supper. We just dished up and put into the microwave – perfect. Hubby came home late as he had taken his friend’s daughter to her Matric Dance. He had his pasta when he got home. Cleaning the kitchen was a breeze. We watched `New adventures of old Christine’. It was absolutely hilarious. Then we watched our usual CSI.
The thunder had been rumbling around coming and going while we were watching TV. It was a quiet spell when CSI finished so I put the computer on to do the blog quickly. I had just started typing when the electricity went off. I unplugged the computer as all I needed was a power surge when it came back on. Luckily we had already had our Milo. We lit candles and got ready for bed. The power came back on as I got into bed so I lay reading for a bit. The power went off again so I gave up and went to sleep.After all the noise and carry on we only had 6mm of rain. Flipping annoying!
It was a bit damp and cool when I let the dogs out. I made the coffee and sat outside getting a bit of a wet ass but at least I still chilled under the trees. Ali left early again. After feeding dogs and Hubby I made Travis toast for a change. The dogs all sat around him waiting for bits to drop. After he had eaten I put him down to play on the floor with lids and a wooden spoon in a box. They kept him amused for ages. When he was all nice and dirty from crawling around I bathed him.
He played in his room after his bath until it was time for his sleep. He slept about an hour and a half and I caught up with some reading in-between cleaning. He woke up at lunch time. I gave him fruit and yoghurt. We spent the afternoon outside with him playing around under the trees. He loves being outside and doesn’t get bored like he does when playing inside. We also spent some time in the sandpit. Diane and I chilled with our wine at about four. Travis was happy going back and forth to the kitchen and then to us under the trees. I made him some scrambled egg at five and then let him play some more to make sure he was nice and tired for bedtime. I phoned Ali at half five to see where she was. She was stuck in rain in Joburg. I bathed Travis and made his bottle ready.
At half six Ali phoned to say it was still raining in Joburg and she was staying there and would see us tomorrow. I was rather annoyed as I needed to do some more cleaning and had been waiting for her to take Travis. I put Travis down and he went to sleep. I started supper and Travis woke up. I gave him his bottle which he had lost but he refused to sleep. I left him awhile but he just got louder. I picked him up and Diane helped finish supper. Travis was pleased and helped me eat mine. He eventually fell asleep at half nine. Unbelievable! I don’t know how he kept awake after all his playing today. I cleaned the kitchen and made the Milo. We have had some thunder and lightning again but no rain. All is quiet at the moment so I was able to do the blog. Diane is going to post it while I bath.
Cheers. Have a GOOD WEEKEND.
The class went well. Top Tots has Moms(Grannies) and their children playing together doing activities to help with their development in motor skills etc. They also socialize at the same time. Afterwards is the time for tea and cake. I had a lovely cup of coffee and a piece of carrot cake while Travis had biscuits.
We got home just after eleven and Travis and I had a nap until lunchtime. After lunch the sky turned very black and thunder and lightning started. I took Travis to play in his room just as the heavens opened. The lightning was terrible and flashing all around. I took his ball pool into the passage and shut the doors. Diane and Bowser joined us. Bowser was nervous and kept inching closer to Diane. The power went out for a short while so we were in the dark (With all the doors closed the passage is dark) until it came back on. The rain was over quickly and the sun came out again.
We spent the rest of the afternoon playing (amusing Travis). I fed Travis at five and then bathed him ready for when Ali got home. She was home about half five and took Travis. I had made a large amount of Pasta Bolognaise the night before so there was plenty for supper. We just dished up and put into the microwave – perfect. Hubby came home late as he had taken his friend’s daughter to her Matric Dance. He had his pasta when he got home. Cleaning the kitchen was a breeze. We watched `New adventures of old Christine’. It was absolutely hilarious. Then we watched our usual CSI.
The thunder had been rumbling around coming and going while we were watching TV. It was a quiet spell when CSI finished so I put the computer on to do the blog quickly. I had just started typing when the electricity went off. I unplugged the computer as all I needed was a power surge when it came back on. Luckily we had already had our Milo. We lit candles and got ready for bed. The power came back on as I got into bed so I lay reading for a bit. The power went off again so I gave up and went to sleep.After all the noise and carry on we only had 6mm of rain. Flipping annoying!
It was a bit damp and cool when I let the dogs out. I made the coffee and sat outside getting a bit of a wet ass but at least I still chilled under the trees. Ali left early again. After feeding dogs and Hubby I made Travis toast for a change. The dogs all sat around him waiting for bits to drop. After he had eaten I put him down to play on the floor with lids and a wooden spoon in a box. They kept him amused for ages. When he was all nice and dirty from crawling around I bathed him.
He played in his room after his bath until it was time for his sleep. He slept about an hour and a half and I caught up with some reading in-between cleaning. He woke up at lunch time. I gave him fruit and yoghurt. We spent the afternoon outside with him playing around under the trees. He loves being outside and doesn’t get bored like he does when playing inside. We also spent some time in the sandpit. Diane and I chilled with our wine at about four. Travis was happy going back and forth to the kitchen and then to us under the trees. I made him some scrambled egg at five and then let him play some more to make sure he was nice and tired for bedtime. I phoned Ali at half five to see where she was. She was stuck in rain in Joburg. I bathed Travis and made his bottle ready.
At half six Ali phoned to say it was still raining in Joburg and she was staying there and would see us tomorrow. I was rather annoyed as I needed to do some more cleaning and had been waiting for her to take Travis. I put Travis down and he went to sleep. I started supper and Travis woke up. I gave him his bottle which he had lost but he refused to sleep. I left him awhile but he just got louder. I picked him up and Diane helped finish supper. Travis was pleased and helped me eat mine. He eventually fell asleep at half nine. Unbelievable! I don’t know how he kept awake after all his playing today. I cleaned the kitchen and made the Milo. We have had some thunder and lightning again but no rain. All is quiet at the moment so I was able to do the blog. Diane is going to post it while I bath.
Cheers. Have a GOOD WEEKEND.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Off to a good start again having my coffee outside chilling under the trees. Ali and Travis joined me for my second cup. Fed the dogs while Ali gave Travis his porridge. She left early for work and Travis helped make breakfast for Hubby. I ate quickly, bathed Travis and got dressed. Took Travis to Creche. When we went in the other babies were sitting playing. I put him with them and gave him a ball to play with. He was so intent on watching them he didn’t notice me leave.
Spent the morning doing some more office work. Fetched Travis at twelve. He had a good morning there and was happy to see me. The lady looking after him said he had been more settled and had a good sleep. We came home and had lunch. After lunch I decided it was time the two spoilt brats had a bath.
While I was getting everything ready the big dogs in their cage went mad barking. Diane and I went to look but nobody was there. I noticed that they were standing by the gate, barking towards the centre. I had a look in case it was a snake but could see nothing. I bathed Gaby with Travis standing holding onto me watching. I dried Gaby and put her on the front verandah to finish drying, as usual. I emptied the bath and refilled it ready for Digby. The water was a bit hot so I thought I would wait a couple of minutes for it to cool. I checked the dogs and noticed they were circling warily around the reeds in the pond. We shut Digby and Bowser in the house and called the gardener to bring a long pole. He stood inside the Play Area while I let the dogs out into the main garden.
When they were out Diane took Travis while the gardener and I went into the cage. I showed him where the dogs had been circling and told him to prod the area with his pole. He prodded around but nothing happened. He moved closer and stood on the rocks peering into the reeds while prodding. Still nothing but he shouted he could see the back of the snake and told me to look. I gingerly peered where he indicated but couldn’t see anything. Warily I moved back towards the gate under the tree. As I ducked under a low branch a bee buzzed noisily in my ear and I almost took off I got such a fright. Diane on the other side of the fence, at a safe distance, laughed at me. The gardener also laughed.
Feeling stupid, I moved back towards the pond and as I looked down saw the snake moving away from me back towards the reeds. I shouted and the gardener ran to hit it. He killed it and I told him to take it away. It wasn’t a very big snake and he killed it before we could see what it was. I know we should leave the thing alone but I didn’t want to risk it being poisonous and killing the dogs.
The gardener went back to the Play Area with the snake so that we could let the dogs back in. After that excitement the water was cooler and I bathed Digby and put him with Gaby- if they are not put on the verandah they go mad rubbing themselves all over the bed until they are dry or they go outside and rub in the sand. Neither is a good alternative.
Ali arrived home and took Travis while I started the mince for a Bolognaise. While it cooked we chilled outside. At five I had my glass of wine and chilled some more. Hubby came home bringing me flowers and a chocolate. My shares seem to be on the up. He said it was for looking after him so well. (At least he appreciates it)
We had our supper – with a wholewheat pasta. The packet says recommended by the heart foundation so I am doing my bit for our health. After supper I cleaned the kitchen and we watched TV. First CSI and then we watched Prom Night – scary! Diane made the Milo during the movie so all that’s left to do is post the blog, take the dogs out, bath and go to bed after making Dearest Diane Tea.
Spent the morning doing some more office work. Fetched Travis at twelve. He had a good morning there and was happy to see me. The lady looking after him said he had been more settled and had a good sleep. We came home and had lunch. After lunch I decided it was time the two spoilt brats had a bath.
While I was getting everything ready the big dogs in their cage went mad barking. Diane and I went to look but nobody was there. I noticed that they were standing by the gate, barking towards the centre. I had a look in case it was a snake but could see nothing. I bathed Gaby with Travis standing holding onto me watching. I dried Gaby and put her on the front verandah to finish drying, as usual. I emptied the bath and refilled it ready for Digby. The water was a bit hot so I thought I would wait a couple of minutes for it to cool. I checked the dogs and noticed they were circling warily around the reeds in the pond. We shut Digby and Bowser in the house and called the gardener to bring a long pole. He stood inside the Play Area while I let the dogs out into the main garden.
When they were out Diane took Travis while the gardener and I went into the cage. I showed him where the dogs had been circling and told him to prod the area with his pole. He prodded around but nothing happened. He moved closer and stood on the rocks peering into the reeds while prodding. Still nothing but he shouted he could see the back of the snake and told me to look. I gingerly peered where he indicated but couldn’t see anything. Warily I moved back towards the gate under the tree. As I ducked under a low branch a bee buzzed noisily in my ear and I almost took off I got such a fright. Diane on the other side of the fence, at a safe distance, laughed at me. The gardener also laughed.
Feeling stupid, I moved back towards the pond and as I looked down saw the snake moving away from me back towards the reeds. I shouted and the gardener ran to hit it. He killed it and I told him to take it away. It wasn’t a very big snake and he killed it before we could see what it was. I know we should leave the thing alone but I didn’t want to risk it being poisonous and killing the dogs.
The gardener went back to the Play Area with the snake so that we could let the dogs back in. After that excitement the water was cooler and I bathed Digby and put him with Gaby- if they are not put on the verandah they go mad rubbing themselves all over the bed until they are dry or they go outside and rub in the sand. Neither is a good alternative.
Ali arrived home and took Travis while I started the mince for a Bolognaise. While it cooked we chilled outside. At five I had my glass of wine and chilled some more. Hubby came home bringing me flowers and a chocolate. My shares seem to be on the up. He said it was for looking after him so well. (At least he appreciates it)
We had our supper – with a wholewheat pasta. The packet says recommended by the heart foundation so I am doing my bit for our health. After supper I cleaned the kitchen and we watched TV. First CSI and then we watched Prom Night – scary! Diane made the Milo during the movie so all that’s left to do is post the blog, take the dogs out, bath and go to bed after making Dearest Diane Tea.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Up to let the spoilt ones out. Made sure Ali was awake as Travis was going to Creche for the first time and needed to be there by 7.30am. Had my coffee in my chill spot. Had my second cup and let the peace wash over me and soak in.
Fed the dogs and Hubby. Ali wanted me to go with so got ready and off we went. Arrived and took Travis in. Ali put him down with the other babies. He immediately grabbed a toy and started playing so we left him there. Felt rather bad but the Clinic Sister recommended putting him in once a week as he is so clingy at the moment.
Returned home and said goodbye to Hubby who left for the workshop. He took the Sunbeam in as the exhaust was rather noisy when we drove home on Sunday. I got on with some office work. Statements are due on Monday and I needed to start with my cashbook and do September’s petty cash.
Worked until eleven and then went into town to see if Ali’s driving license was ready to be picked up. Her original was stolen when she was a victim of a smash and grab. She had applied but when she went to collect the replacement she was told her application had gone missing and she had to pay again to re-apply. When she went back after the six weeks wait the license was still not there and they told her they would sms her when it arrived. This was about a month ago. Ali went in to see if anything was there. They told her “sorry, it’s not here yet” and she threw her toys out the cot telling them she was not going to pay for a second temporary license. They must do it for nothing as they were the problem not her. Then she told them she would tell the police to come to them to pay any fines for not having a valid license. She also told them she was going to the newspaper. The guy then went through all the files to show her it was not there and then wandered off to other offices to look for it. He came back after about ten minutes with it saying it had arrived but nobody had entered the fact onto the computer system. Can you believe it! The efficiency of the staff these days must be seen to be believed.
A very pleased Ali and I then went to fetch Travis. He had enjoyed his morning, eaten well and had a sleep but was very nervous whenever the other babies went close to him and had cried. The woman in charge said once a week would not be enough for him to get used to being with other babies and at least twice a week was better for him. So we decided to take him tomorrow again. He was pleased to see us and hung on to Ali.
We quickly went across the road and got ourselves some Chinese fried rice with prawns for lunch and vegetarian hand roll for Diane. The little Chinese food place makes great food and is very reasonable. We enjoyed our lunch after which I decided to have a quick nap. It did me good as I didn’t fall asleep while watching TV tonight.
When I surfaced I carried on with office work. Ali fed Travis early as he was very tired and getting miserable. She then bathed him and got his bottle ready as we had decided to get some exercise by going for a walk. We wanted to go pay our neighbourhood watch fees. Travis enjoyed the walk and had fallen asleep before we got there. We paid Joanne our fees and informed her of our holiday dates so that we are not put on the patrol lists for that period.
When we got back I chilled with my glass of wine while Ali put Travis in his cot. Her weekend away Really Was Good For Her. She made supper again. After supper we watched CSI and then I cleaned the kitchen. Time for Milo now while Diane posts the blog.
Fed the dogs and Hubby. Ali wanted me to go with so got ready and off we went. Arrived and took Travis in. Ali put him down with the other babies. He immediately grabbed a toy and started playing so we left him there. Felt rather bad but the Clinic Sister recommended putting him in once a week as he is so clingy at the moment.
Returned home and said goodbye to Hubby who left for the workshop. He took the Sunbeam in as the exhaust was rather noisy when we drove home on Sunday. I got on with some office work. Statements are due on Monday and I needed to start with my cashbook and do September’s petty cash.
Worked until eleven and then went into town to see if Ali’s driving license was ready to be picked up. Her original was stolen when she was a victim of a smash and grab. She had applied but when she went to collect the replacement she was told her application had gone missing and she had to pay again to re-apply. When she went back after the six weeks wait the license was still not there and they told her they would sms her when it arrived. This was about a month ago. Ali went in to see if anything was there. They told her “sorry, it’s not here yet” and she threw her toys out the cot telling them she was not going to pay for a second temporary license. They must do it for nothing as they were the problem not her. Then she told them she would tell the police to come to them to pay any fines for not having a valid license. She also told them she was going to the newspaper. The guy then went through all the files to show her it was not there and then wandered off to other offices to look for it. He came back after about ten minutes with it saying it had arrived but nobody had entered the fact onto the computer system. Can you believe it! The efficiency of the staff these days must be seen to be believed.
A very pleased Ali and I then went to fetch Travis. He had enjoyed his morning, eaten well and had a sleep but was very nervous whenever the other babies went close to him and had cried. The woman in charge said once a week would not be enough for him to get used to being with other babies and at least twice a week was better for him. So we decided to take him tomorrow again. He was pleased to see us and hung on to Ali.
We quickly went across the road and got ourselves some Chinese fried rice with prawns for lunch and vegetarian hand roll for Diane. The little Chinese food place makes great food and is very reasonable. We enjoyed our lunch after which I decided to have a quick nap. It did me good as I didn’t fall asleep while watching TV tonight.
When I surfaced I carried on with office work. Ali fed Travis early as he was very tired and getting miserable. She then bathed him and got his bottle ready as we had decided to get some exercise by going for a walk. We wanted to go pay our neighbourhood watch fees. Travis enjoyed the walk and had fallen asleep before we got there. We paid Joanne our fees and informed her of our holiday dates so that we are not put on the patrol lists for that period.
When we got back I chilled with my glass of wine while Ali put Travis in his cot. Her weekend away Really Was Good For Her. She made supper again. After supper we watched CSI and then I cleaned the kitchen. Time for Milo now while Diane posts the blog.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mad Monday
Up at six as usual. It was overcast and nippy but I still had my coffee outside and thoroughly enjoyed it. Had my second cup and felt really good. The peace out there just seems to soak into your body and is so relaxing. I recommend communing with nature to everyone. That time spent chilling with your morning cuppa is a health benefit greatly underrated.
After breakfast I spent time doing office work while Hubby relaxed until it was time to get ready for his Dr’s appointment. The appointment was with the Cardiologist at 12pm.WE left about eleven and went first to the chemist to stock up with bandages for his toe. I am not too happy as the wound is mucky again. The chemist is next to the Hospital where Hubby was a patient and in the Phone Book the address for the cardiologist was the street adjacent to the hospital. We left the chemist and drove up the street looking for the address. No luck! So we drove to the hospital to ask for directions. Hubby parked in the parking area while I ran in to ask as it was almost 12. I asked the receptionist where his rooms were. She asked me which Dr. I wanted as there were two with the same surname. I told her it was Dr. T and she sent us to the Clinton Hospital which is down the road where we had just been. Murphy’s Law! All the robots were against us. We parked and rushed inside to keep our appointment. The Dr. at the Clinton was Dr. J. Wonderful! I asked the receptionist there where Dr. T was and `Surprise, Surprise!’ He was at the Union where we had just been. Back to the car and back to the Union. We parked and rushed in as it was now past twelve. Dr. T was on the second floor, all the way down a very long corridor. Hubby was in a panic and almost running along – we couldn’t keep up with him.
We arrived in his rooms out of breath only to find the Receptionist had not put his name down. I told her that I had phoned for an appointment which was supposed to be a week after he was discharged but as the Dr. was on leave it was made for the 19th. She fetched his file and saw that it had been noted there so told us to sit while she checked to see if he could be fitted in. We sat. There were some National Geographic Magazines on the table and we each took one. Hubby was called in. My mag had an article on Australia in it which I read. The article covered the drought in New South Wales. The farmers there are really in a bad way and many farmers have had to sell up. They can’t grow rice anymore, fruit trees have been destroyed and the area is practically a desert now. Scary Stuff.
Hubby was in about half an hour and was out of breath when he came out. He had been given a `clean bill of health’ and there was no problem whatsoever about travelling to Oz. What a relief! I asked why he was out of breath and he said “he had run his gat off in there”. He also said his blood pressure had been a bit high – no wonder with the panic to find the place.
We were now able to relax so we stopped at the little Café downstairs for a spot of lunch. We all had Low Fat Smoothies and I had a sandwich with a salad instead of chips. I better look good for Oz.
After lunch we went up to the workshop so Hubby could check on things. We were waiting for a fax in connection with material we had ordered as we needed it urgently. Nothing was there so while Hubby was busy down the bottom I phoned. Nothing had been done yet so I requested the fax. The clerk tried to fax twice. Diane and I thought the twit had probably put the fax in upside down but after the second blank message we checked the fax machine. Guess What! Yes, the ink was almost non existence. We took them out to take for a refill and phoned to give the home fax no. so we could get our fax.
We rushed Hubby along as we needed to get home for the fax. Luckily the fax was waiting. I did the bank transfer and sent proof of payment. Let’s hope we get the steel tomorrow as our customer needs a rush job. After that Diane and I went into Meyerton to get the ink refilled and do some shopping for supper. When we got home I had my glass of wine while chilling with Ali and Travis. Ali’s weekend away did her the world of good. SHE MADE SUPPER. There is no CSI today so I’m early with my blog. I must just clean the kitchen and then make our Milo. I think I need an early night today. These late nights and early mornings are catching up - I fell asleep twice while doing the blog.
Cheers. Hope you had a good start to your week.
After breakfast I spent time doing office work while Hubby relaxed until it was time to get ready for his Dr’s appointment. The appointment was with the Cardiologist at 12pm.WE left about eleven and went first to the chemist to stock up with bandages for his toe. I am not too happy as the wound is mucky again. The chemist is next to the Hospital where Hubby was a patient and in the Phone Book the address for the cardiologist was the street adjacent to the hospital. We left the chemist and drove up the street looking for the address. No luck! So we drove to the hospital to ask for directions. Hubby parked in the parking area while I ran in to ask as it was almost 12. I asked the receptionist where his rooms were. She asked me which Dr. I wanted as there were two with the same surname. I told her it was Dr. T and she sent us to the Clinton Hospital which is down the road where we had just been. Murphy’s Law! All the robots were against us. We parked and rushed inside to keep our appointment. The Dr. at the Clinton was Dr. J. Wonderful! I asked the receptionist there where Dr. T was and `Surprise, Surprise!’ He was at the Union where we had just been. Back to the car and back to the Union. We parked and rushed in as it was now past twelve. Dr. T was on the second floor, all the way down a very long corridor. Hubby was in a panic and almost running along – we couldn’t keep up with him.
We arrived in his rooms out of breath only to find the Receptionist had not put his name down. I told her that I had phoned for an appointment which was supposed to be a week after he was discharged but as the Dr. was on leave it was made for the 19th. She fetched his file and saw that it had been noted there so told us to sit while she checked to see if he could be fitted in. We sat. There were some National Geographic Magazines on the table and we each took one. Hubby was called in. My mag had an article on Australia in it which I read. The article covered the drought in New South Wales. The farmers there are really in a bad way and many farmers have had to sell up. They can’t grow rice anymore, fruit trees have been destroyed and the area is practically a desert now. Scary Stuff.
Hubby was in about half an hour and was out of breath when he came out. He had been given a `clean bill of health’ and there was no problem whatsoever about travelling to Oz. What a relief! I asked why he was out of breath and he said “he had run his gat off in there”. He also said his blood pressure had been a bit high – no wonder with the panic to find the place.
We were now able to relax so we stopped at the little Café downstairs for a spot of lunch. We all had Low Fat Smoothies and I had a sandwich with a salad instead of chips. I better look good for Oz.
After lunch we went up to the workshop so Hubby could check on things. We were waiting for a fax in connection with material we had ordered as we needed it urgently. Nothing was there so while Hubby was busy down the bottom I phoned. Nothing had been done yet so I requested the fax. The clerk tried to fax twice. Diane and I thought the twit had probably put the fax in upside down but after the second blank message we checked the fax machine. Guess What! Yes, the ink was almost non existence. We took them out to take for a refill and phoned to give the home fax no. so we could get our fax.
We rushed Hubby along as we needed to get home for the fax. Luckily the fax was waiting. I did the bank transfer and sent proof of payment. Let’s hope we get the steel tomorrow as our customer needs a rush job. After that Diane and I went into Meyerton to get the ink refilled and do some shopping for supper. When we got home I had my glass of wine while chilling with Ali and Travis. Ali’s weekend away did her the world of good. SHE MADE SUPPER. There is no CSI today so I’m early with my blog. I must just clean the kitchen and then make our Milo. I think I need an early night today. These late nights and early mornings are catching up - I fell asleep twice while doing the blog.
Cheers. Hope you had a good start to your week.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Chill Weekend
Woke up with the alarm going off. Lay for a couple of minutes before making my way down to the kitchen to let the spoilt ones out. Was a lovely morning again. I communed with nature while having my first coffee. Hubby joined me for the second cup. We chatted over our drinks for about half an hour. It was a very pleasant start to the weekend.
Fed the dogs and made breakfast. Did my Friday blog and got Diane up to take the pics for it. At about 9.30am the clouds came up and it turned chilly & windy. We quickly switched off the computers when the thunder and lightning started. We had a storm which only lasted a few minutes.
Hubby left at about eleven for his car meeting at the Tit Car Club. This is a men only club where car fanatics get together once a month to kick tyres, admire cars and generally “Praat Kuk”. They have a floating Trophy which is given to the best car of the day. The name of the club will tell you what the Trophy is. Apparently one of the Founder Member’s wife was the model for it. Men and their games!
After he left I noticed it was getting very black outside & thought I better get to the local shop for the dog and duck food. We decided to use the BMW as it hadn’t been used since Hubby brought it back. After buying the food I spotted a Deli on the corner and went in to get sarmies and salad for lunch. By the time we got back to the car it had started to rain. As we drove away I just couldn’t resist and `put foot’ to race away. That engine growl is incredible and I love it. Driving back we passed through a cloudburst and could hardly see in front of us. By the time we turned into our road it had eased off but poor Diane still got soaked doing the gate and hopped straight into the shower to warm up.
After lunch we carried on with our spring cleaning – finally finishing her room and the studio/sewing room. It is a good feeling seeing the room all sparkling clean and fresh. It rained on and off all afternoon and we had a total of 15mm in all.
Hubby came home at about six. We had supper and watched TV.
Hubby was awake early (before six) and got up to make us both a drink. The sun was shining but the chairs were still wet so we sat inside to have our early morning cuppa. With my second cup I walked around the garden to get my daily dose of peace. The garden was lovely, all clean and green after the rain. Fed the dogs and duck and took Diane a cup of tea.
We all got ready and then left for Alberton City in the Sunbeam. Our first stop was the House of Coffees for breakfast. After breakfast Diane and I went wedding present shopping ready for our Oz trip. (Four weeks to go now.) After visiting several shops we found what we were looking for. Hubby decided he needed new shoes to wear for the wedding so we shopped for that too. We also got him some new jeans. By now it was after 11.30am and as we were going for lunch at my sister we left. The roads were quiet so it didn’t take long to get there.
The weather was perfect when we got there and we sat on her back patio sipping drinks and nibbling snacks. It was great to be together again. Peter was braaing `Beer Bird’- Whole Chicken in the braai on half empty beer cans. It really smelt good cooking and tasted even better. We had oven-baked veggies and salad with the chicken. There was a veggie quiche for Diane though we also had some. It was an ideal Sunday - great food, good wine, good conversation and great company. We had an awesome chill time together. Dessert was apple crumble and cream. Delish!
We left at five arriving back at six. Hubby had forgotten his medicine this morning and as he enjoyed himself so much (without worrying about his diet) I made him check his sugar levels. Horrors it was 18.5. He took his evening tablets and had to have an insulin injection as well. Oh well! Maybe one day he will realize how important diet is. His motto is “if I eat what I want when I want I can die happy” What kuk! How can you be happy when you feel lousy?
Diane is in the bath – I just heard her come out- so while I make the Milo she can post our new blog.
Cheers. Enjoy your week. And Remember You ARE What You Eat.
Woke up with the alarm going off. Lay for a couple of minutes before making my way down to the kitchen to let the spoilt ones out. Was a lovely morning again. I communed with nature while having my first coffee. Hubby joined me for the second cup. We chatted over our drinks for about half an hour. It was a very pleasant start to the weekend.
Fed the dogs and made breakfast. Did my Friday blog and got Diane up to take the pics for it. At about 9.30am the clouds came up and it turned chilly & windy. We quickly switched off the computers when the thunder and lightning started. We had a storm which only lasted a few minutes.
Hubby left at about eleven for his car meeting at the Tit Car Club. This is a men only club where car fanatics get together once a month to kick tyres, admire cars and generally “Praat Kuk”. They have a floating Trophy which is given to the best car of the day. The name of the club will tell you what the Trophy is. Apparently one of the Founder Member’s wife was the model for it. Men and their games!
After he left I noticed it was getting very black outside & thought I better get to the local shop for the dog and duck food. We decided to use the BMW as it hadn’t been used since Hubby brought it back. After buying the food I spotted a Deli on the corner and went in to get sarmies and salad for lunch. By the time we got back to the car it had started to rain. As we drove away I just couldn’t resist and `put foot’ to race away. That engine growl is incredible and I love it. Driving back we passed through a cloudburst and could hardly see in front of us. By the time we turned into our road it had eased off but poor Diane still got soaked doing the gate and hopped straight into the shower to warm up.
After lunch we carried on with our spring cleaning – finally finishing her room and the studio/sewing room. It is a good feeling seeing the room all sparkling clean and fresh. It rained on and off all afternoon and we had a total of 15mm in all.
Hubby came home at about six. We had supper and watched TV.
Hubby was awake early (before six) and got up to make us both a drink. The sun was shining but the chairs were still wet so we sat inside to have our early morning cuppa. With my second cup I walked around the garden to get my daily dose of peace. The garden was lovely, all clean and green after the rain. Fed the dogs and duck and took Diane a cup of tea.
We all got ready and then left for Alberton City in the Sunbeam. Our first stop was the House of Coffees for breakfast. After breakfast Diane and I went wedding present shopping ready for our Oz trip. (Four weeks to go now.) After visiting several shops we found what we were looking for. Hubby decided he needed new shoes to wear for the wedding so we shopped for that too. We also got him some new jeans. By now it was after 11.30am and as we were going for lunch at my sister we left. The roads were quiet so it didn’t take long to get there.
The weather was perfect when we got there and we sat on her back patio sipping drinks and nibbling snacks. It was great to be together again. Peter was braaing `Beer Bird’- Whole Chicken in the braai on half empty beer cans. It really smelt good cooking and tasted even better. We had oven-baked veggies and salad with the chicken. There was a veggie quiche for Diane though we also had some. It was an ideal Sunday - great food, good wine, good conversation and great company. We had an awesome chill time together. Dessert was apple crumble and cream. Delish!
We left at five arriving back at six. Hubby had forgotten his medicine this morning and as he enjoyed himself so much (without worrying about his diet) I made him check his sugar levels. Horrors it was 18.5. He took his evening tablets and had to have an insulin injection as well. Oh well! Maybe one day he will realize how important diet is. His motto is “if I eat what I want when I want I can die happy” What kuk! How can you be happy when you feel lousy?
Diane is in the bath – I just heard her come out- so while I make the Milo she can post our new blog.
Cheers. Enjoy your week. And Remember You ARE What You Eat.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Finally Friday

Beautiful morning again. I will miss
my chill under the trees when we are in Oz. As I said before my chill time is what keeps me going and I really don’t know how I survive through winter. When Ali and Diane were Home Schooled I loved being able to do lessons under the trees. When we moved
here the place was practically bare. Over time we have planted more and more trees and the place is our own personal forest now. It is amazing how cool it is under the trees – the temperature must be at least 10 degrees cooler under them on a hot day.
Hubby left for the workshop saying he would be back late as his cousins were coming to see him at 2.00pm. I was not pleased as he needs to rest as much as possible. When he’s there he can’t sit still and just has to do something. Now that his toe is healing so nicely I worry - being on his feet too long could mean a step backwards in the healing process. The toe has been like this almost two years now.
Once he left I got on with my daily chores and spring cleaning. After the hectic day yesterday I did not have much energy and did not overdo things. In fact late morning we all watched a good movie on TV – Rat Race. It has Mr. Bean in it as an Italian with a sleep disorder. We had a good laugh which as is said is the best medicine you can have.
Ali and Travis have been invited to Sun City for the weekend. I played with Travis while Ali was packing and cooking him something for supper. They were only leaving at 4.30pm which meant they would be on the road when it was Travis’s suppertime. Hubby came home rather cross as the cousins hadn’t turned up and didn’t even have the manners to phone and apologize. He sat waiting for nothing.
Ali and Travis left at four. By now it was overcast and cool. There was a little rain too- only 3mm this time. I was still feeling lazy so sat watching TV with a coffee and a Caramel and Custard Danish that Hubby had stopped to buy on the way home. Delicious. Opening the Engen Blockhouse 1-Stop was the best thing ever.
After that I wasn’t hungry so just made a light supper for Hubby and Diane. There was still lightning and thunder around so we vegetated in front of the TV. Diane saw ET for the first time and then went to bed. I sat and watched Blood Diamond again before I went to bed. I found that such an excellent movie – Movies like this, hopefully, make people stop and think. The horrors that are going on in the rest of Africa are unbelievable. What those Child Soldiers are forced to endure!!
Cheers. Have an excellent weekend. Hope you like the pics of our little piece of paradise.

Hubby left for the workshop saying he would be back late as his cousins were coming to see him at 2.00pm. I was not pleased as he needs to rest as much as possible. When he’s there he can’t sit still and just has to do something. Now that his toe is healing so nicely I worry - being on his feet too long could mean a step backwards in the healing process. The toe has been like this almost two years now.
Once he left I got on with my daily chores and spring cleaning. After the hectic day yesterday I did not have much energy and did not overdo things. In fact late morning we all watched a good movie on TV – Rat Race. It has Mr. Bean in it as an Italian with a sleep disorder. We had a good laugh which as is said is the best medicine you can have.
Ali and Travis have been invited to Sun City for the weekend. I played with Travis while Ali was packing and cooking him something for supper. They were only leaving at 4.30pm which meant they would be on the road when it was Travis’s suppertime. Hubby came home rather cross as the cousins hadn’t turned up and didn’t even have the manners to phone and apologize. He sat waiting for nothing.
Ali and Travis left at four. By now it was overcast and cool. There was a little rain too- only 3mm this time. I was still feeling lazy so sat watching TV with a coffee and a Caramel and Custard Danish that Hubby had stopped to buy on the way home. Delicious. Opening the Engen Blockhouse 1-Stop was the best thing ever.
After that I wasn’t hungry so just made a light supper for Hubby and Diane. There was still lightning and thunder around so we vegetated in front of the TV. Diane saw ET for the first time and then went to bed. I sat and watched Blood Diamond again before I went to bed. I found that such an excellent movie – Movies like this, hopefully, make people stop and think. The horrors that are going on in the rest of Africa are unbelievable. What those Child Soldiers are forced to endure!!
Cheers. Have an excellent weekend. Hope you like the pics of our little piece of paradise.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Up early to chill outside with my coffee. I really love my time out there under the trees. Hubby was awake early and joined me outside for a cup of tea while I had my second coffee. It was a perfect morning to be sitting chatting, listening to the birds and playing with the dogs. After breakfast Hubby went off to the workshop. I sorted out all I needed for the Oz Visas and made copies where necessary. Diane and I left about 10.30AM. First stop was the Kodak where we had the photos for the Visas printed. While we waited we sat at Tremontis and had ice-cream. We each had three scoops in a cup. My flavours were wild cherry, straccaitella and cappuccino. Diane had chocolate, water melon and straccaitella. Delicious – I told Diane `If I worked in this centre I would have ice-cream every day for lunch’.
Next stop was the bank for the Bank Guaranteed Cheque (the only way the High Commission accepts payment). The Service Consultants are on the first floor. There are two rows of chairs and a book where you write your name and reason for being there. I put my name down, horrified to see nine names in front. We were there for an hour – forty minutes wait- even though there were five consultants– service aint what it used to be. After leaving the bank we stopped at the workshop where I faxed an invoice and checked on Hubby. All was OK.
All that had to be sorted was done so now we could leave for the Visa Office in Rosebank. The traffic wasn’t too bad though the robots along the Heidelberg Road weren’t working causing short delays. We found the Visa Centre around 1.15pm and as they only opened at 1.30pm we decided to look for somewhere to have a bite to eat. Luckily there were a couple of coffee shops in the same Centre. We ordered a cranberry juice each and I ordered a salad (my look good for Oz choice) while Diane had a vegetarian wrap. After eating we went up to The Visa Office where we had about a half hour wait before handing in the forms. Hopefully all is ok and we get the visas soon. That was the last major task for our trip.
I didn’t want to get back onto the highway too late and get stuck in traffic so decided not to stop at Rosebank Mall. We left going via Melville where we dropped some things off at the Charity Shop. The Campus Square Centre was right there so we decided it would be quicker to go there instead of turning off the highway to shop in Alberton for something for supper. I told Diane we must be quick to avoid the traffic rush. We weren’t too long and managed to get on the highway just after four. There was a slight traffic jam as there were two vehicles stopped in the middle lane – must have been a `bumper bashing’.
We went back along the Heidelberg Road. I had forgotten about the robots which were still out. The traffic was unreal and we just crawled along. Once we neared Alberton the traffic was flowing freely and the last part of the journey went fairly quickly. On reaching home we unloaded the shopping and after putting the cold stuff into the fridge I poured myself my Much Needed glass of wine. I unwound after my hectic afternoon in my favourite spot under the trees.
No sooner had I finished when a friend of Hubbys arrived with his wife and daughter. They needed a car for the daughter’s Matric Dance and had come to choose one. Hubby took them around to see the cars. I had a cup of coffee and chilled some more. After viewing the cars – the daughter chose the Sunbeam – they came in for coffee.
It was after seven when they left and I made a quick Stir Fry with rice (2 minutes in the microwave) and salad. Diane and I watched CSI and I made the Milo during an ad break, so now after posting the blog we can go to bed. I am rather exhausted after the hectic day.
Cheers! Have a good Friday.
Next stop was the bank for the Bank Guaranteed Cheque (the only way the High Commission accepts payment). The Service Consultants are on the first floor. There are two rows of chairs and a book where you write your name and reason for being there. I put my name down, horrified to see nine names in front. We were there for an hour – forty minutes wait- even though there were five consultants– service aint what it used to be. After leaving the bank we stopped at the workshop where I faxed an invoice and checked on Hubby. All was OK.
All that had to be sorted was done so now we could leave for the Visa Office in Rosebank. The traffic wasn’t too bad though the robots along the Heidelberg Road weren’t working causing short delays. We found the Visa Centre around 1.15pm and as they only opened at 1.30pm we decided to look for somewhere to have a bite to eat. Luckily there were a couple of coffee shops in the same Centre. We ordered a cranberry juice each and I ordered a salad (my look good for Oz choice) while Diane had a vegetarian wrap. After eating we went up to The Visa Office where we had about a half hour wait before handing in the forms. Hopefully all is ok and we get the visas soon. That was the last major task for our trip.
I didn’t want to get back onto the highway too late and get stuck in traffic so decided not to stop at Rosebank Mall. We left going via Melville where we dropped some things off at the Charity Shop. The Campus Square Centre was right there so we decided it would be quicker to go there instead of turning off the highway to shop in Alberton for something for supper. I told Diane we must be quick to avoid the traffic rush. We weren’t too long and managed to get on the highway just after four. There was a slight traffic jam as there were two vehicles stopped in the middle lane – must have been a `bumper bashing’.
We went back along the Heidelberg Road. I had forgotten about the robots which were still out. The traffic was unreal and we just crawled along. Once we neared Alberton the traffic was flowing freely and the last part of the journey went fairly quickly. On reaching home we unloaded the shopping and after putting the cold stuff into the fridge I poured myself my Much Needed glass of wine. I unwound after my hectic afternoon in my favourite spot under the trees.
No sooner had I finished when a friend of Hubbys arrived with his wife and daughter. They needed a car for the daughter’s Matric Dance and had come to choose one. Hubby took them around to see the cars. I had a cup of coffee and chilled some more. After viewing the cars – the daughter chose the Sunbeam – they came in for coffee.
It was after seven when they left and I made a quick Stir Fry with rice (2 minutes in the microwave) and salad. Diane and I watched CSI and I made the Milo during an ad break, so now after posting the blog we can go to bed. I am rather exhausted after the hectic day.
Cheers! Have a good Friday.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wacky Wednesday
Glorious day again. Chilled with my coffee under the trees listening to the birds and soaking up the peace of the morning. Had a better night as I made sure I took painkillers. My hip was pain free this morning thank goodness. Had a second cup and just chilled before starting my day. Forgot to buy oats when I went shopping so Hubby had to have a yoghurt instead today. Luckily he doesn’t mind.
After breakfast Hubby went off to the workshop and I got on with office work and sorting out all that’s needed to get visas for Oz for Ali, Diane and Travis. Luckily Hubby and I have EU Passports and could get ours online. The list of requirements is rather long when you have S.A.Passports. Oh Well! These things are sent to try us. I’m sure our trip there will be worth all the palaver.
Phoned Hubby to see how things were going. All was fine at the workshop but he needed to do things and would not be home for lunch. I Was Not Impressed – Rest is the order of the day. Anyway that being said I decided I did not feel like making lunch so Diane and I went off to Steers in Meyerton. It being Wacky Wednesday we ordered our Burgers – 2 for the price of one, and chips with cokes. Ali had a friend from down the road visiting so it worked out fine at one each. Not a healthy choice but no Hubby and who cares about us-what doesn’t kill fattens. I really must watch what I eat now until we get to Oz. Can’t have them lot thinking we are typical Fat Jaapies.
Got back and feasted on our lunch after which Diane and I had a rest. Must be the after effects of the tablets I took that made me so tired plus of course the rather full stomach. When I surfaced I started with spring cleaning my bedroom cupboards. Diane is still finishing off her room – lots of junk to go through. Realised it was late and Hubby was not home so I phoned him. He was visiting a friend who is on the way home and was leaving immediately. Talk about overdoing things.
Hubby arrived back and was tired so showered and went to bed. Diane and I decided it was time for our glass of wine. Hubby had a glass in front of his TV (his because he can watch what he likes on that one). We sat outside and chilled while we drank our wine. It was a lovely evening and very peaceful with lots of birds in the trees. In fact it was so lovely we had a cup of coffee too. By then I was chilled enough to be able to make supper. After that we watched our CSI again. Its fab at the moment as CSI is on three times a week. We have just had our Milo, the weather is clear and my blog is done. Sometimes I even impress myself.
After breakfast Hubby went off to the workshop and I got on with office work and sorting out all that’s needed to get visas for Oz for Ali, Diane and Travis. Luckily Hubby and I have EU Passports and could get ours online. The list of requirements is rather long when you have S.A.Passports. Oh Well! These things are sent to try us. I’m sure our trip there will be worth all the palaver.
Phoned Hubby to see how things were going. All was fine at the workshop but he needed to do things and would not be home for lunch. I Was Not Impressed – Rest is the order of the day. Anyway that being said I decided I did not feel like making lunch so Diane and I went off to Steers in Meyerton. It being Wacky Wednesday we ordered our Burgers – 2 for the price of one, and chips with cokes. Ali had a friend from down the road visiting so it worked out fine at one each. Not a healthy choice but no Hubby and who cares about us-what doesn’t kill fattens. I really must watch what I eat now until we get to Oz. Can’t have them lot thinking we are typical Fat Jaapies.
Got back and feasted on our lunch after which Diane and I had a rest. Must be the after effects of the tablets I took that made me so tired plus of course the rather full stomach. When I surfaced I started with spring cleaning my bedroom cupboards. Diane is still finishing off her room – lots of junk to go through. Realised it was late and Hubby was not home so I phoned him. He was visiting a friend who is on the way home and was leaving immediately. Talk about overdoing things.
Hubby arrived back and was tired so showered and went to bed. Diane and I decided it was time for our glass of wine. Hubby had a glass in front of his TV (his because he can watch what he likes on that one). We sat outside and chilled while we drank our wine. It was a lovely evening and very peaceful with lots of birds in the trees. In fact it was so lovely we had a cup of coffee too. By then I was chilled enough to be able to make supper. After that we watched our CSI again. Its fab at the moment as CSI is on three times a week. We have just had our Milo, the weather is clear and my blog is done. Sometimes I even impress myself.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday /Tuesday
Was windy and overcast when I went to let the Spoilt Ones out for their morning ablutions but luckily still warm enough to sit outside with my morning coffee. Had my second cup to prepare myself for the week ahead. Gave Hubby his breakfast after I had fed all the dogs.
Hubby wanted to go into the workshop to check on everything there and needed me to take him as his car was there. I cleaned the kitchen and did some office work before leaving. We left at about 10.30 with instructions from Ali not to be too late as she was going in to work after lunch. When we arrived at the workshop Hubby went to check on everything with Diane and I trailing behind. Everyone was working as they should. There was no dog food so Diane and I went down to the shop to buy a bag.
When we got back we couldn’t get into the driveway as there were several cars blocking the way. Friends of Hubby had heard he was there and rushed over to check up on him. After cars had been moved we pulled in and unloaded the dog food. We spent a few minutes socializing with the friends before leaving to buy much needed supplies such as our Milo. Hubby also decided to leave as his leg was rather painful and he wanted to rest it. Diane and I went down to Alberton City where we got our supplies plus a couple of things ready for our Oz trip.
On reaching home we found that Hubby was already sleeping so packed the shopping away and made lunch. Travis was sleeping and Ali was about to leave when her friend turned up. Diane and I started watching Taggart on TV while we ate our lunch. Ali bought Travis in at about three when she and her friend left. Travis played around the lounge while we finished watching our show. I then took him to play in his room where we spent the rest of the afternoon. I fed him around five while hubby made pasta to go with the rest of the frikkadels. With his health in mind I had got wholewheat pasta much to his disgust. We enjoyed it anyway. While the food was cooking we had a glass of red wine each. I put Travis down to sleep but he had other ideas. We ate supper while watching TV again. Travis kept climbing on and off the couch while helping me eat. He eventually started falling asleep while leaning against my leg. Hubby was half asleep in bed so I popped Travis in with him.
A storm had blown up by now with lots of thunder and lightning so the computers had to be turned off which meant I couldn’t Blog. I went to bed with a book leaving Diane watching a movie. It was too much effort to get Travis’s cot so I left him in the bed with us. BAD IDEA. My hip was very painful so I was not able to find a comfortable position to sleep in and with Travis in the middle did not have much space anyway. I kept waking up and at one time knocked my cell phone (under my pillow) onto the floor. There I was scrabbling around under the bed picking up the pieces. I switched it back on and had to reset the date and time. In my half asleep state I put it an hour ahead. This I found out when the alarm went off at 5.00am instead of 6.00am. Another time I woke up and found myself balancing on the edge of the bed. All in all, Not a good night.
I got out of bed at 5.45am and was thankful to find it was a lovely day. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky. We had 5mm of rain during the night – not enough to do much good. While the kettle boiled I unloaded the dishwasher. I had my coffee chilling under the trees. I sure needed it today. Travis woke at 6.30 and we sat outside, him with a cup of tea and me with my second coffee.
After breakfast I bathed Travis and then we sat in his room while he played. When Diane surfaced she amused him by playing with her Remote Control Car. He loved it and kept chasing after it. Travis fell asleep at about 10 and I got on with some office work. Hubby got home at about 12.30 and I made lunch. Travis only woke at one and I fed him and gave him his juice.
The two little dogs were rather dirty so I bathed them. There is nothing worse than dirty footmarks on the bedding. Travis was fascinated and stood next to me watching the proceedings. I put the dogs to finish drying on the front verandah and then Diane and I took Travis in his pram to visit a friend up the road. By then it was rather hot and it was up hill all the way. Pushing a pram uphill in the heat is hard work. We were glad to get there and grateful for the coke we were offered. We spent a pleasant couple of hours chatting. Travis thoroughly enjoyed himself and kept crawling backwards and forwards between the lounge and outside verandah following the two Foxies.
When we got back Ali was back and took over with Travis. I chilled with my daily dose of medicine before making supper. The dishwasher is loaded, the kitchen is clean, we watched CSI and after posting this Blog Diane and I will have a Milo.
Cheers !
Hubby wanted to go into the workshop to check on everything there and needed me to take him as his car was there. I cleaned the kitchen and did some office work before leaving. We left at about 10.30 with instructions from Ali not to be too late as she was going in to work after lunch. When we arrived at the workshop Hubby went to check on everything with Diane and I trailing behind. Everyone was working as they should. There was no dog food so Diane and I went down to the shop to buy a bag.
When we got back we couldn’t get into the driveway as there were several cars blocking the way. Friends of Hubby had heard he was there and rushed over to check up on him. After cars had been moved we pulled in and unloaded the dog food. We spent a few minutes socializing with the friends before leaving to buy much needed supplies such as our Milo. Hubby also decided to leave as his leg was rather painful and he wanted to rest it. Diane and I went down to Alberton City where we got our supplies plus a couple of things ready for our Oz trip.
On reaching home we found that Hubby was already sleeping so packed the shopping away and made lunch. Travis was sleeping and Ali was about to leave when her friend turned up. Diane and I started watching Taggart on TV while we ate our lunch. Ali bought Travis in at about three when she and her friend left. Travis played around the lounge while we finished watching our show. I then took him to play in his room where we spent the rest of the afternoon. I fed him around five while hubby made pasta to go with the rest of the frikkadels. With his health in mind I had got wholewheat pasta much to his disgust. We enjoyed it anyway. While the food was cooking we had a glass of red wine each. I put Travis down to sleep but he had other ideas. We ate supper while watching TV again. Travis kept climbing on and off the couch while helping me eat. He eventually started falling asleep while leaning against my leg. Hubby was half asleep in bed so I popped Travis in with him.
A storm had blown up by now with lots of thunder and lightning so the computers had to be turned off which meant I couldn’t Blog. I went to bed with a book leaving Diane watching a movie. It was too much effort to get Travis’s cot so I left him in the bed with us. BAD IDEA. My hip was very painful so I was not able to find a comfortable position to sleep in and with Travis in the middle did not have much space anyway. I kept waking up and at one time knocked my cell phone (under my pillow) onto the floor. There I was scrabbling around under the bed picking up the pieces. I switched it back on and had to reset the date and time. In my half asleep state I put it an hour ahead. This I found out when the alarm went off at 5.00am instead of 6.00am. Another time I woke up and found myself balancing on the edge of the bed. All in all, Not a good night.
I got out of bed at 5.45am and was thankful to find it was a lovely day. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky. We had 5mm of rain during the night – not enough to do much good. While the kettle boiled I unloaded the dishwasher. I had my coffee chilling under the trees. I sure needed it today. Travis woke at 6.30 and we sat outside, him with a cup of tea and me with my second coffee.
After breakfast I bathed Travis and then we sat in his room while he played. When Diane surfaced she amused him by playing with her Remote Control Car. He loved it and kept chasing after it. Travis fell asleep at about 10 and I got on with some office work. Hubby got home at about 12.30 and I made lunch. Travis only woke at one and I fed him and gave him his juice.
The two little dogs were rather dirty so I bathed them. There is nothing worse than dirty footmarks on the bedding. Travis was fascinated and stood next to me watching the proceedings. I put the dogs to finish drying on the front verandah and then Diane and I took Travis in his pram to visit a friend up the road. By then it was rather hot and it was up hill all the way. Pushing a pram uphill in the heat is hard work. We were glad to get there and grateful for the coke we were offered. We spent a pleasant couple of hours chatting. Travis thoroughly enjoyed himself and kept crawling backwards and forwards between the lounge and outside verandah following the two Foxies.
When we got back Ali was back and took over with Travis. I chilled with my daily dose of medicine before making supper. The dishwasher is loaded, the kitchen is clean, we watched CSI and after posting this Blog Diane and I will have a Milo.
Cheers !
Monday, October 12, 2009
Up as usual to a windy overcast day though luckily still pleasant enough for my usual coffee under the tree. Hubby’s medicine had finished on Friday so we decided to all go in for the repeat prescription and have breakfast afterwards. Used the Sunbeam again as it is such a fun ride. Stopped on the way for petrol and then onto the chemist for the meds. Also did some shopping before going for breakfast. We went to a little Coffee Shop on the outskirts of town. Everybody seemed to have the same idea as the place was crowded. Idea being: save electricity, water and time – no cooking, no dirty dishes and no time in the kitchen.
Ali and Travis were away for the weekend so it was just the three of us. We chilled with a cup of coffee while studying the menu. Was an excellent cup of coffee – tasted like coffee should taste. Our breakfast choice was very cosmopolitan – Hubby had a South African Breakfast, Diane had a French one and I chose an English breakfast. The food was good and we enjoyed relaxing over it. Back home afterwards where Hubby took his medicine and relaxed in front of the TV . Diane and I unpacked the shopping and decided to also relax a bit. Not a good idea to do too much at the weekend.
Late afternoon we carried on with the spring cleaning. While sorting things out Diane came across her Remote Control Car and decided to play for a while. The dogs were not impressed and kept running away from it. We were surprised that Digby didn’t try and attack it as he does when I use a broom or the Vacuum Cleaner near him. Hubby also had a turn to play. After his play Hubby was feeling energetic and made us a stir-fry. I cleared up afterwards and then Diane and I watched “The Burbs” with Tom Hanks . It was really funny. A good laugh is always Good Medicine.
I slept in a little later seeing as it was Sunday – the one and only day I can. Let the Brats out after their biscuits, fed the duck, put the dry dishes away (I never waste energy drying up dishes) and then went back to bed with my cup of coffee and a cup of tea for Hubby. We relaxed and chatted over our morning cuppas. Hubby really is on the mend as he decided to make the breakfast. I read my book while he was busy and managed to finish it. The book was “Kabul” by M.E.Hirsch. It tells the story of Afghanistan from 1973 until the Russian invasion. I enjoyed the book but not as much as “Saigon” by Anthony Grey . Now that really was a good read telling the story of Saigon from 1925 to 1973.
Hubby bought me my breakfast in bed –bacon, egg, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast. Delicious. We relaxed with another cuppa after that. A perfect start to a lazy Sunday . Once up I quickly did some cleaning as I hadn’t done much all week and then just chilled for most of the day reading old Readers Digests. Energetic Hubby saw my mince in the fridge and decided on making his favourite – Frikkadels. He put them in the oven to cook slowly at about three. When they were nearly done he made roast potatoes, rice and veg. He dished up supper and when I called Diane to eat she asked if I knew what time it was. I told her at least the kitchen would be cleaned and everything finished early.
As we finished my phone rang. It was friends phoning to say they were popping in for a quick visit. I rushed around clearing all into the dishwasher. I couldn’t believe it when I looked at my watch and saw it was not even five. Diane said “But I asked you if you knew what time it was when we ate.” I knew it had been early But Not That Early.
The friends arrived and we had a pleasant couple of hours chatting and catching up on the latest happenings with each other. After they left I caught up with all my ironing. Diane and I will now have our nightly Milo and then we will be off to bed. Hubby is already asleep.
Cheers. Have a good week.
Up as usual to a windy overcast day though luckily still pleasant enough for my usual coffee under the tree. Hubby’s medicine had finished on Friday so we decided to all go in for the repeat prescription and have breakfast afterwards. Used the Sunbeam again as it is such a fun ride. Stopped on the way for petrol and then onto the chemist for the meds. Also did some shopping before going for breakfast. We went to a little Coffee Shop on the outskirts of town. Everybody seemed to have the same idea as the place was crowded. Idea being: save electricity, water and time – no cooking, no dirty dishes and no time in the kitchen.
Ali and Travis were away for the weekend so it was just the three of us. We chilled with a cup of coffee while studying the menu. Was an excellent cup of coffee – tasted like coffee should taste. Our breakfast choice was very cosmopolitan – Hubby had a South African Breakfast, Diane had a French one and I chose an English breakfast. The food was good and we enjoyed relaxing over it. Back home afterwards where Hubby took his medicine and relaxed in front of the TV . Diane and I unpacked the shopping and decided to also relax a bit. Not a good idea to do too much at the weekend.
Late afternoon we carried on with the spring cleaning. While sorting things out Diane came across her Remote Control Car and decided to play for a while. The dogs were not impressed and kept running away from it. We were surprised that Digby didn’t try and attack it as he does when I use a broom or the Vacuum Cleaner near him. Hubby also had a turn to play. After his play Hubby was feeling energetic and made us a stir-fry. I cleared up afterwards and then Diane and I watched “The Burbs” with Tom Hanks . It was really funny. A good laugh is always Good Medicine.
I slept in a little later seeing as it was Sunday – the one and only day I can. Let the Brats out after their biscuits, fed the duck, put the dry dishes away (I never waste energy drying up dishes) and then went back to bed with my cup of coffee and a cup of tea for Hubby. We relaxed and chatted over our morning cuppas. Hubby really is on the mend as he decided to make the breakfast. I read my book while he was busy and managed to finish it. The book was “Kabul” by M.E.Hirsch. It tells the story of Afghanistan from 1973 until the Russian invasion. I enjoyed the book but not as much as “Saigon” by Anthony Grey . Now that really was a good read telling the story of Saigon from 1925 to 1973.
Hubby bought me my breakfast in bed –bacon, egg, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast. Delicious. We relaxed with another cuppa after that. A perfect start to a lazy Sunday . Once up I quickly did some cleaning as I hadn’t done much all week and then just chilled for most of the day reading old Readers Digests. Energetic Hubby saw my mince in the fridge and decided on making his favourite – Frikkadels. He put them in the oven to cook slowly at about three. When they were nearly done he made roast potatoes, rice and veg. He dished up supper and when I called Diane to eat she asked if I knew what time it was. I told her at least the kitchen would be cleaned and everything finished early.
As we finished my phone rang. It was friends phoning to say they were popping in for a quick visit. I rushed around clearing all into the dishwasher. I couldn’t believe it when I looked at my watch and saw it was not even five. Diane said “But I asked you if you knew what time it was when we ate.” I knew it had been early But Not That Early.
The friends arrived and we had a pleasant couple of hours chatting and catching up on the latest happenings with each other. After they left I caught up with all my ironing. Diane and I will now have our nightly Milo and then we will be off to bed. Hubby is already asleep.
Cheers. Have a good week.
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Unbelievable! Another week come to an end. Scary how fast time flies. Chilled outside with my cup of coffee enjoying the peace and birdsong again. The guy next door left for work while I was having my second cup. His dogs always howl whenever they get excited and his leaving set them off. Our dogs ran along the dividing fence keeping pace with his car and joined in with the chorus. It is so irritating as shouting for them to ‘Shut up” doesn’t work. They cannot hear a thing above their own noise. After that destruction of my peace I got down to my normal routine of feeding dogs and hubby plus myself of course - Diane refuses to eat until late morning.
After my blog update last night I decided I needed to get back on track with my usual routine which was interrupted last week. So after watching CSI I did a couple of loads of washing as well as cleaning sinks and loos.( such a Fab job). Every year I start my spring clean in November so that by Christmas time my house is all clean ready for the New Year. This year I started earlier so that all is finished by the time we leave for Oz. To come back from a holiday and have to start spring cleaning would be the “Absolute Pits”. I have to be careful not to do too much at a time though – See above pic to see why.
Diane and I got stuck into her room. First was getting curtains down and cleaning windows so that clean curtains go on clean windows. We spent the day in there and didn’t manage to finish as Diane is being very good about getting rid of unwanted and unused things. Usually she is like Hubby – a real hoarder. Ali and I can be very ruthless about keeping non- essential items. Well actually we spent the day in there with regular breaks outside under the trees – must keep our strength up you know.
Hubby went into the workshop again. His excuse for this was “someone was faxing information for a quote” At least he only went for the morning as I made lunch for him to take his medication. Plus the BMW was finished and he bought it back with him.
Late afternoon Diane and I had our glass of wine outside and noticed it was building up for rain. The black clouds were rolling in thick and fast and the trees were getting whipped around. When this happens we have to switch computers off as the plot is very rocky and attracts lightning. In an electric storm we always have a hit or two. It is very scary especially if one is standing near the point of contact – that flash and deafening crack jangles nerves. Once we had to sit in the passage during a storm as the lightning was flashing continuously through the windows on both sides of the house. Another time the geyser was hit and it sounded like a huge kettle boiling up there. Cordell was standing in the kitchen during a bad storm when lightning flashed through the window. He hit the deck immediately. Lightning sure is scary stuff. Luckily the wind blew the storm straight past us though we Really could do with the rain. The heat and hot dry wind of the last few days has withered the plants somewhat.
Diane and I watched ‘Casper’ after supper while Hubby watched his usual cooking and reality programmes. It was a really cute movie. We had our inevitable Milo while watching – ad breaks are necessary sometimes.
All for now. Have a good weekend.
After my blog update last night I decided I needed to get back on track with my usual routine which was interrupted last week. So after watching CSI I did a couple of loads of washing as well as cleaning sinks and loos.( such a Fab job). Every year I start my spring clean in November so that by Christmas time my house is all clean ready for the New Year. This year I started earlier so that all is finished by the time we leave for Oz. To come back from a holiday and have to start spring cleaning would be the “Absolute Pits”. I have to be careful not to do too much at a time though – See above pic to see why.
Diane and I got stuck into her room. First was getting curtains down and cleaning windows so that clean curtains go on clean windows. We spent the day in there and didn’t manage to finish as Diane is being very good about getting rid of unwanted and unused things. Usually she is like Hubby – a real hoarder. Ali and I can be very ruthless about keeping non- essential items. Well actually we spent the day in there with regular breaks outside under the trees – must keep our strength up you know.
Hubby went into the workshop again. His excuse for this was “someone was faxing information for a quote” At least he only went for the morning as I made lunch for him to take his medication. Plus the BMW was finished and he bought it back with him.
Late afternoon Diane and I had our glass of wine outside and noticed it was building up for rain. The black clouds were rolling in thick and fast and the trees were getting whipped around. When this happens we have to switch computers off as the plot is very rocky and attracts lightning. In an electric storm we always have a hit or two. It is very scary especially if one is standing near the point of contact – that flash and deafening crack jangles nerves. Once we had to sit in the passage during a storm as the lightning was flashing continuously through the windows on both sides of the house. Another time the geyser was hit and it sounded like a huge kettle boiling up there. Cordell was standing in the kitchen during a bad storm when lightning flashed through the window. He hit the deck immediately. Lightning sure is scary stuff. Luckily the wind blew the storm straight past us though we Really could do with the rain. The heat and hot dry wind of the last few days has withered the plants somewhat.
Diane and I watched ‘Casper’ after supper while Hubby watched his usual cooking and reality programmes. It was a really cute movie. We had our inevitable Milo while watching – ad breaks are necessary sometimes.
All for now. Have a good weekend.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wacky Wednesday/Terrific Thursday

Lovely morning again. Ali left for work just after 6. Travis and I sat outside while I had my morning pick-me-up. Hubby was awake so he joined us for a cup of tea while I had my second cuppa. It was really nice to sit out there together without worrying about rushing off to work. I just might be able to manage having him around permanently if he retired.
I spent the morning looking after Travis and doing office work when he slept. After lunch Diane and I went to the local shop for milk and dog food. We decided to take the sunbeam for an outing – standing too long is not good for the battery. I put Travis in the back and off we went. Travis really thought he was the “Bees Knees” and couldn’t stop smiling. He really enjoyed his little back seat with the window at his height to look out at the passing scenery.
The afternoon was spent playing with Travis in his playroom as the wind had come up and it was much too windy to take him outside. Late afternoon Diane asked me to transfer her goldfish from the dirty tank to his clean one. I got round to doing it early evening.
About nine Diane went to feed her fish and couldn’t find it. She came running to me to ask where I had put the fish and I told her “In the clean tank.” Really! Where Else! And went to show her . Diane stayed by the door while I went to show her that it must be hiding under its plant. To my surprise it wasn’t there and then HORRORS!!! There it was lying next to the tank. I thought, OOh My Word what did I do ? Then I thought but I know I put it in the water because I had to shake it out the net. I felt awful and told Diane where it was. She was horrified and I thought she was going to cry. I took a tissue out my pocket to pick it up. When I looked at it I couldn’t believe my eyes – the fish flicked its tail – so I dropped it back into the water. Surprise! Surprise! The fish swam away though I must admit very slowly. Diane gave it some food and we decided to leave it until the morning to see if it was still alive.
By now I was really tired so I loaded the dishwasher, put it on and went to bed. Looking after a little one can be exhausting at my age.
Lovely morning again. Ali left for work just after 6. Travis and I sat outside while I had my morning pick-me-up. Hubby was awake so he joined us for a cup of tea while I had my second cuppa. It was really nice to sit out there together without worrying about rushing off to work. I just might be able to manage having him around permanently if he retired.
I spent the morning looking after Travis and doing office work when he slept. After lunch Diane and I went to the local shop for milk and dog food. We decided to take the sunbeam for an outing – standing too long is not good for the battery. I put Travis in the back and off we went. Travis really thought he was the “Bees Knees” and couldn’t stop smiling. He really enjoyed his little back seat with the window at his height to look out at the passing scenery.
The afternoon was spent playing with Travis in his playroom as the wind had come up and it was much too windy to take him outside. Late afternoon Diane asked me to transfer her goldfish from the dirty tank to his clean one. I got round to doing it early evening.
About nine Diane went to feed her fish and couldn’t find it. She came running to me to ask where I had put the fish and I told her “In the clean tank.” Really! Where Else! And went to show her . Diane stayed by the door while I went to show her that it must be hiding under its plant. To my surprise it wasn’t there and then HORRORS!!! There it was lying next to the tank. I thought, OOh My Word what did I do ? Then I thought but I know I put it in the water because I had to shake it out the net. I felt awful and told Diane where it was. She was horrified and I thought she was going to cry. I took a tissue out my pocket to pick it up. When I looked at it I couldn’t believe my eyes – the fish flicked its tail – so I dropped it back into the water. Surprise! Surprise! The fish swam away though I must admit very slowly. Diane gave it some food and we decided to leave it until the morning to see if it was still alive.
By now I was really tired so I loaded the dishwasher, put it on and went to bed. Looking after a little one can be exhausting at my age.
Was up as usual and happy to see it was a lovely day again. Had my Me Time under the tree. Hubby had not had a good night again so he didn’t join me. Gave him his breakfast and medication. Next time I looked he was up and dressed ready to go in to the workshop. He was very clever! Said he would go in first and take my BMW in and check the thermostat housing as Gino had noticed a slight leak there. I needed to do some office work and had an appointment with an insurance agent so agreed. Hubby left at about nine. By the time I was finished it was half eleven. I was worried that he would be over doing things as usual. When we arrived he was just going to have a cup of tea in the office with his friend. Diane was chatting to Gino so I sat with them in the office. Faizel - one of the workers – was busy making the tea. We all watched as he was concentrating so intently on making the tea dark enough. I told him hubby likes weak tea. Hubby told me what a good cup of tea he makes and offered me one. Faizel passed them their tea and they took a sip. Spluttering in disgust they asked Faizel what he was trying to do. The poor guy had forgotten to boil the kettle. I laughed and left them making another cup while I quickly went to the supermarket for some supplies.
When I got back I told hubby we must leave as he had been there long enough and needed to get back to eat and take his medication. We rushed home where Diane made us one of her vegetarian pasta meals. There was some leftover chicken which I added to hubby’s meal. It would be asking too much of hubby to eat a meatless meal. Though he does say he is a potential vegetarian – if he had to hunt his own meat he would never eat meat. We were all rather tired after this so we all chilled for an hour with a book (one each of course). When we resurfaced Diane and I sat under the trees with Chocolate Brownies and coffee while hubby had his tea in front of the TV.( lying on the bed). The wind had come up again so Diane decided to fly her kite for awhile. She had fun. I pottered around cleaning the kitchen while Diane started to clean her room and sort out what she is taking to Oz.
We had a break for a glass of wine and a chat under the trees. I am now busy with supper and writing my blog while the food is cooking.Typical Woman – A Good Multi Tasker.
Well we have had supper and after cleaning the kitchen we are going to watch TV with a lekker Milo. A perfect end to a lovely day
Cheers for now
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Totally Tuesday
Hooray! The sun was shining in a clear blue sky when I got up although still a nip in the air. Had my coffee under the trees again. I chilled and let the peace soak in. Don’t know how I survive the cold winter mornings. I felt renewed and ready to face anything. My second cup was even better.
The garden is beautiful after the rain. All fresh and green. I love this time of the year with all the new growth on the trees. The roses are already out and the grass is turning green again. Living here on the plot is the best – my own little piece of paradise. We have been here 22 years and I could never go back to town. We are real ‘ma plotters’ now. The space, the tranquility, the bird life – nothing can beat it.
Hubby didn’t have too good a night as his stomach was protesting about the over indulgence of the day before. – My opinion. He didn’t agree – said it was from having to take so many pills now. Men! Logic doesn’t come into it. Luckily he was fine to eat breakfast. His sugar levels are reasonable at the moment so he only needs his tablets and not injections. Hope this lasts as his toe is eventually starting to heal. All thanks to his forced rest in hospital and lower sugar levels.
About nine he decided he needed to go to the workshop to check on things. So much for taking the Dr’s advice about taking things easy. I made him wait until I was ready to take him. We left about ten with instructions from Ali to be back before one as she was working from 1.30.
When we reached the workshop hubby went to check on things while I made necessary calls from the office. Diane and I were sent to buy Thinners etc. for work in progress. Hubby gave all their instructions for the day and we came back home in time for Ali to leave Travis with me. I made us lunch while Travis crawled around. He seemed tired so I tried to get him to sleep but he wasn’t interested. I put him in his room with his toys and ball pond while I lay on his mat reading. He whinged and played alternately until he fell asleep next to me at three. I gave him a half hour nap and then woke him. We went and sat outside where he had a drink and a biscuit. It was such a lovely afternoon. There were two glossy starlings sitting on the gate and two red-billed hoopoes came and sat on the rondavel roof sunning themselves . I called hubby to come and have tea with us. We sat while Travis played around the garden area. When we had finished we took him to the play area and put him in the sandpit. He really loves playing in all that sand. Hubby held him up and when he was steady left him. He managed two steps before sagging onto his knees. We were excited and made him do it again and again until he got fed up. He had a lovely time playing out there until it was bath time. Once he was all clean I fed him. Realized I had missed out on my daily dose of medicine while hubby was in hospital. Travis and I sat outside while I had my glass of red wine. Ali got back and took Travis
I made supper and then Diane and I watched TV – my favourite CSI. For a change I remembered to l oad the dishwasher instead of washing up by hand. The best invention ever! AND they say using one saves electricity and water. Must do my bit you know.
Time to think about bed. I really feel good tonight after my relaxing spells in the garden.
Cheers for now. Hope you all have a good day.
The garden is beautiful after the rain. All fresh and green. I love this time of the year with all the new growth on the trees. The roses are already out and the grass is turning green again. Living here on the plot is the best – my own little piece of paradise. We have been here 22 years and I could never go back to town. We are real ‘ma plotters’ now. The space, the tranquility, the bird life – nothing can beat it.
Hubby didn’t have too good a night as his stomach was protesting about the over indulgence of the day before. – My opinion. He didn’t agree – said it was from having to take so many pills now. Men! Logic doesn’t come into it. Luckily he was fine to eat breakfast. His sugar levels are reasonable at the moment so he only needs his tablets and not injections. Hope this lasts as his toe is eventually starting to heal. All thanks to his forced rest in hospital and lower sugar levels.
About nine he decided he needed to go to the workshop to check on things. So much for taking the Dr’s advice about taking things easy. I made him wait until I was ready to take him. We left about ten with instructions from Ali to be back before one as she was working from 1.30.
When we reached the workshop hubby went to check on things while I made necessary calls from the office. Diane and I were sent to buy Thinners etc. for work in progress. Hubby gave all their instructions for the day and we came back home in time for Ali to leave Travis with me. I made us lunch while Travis crawled around. He seemed tired so I tried to get him to sleep but he wasn’t interested. I put him in his room with his toys and ball pond while I lay on his mat reading. He whinged and played alternately until he fell asleep next to me at three. I gave him a half hour nap and then woke him. We went and sat outside where he had a drink and a biscuit. It was such a lovely afternoon. There were two glossy starlings sitting on the gate and two red-billed hoopoes came and sat on the rondavel roof sunning themselves . I called hubby to come and have tea with us. We sat while Travis played around the garden area. When we had finished we took him to the play area and put him in the sandpit. He really loves playing in all that sand. Hubby held him up and when he was steady left him. He managed two steps before sagging onto his knees. We were excited and made him do it again and again until he got fed up. He had a lovely time playing out there until it was bath time. Once he was all clean I fed him. Realized I had missed out on my daily dose of medicine while hubby was in hospital. Travis and I sat outside while I had my glass of red wine. Ali got back and took Travis
I made supper and then Diane and I watched TV – my favourite CSI. For a change I remembered to l oad the dishwasher instead of washing up by hand. The best invention ever! AND they say using one saves electricity and water. Must do my bit you know.
Time to think about bed. I really feel good tonight after my relaxing spells in the garden.
Cheers for now. Hope you all have a good day.
Monday, October 5, 2009

Was up at the usual time to let the brats out. Chilly and overcast so no chilling under the tree today. Not a good way to start the week as I really need chill time to get motivated for my week ahead. After feeding the hungry hordes (the seven dogs) I made breakfast for hubby. This was the first time with breakfast in a week and it felt strange but good to get back to the normal routine as I haven’t bothered while hubby was in hospital. Hubby was in good spirits after a good nights sleep in his own bed and polished off his breakfast.
Hubby spent most of the day sleeping, watching TV and chilling with Digby (our Baby). Digby is a cute Maltese cross Foxy whose favourite pastimes are chilling on the bed or digging. He got his name because he is a compulsive digger. When we first got him – he was my Mother’s Day present from Alison three years ago – he was so small he had to be picked up and put on the bed. I used to move my hand under the covers to play with him and he would go mad trying to dig his way through. Digby has never stopped digging since. He is like a little machine that doesn’t stop but just gets faster and faster. It is hilarious to watch BUT not when it is in the back yard. The gardener must be so sick of filling holes in. Another Bad Habit he has is when hubby comes home after work. He gets so excited and just has to show off for hubby – he drags the blanket out of one of their beds and takes it out back where him and Gaby play Tug-of-War. The blankets get more and more tatty until I get fed up and replace them.
Hubby’s appetite is back to normal and he kept wandering into the kitchen looking for a snack. I thought I would have more time to do things as there is no back and forth to the hospital but spent more time in the kitchen instead. Not easy keeping a hungry diabetic happy. He doesn’t always enjoy Low GI foods and I have to tell him “You are diabetic shut up and eat it” Works most times anyway. But at least he is home and on the mend.
I spent the day looking after hubby and catching up on some office work. I had no energy for much though – must be the stress of the past week catching up with me. I actually fell asleep in front of the TV earlier.
I have so much to do over the next few weeks. We are all off to Perth mid November for three weeks - Diane will be there for six weeks – for Sylvia’s Wedding (Sylvia is my daughter who has lived in Perth since 2000). We will have lots of fab blogs for you while we are there .It will be our first visit to Oz and we are really excited.
Cheers for now. Chat tomorrow
Hubby spent most of the day sleeping, watching TV and chilling with Digby (our Baby). Digby is a cute Maltese cross Foxy whose favourite pastimes are chilling on the bed or digging. He got his name because he is a compulsive digger. When we first got him – he was my Mother’s Day present from Alison three years ago – he was so small he had to be picked up and put on the bed. I used to move my hand under the covers to play with him and he would go mad trying to dig his way through. Digby has never stopped digging since. He is like a little machine that doesn’t stop but just gets faster and faster. It is hilarious to watch BUT not when it is in the back yard. The gardener must be so sick of filling holes in. Another Bad Habit he has is when hubby comes home after work. He gets so excited and just has to show off for hubby – he drags the blanket out of one of their beds and takes it out back where him and Gaby play Tug-of-War. The blankets get more and more tatty until I get fed up and replace them.
Hubby’s appetite is back to normal and he kept wandering into the kitchen looking for a snack. I thought I would have more time to do things as there is no back and forth to the hospital but spent more time in the kitchen instead. Not easy keeping a hungry diabetic happy. He doesn’t always enjoy Low GI foods and I have to tell him “You are diabetic shut up and eat it” Works most times anyway. But at least he is home and on the mend.
I spent the day looking after hubby and catching up on some office work. I had no energy for much though – must be the stress of the past week catching up with me. I actually fell asleep in front of the TV earlier.
I have so much to do over the next few weeks. We are all off to Perth mid November for three weeks - Diane will be there for six weeks – for Sylvia’s Wedding (Sylvia is my daughter who has lived in Perth since 2000). We will have lots of fab blogs for you while we are there .It will be our first visit to Oz and we are really excited.
Cheers for now. Chat tomorrow
Sunday, October 4, 2009
THE Weekend

As expected Joburg rocked.
We were up early all excited about the day ahead. Once we had sorted ourselves out we left home. First stop was the hospital to check on hubby and give him clean pajamas and his medication.
Next stop was Zoo Lake. The place was already buzzing. We wandered around taking pics while waiting for The Parade to start.
The Pride Parade started at 11am and the pace of the day hotted up. The floats rocked, the people danced along and the vibe was incredible. 94.7 was a part of the celebration and the leading float was the “SS HIGHVELD” with Jeremy Mansfield on board. The traffic marshals were from “Think Bike” and did a great job. Everyone there was there to have fun and fun is what they had. The Eye Candy was great, the colours were dazzling and the number of people amazing. All in all it was totally awesome.
We took pics for over an hour as the parade passed by. By then we were in dire need of refreshments and went back inside to get a coke while waiting for the parade to return.
Luckily we were on the spot when “SS Highveld” and Leading Seaman Jeremy Mansfield arrived back and were able to get several shots of him. Hope you like the shot of Yours Truly (Moi) with him. The chickie in the pink top (Don’t even go there) is Diane. Jeremy Mansfield is a Perfect Gentleman. He never lost his smile and had time for all who spoke to him even though he wasn’t feeling too good after the treatments he has had. Our prayers are with Jeremy and Jackie at this time. May all go well for you both.
Jeremy opened the After Party with a bang. The music was awesome. You could feel the beat right down into your soul. Nobody could resist the urge to dance. The place was alive with the buzz of Pride. The official number of people attending the day was 10 000. 94.7 and all who were part of the organization of the day put on a great day and future Pride Parades can only get bigger and better.
Unfortunately we needed to leave for the afternoon visiting hour at the hospital. Hubby was feeling good and optimistic about being discharged on Monday morning. We spent the hour telling hubby about our wonderful day at Pride Parade.
When we got home Diane and I checked our pics from the morning and were thrilled with the results. We managed to finish checking them in time to go back for the evening hospital visit. After visiting hour the two of us were still on a high from the day and so decided to go for a meal to celebrate our outing. We stopped at Spur for a pasta meal. It was late when we got home so after seeing to the spoilt ones we retired for the night.
I was up early as I had promised hubby I would go to the hospital before visiting hour to help him bath - It’s not easy with a drip in. During the night we had rain – 6mm this time. It was chilly again and so I drank my morning coffee while doing a few chores – the bane of my life.
By the time I got to hospital it was nine. Imagine my surprise when I approached the entrance. Hubby was standing there with a big smile on his face. He had been discharged. We completed the formalities and set off for home. When we got here hubby went straight to bed. He has to take it easy for awhile and see the heart specialist in a weeks time to check the other arteries and see the general surgeon in a months time for the gall bladder.
Hubby has spent most of the day sleeping. He is so thrilled to be home in his own bed. I’m thrilled he’s home and relieved that our stressful week as ended on a positive note.
Cheers until tomorrow
As expected Joburg rocked.
We were up early all excited about the day ahead. Once we had sorted ourselves out we left home. First stop was the hospital to check on hubby and give him clean pajamas and his medication.
Next stop was Zoo Lake. The place was already buzzing. We wandered around taking pics while waiting for The Parade to start.
The Pride Parade started at 11am and the pace of the day hotted up. The floats rocked, the people danced along and the vibe was incredible. 94.7 was a part of the celebration and the leading float was the “SS HIGHVELD” with Jeremy Mansfield on board. The traffic marshals were from “Think Bike” and did a great job. Everyone there was there to have fun and fun is what they had. The Eye Candy was great, the colours were dazzling and the number of people amazing. All in all it was totally awesome.
We took pics for over an hour as the parade passed by. By then we were in dire need of refreshments and went back inside to get a coke while waiting for the parade to return.
Luckily we were on the spot when “SS Highveld” and Leading Seaman Jeremy Mansfield arrived back and were able to get several shots of him. Hope you like the shot of Yours Truly (Moi) with him. The chickie in the pink top (Don’t even go there) is Diane. Jeremy Mansfield is a Perfect Gentleman. He never lost his smile and had time for all who spoke to him even though he wasn’t feeling too good after the treatments he has had. Our prayers are with Jeremy and Jackie at this time. May all go well for you both.
Jeremy opened the After Party with a bang. The music was awesome. You could feel the beat right down into your soul. Nobody could resist the urge to dance. The place was alive with the buzz of Pride. The official number of people attending the day was 10 000. 94.7 and all who were part of the organization of the day put on a great day and future Pride Parades can only get bigger and better.
Unfortunately we needed to leave for the afternoon visiting hour at the hospital. Hubby was feeling good and optimistic about being discharged on Monday morning. We spent the hour telling hubby about our wonderful day at Pride Parade.
When we got home Diane and I checked our pics from the morning and were thrilled with the results. We managed to finish checking them in time to go back for the evening hospital visit. After visiting hour the two of us were still on a high from the day and so decided to go for a meal to celebrate our outing. We stopped at Spur for a pasta meal. It was late when we got home so after seeing to the spoilt ones we retired for the night.
I was up early as I had promised hubby I would go to the hospital before visiting hour to help him bath - It’s not easy with a drip in. During the night we had rain – 6mm this time. It was chilly again and so I drank my morning coffee while doing a few chores – the bane of my life.
By the time I got to hospital it was nine. Imagine my surprise when I approached the entrance. Hubby was standing there with a big smile on his face. He had been discharged. We completed the formalities and set off for home. When we got here hubby went straight to bed. He has to take it easy for awhile and see the heart specialist in a weeks time to check the other arteries and see the general surgeon in a months time for the gall bladder.
Hubby has spent most of the day sleeping. He is so thrilled to be home in his own bed. I’m thrilled he’s home and relieved that our stressful week as ended on a positive note.
Cheers until tomorrow
Friday, October 2, 2009
Well we have reached the end of our first week together. Hope you have enjoyed our time together as much as we have. When we started we certainly didn’t expect the drama that we have had. It has been a hard week stress wise and I am glad it has finished. Hubby is looking a lot better and feeling less pain. I feel really drained and exhausted.
This afternoon I decided to take a little nap for about an hour. When I woke up I thought it was morning and that I had missed my alarm as it was so light. I dashed down the passage to let the spoilt lot out. Diane was standing in the doorway of the office. I told her that it was strange to see her up already. She informed me that she had been up the whole time. I went into shock thinking “ Oh, no how could she do that. She is going to be too tired to be able to take pics at the Pride Parade. What are we going to do now?” By now I had reached the back door and realized that it was Friday afternoon and not Saturday morning. I nearly collapsed in relief and had such an instant pounding headache. The only solution was a cup of Milo while I recovered enough to carry on with the day.
We are now back from the hospital and all being well hubby MIGHT be home on Monday. We are having an early night ready for our big day tomorrow which we are really looking forward to. Can’t wait to share our experience and photos with you.
Cheers for now. Keep watching this space for the latest news and views from the two of us.
This afternoon I decided to take a little nap for about an hour. When I woke up I thought it was morning and that I had missed my alarm as it was so light. I dashed down the passage to let the spoilt lot out. Diane was standing in the doorway of the office. I told her that it was strange to see her up already. She informed me that she had been up the whole time. I went into shock thinking “ Oh, no how could she do that. She is going to be too tired to be able to take pics at the Pride Parade. What are we going to do now?” By now I had reached the back door and realized that it was Friday afternoon and not Saturday morning. I nearly collapsed in relief and had such an instant pounding headache. The only solution was a cup of Milo while I recovered enough to carry on with the day.
We are now back from the hospital and all being well hubby MIGHT be home on Monday. We are having an early night ready for our big day tomorrow which we are really looking forward to. Can’t wait to share our experience and photos with you.
Cheers for now. Keep watching this space for the latest news and views from the two of us.

My alarm went off as usual at 6. Lay for a moment or two finding the energy to get up. Felt lousy. Could feel I was bunged up with sinus – all the wind yesterday obviously set if off. Let the spoilt ones out and put the kettle on. Still too cold to sit outside. Put TV on and sat with my coffee. Finished my coffee and sat another couple of minutes. Suddenly realized I was feeling better. The advice to drink something hot – anything as long as it is hot – to combat cold and flu symptoms definitely works. Had another cup to celebrate.
News not good on the TV. Earthquake affecting Sumatra and a tsunami in Samoa. Those Poor People. Makes a person realize just how good life is and how lucky I am living here on my little spot of paradise. I really love being here.
Phoned the hospital and was informed hubby was now under the care of another Dr and he was scheduled for a sonar of the abdomen. Sorted out a few things before leaving for the hospital. The weather had changed for the worst – a cold wind was blowing, there were low, dark clouds and we had about ten drops of rain. I dressed warmly with a long sleeved shirt and a jacket (as well as trews of course). I didn’t bother with my sunglasses either.
Hubby was pleased to see us but was still in a lot of pain with his stomach. He wasn’t allowed to eat ready for the scan – he had been given the sonar just before we arrived and they had ruled out appendicitis. The gall bladder was suspected. He was very grumpy and edgy due to not eating and at one stage jumped out of bed ready to go home. Hubby had also found out that they had inserted a Stent – he had no idea when and where it was done.
After leaving the hospital we quickly dashed up to the workshop to check on things and get them much needed supplies. By the time we left for home the weather was very warm and sunny. I squinted all the way home. After all these years I cannot be without my trusty sunglasses. The bigger the better.
We had a quick lunch and Alison went off for the afternoon visit. By the time she got there hubby was fuming and letting all and sundry know how he felt. He still hadn’t had anything to eat or drink. After a few complaints a Sister came to tell him that he had gall stones which they were going to treat with medication. If that doesn’t work he will need an op. Oh dear! Let’s hope and pray that the medication works. Once they had the diagnosis they transferred him to another ward where he carried on grumbling. Alison eventually fetched him a glass of water. Poor hubby – he is NOT having a good time.
Made supper and Alison and I went off for the evening visit. We took Travis with so that he and Grandpa could say Hi to each other. We were a bit early so we had a cappuccino with a friend there who had bought her son to casualty. After a quick chat we made our way up to hubby’s ward.
Hubby did not look good. He was drenched in perspiration and his bedding was all wet. I asked what had happened and was informed that he had got such terrible chest pains that he was given another ECG. A nursing sister who is a friend was working in the wards and she went to see him. He was so angry by then that he told her if the Dr comes near him he would Bliksem him. Sister rushed off to get the Dr and between them explained everything and changed his medication. He was feeling better by then as the medication was working and he had been given something to eat and drink. Food was only a bowl of soup and some jelly but anything is better than nothing.
Sister explained all to me. Hubby has Gall Stones which has caused a bad infection. This must be cleared by medication because if they go in and operate the infection will spread throughout his body and cause septicemia which will kill him. Scary stuff but at least the right diagnosis has been made now. They will operate when the infection is clear. So goodness knows when he will be discharged. I asked him why he was being so stroppy and he said he had been in such pain and every time he complained he was ignored. Enough was enough.
After all this we were able to settle down and enjoy the rest of the visit. Hubby was in good spirits when we left him. I have just finished my usual night cap and am ready for bed.
Both Diane and I are really looking forward to taking pics at the Pride Parade on Saturday.(Well actually I’m just the assistant). The vibe there is great and the costumes are unbelievable. Diane had a pic printed in the Times Newspaper taken at the Parade in 2007.
News not good on the TV. Earthquake affecting Sumatra and a tsunami in Samoa. Those Poor People. Makes a person realize just how good life is and how lucky I am living here on my little spot of paradise. I really love being here.
Phoned the hospital and was informed hubby was now under the care of another Dr and he was scheduled for a sonar of the abdomen. Sorted out a few things before leaving for the hospital. The weather had changed for the worst – a cold wind was blowing, there were low, dark clouds and we had about ten drops of rain. I dressed warmly with a long sleeved shirt and a jacket (as well as trews of course). I didn’t bother with my sunglasses either.
Hubby was pleased to see us but was still in a lot of pain with his stomach. He wasn’t allowed to eat ready for the scan – he had been given the sonar just before we arrived and they had ruled out appendicitis. The gall bladder was suspected. He was very grumpy and edgy due to not eating and at one stage jumped out of bed ready to go home. Hubby had also found out that they had inserted a Stent – he had no idea when and where it was done.
After leaving the hospital we quickly dashed up to the workshop to check on things and get them much needed supplies. By the time we left for home the weather was very warm and sunny. I squinted all the way home. After all these years I cannot be without my trusty sunglasses. The bigger the better.
We had a quick lunch and Alison went off for the afternoon visit. By the time she got there hubby was fuming and letting all and sundry know how he felt. He still hadn’t had anything to eat or drink. After a few complaints a Sister came to tell him that he had gall stones which they were going to treat with medication. If that doesn’t work he will need an op. Oh dear! Let’s hope and pray that the medication works. Once they had the diagnosis they transferred him to another ward where he carried on grumbling. Alison eventually fetched him a glass of water. Poor hubby – he is NOT having a good time.
Made supper and Alison and I went off for the evening visit. We took Travis with so that he and Grandpa could say Hi to each other. We were a bit early so we had a cappuccino with a friend there who had bought her son to casualty. After a quick chat we made our way up to hubby’s ward.
Hubby did not look good. He was drenched in perspiration and his bedding was all wet. I asked what had happened and was informed that he had got such terrible chest pains that he was given another ECG. A nursing sister who is a friend was working in the wards and she went to see him. He was so angry by then that he told her if the Dr comes near him he would Bliksem him. Sister rushed off to get the Dr and between them explained everything and changed his medication. He was feeling better by then as the medication was working and he had been given something to eat and drink. Food was only a bowl of soup and some jelly but anything is better than nothing.
Sister explained all to me. Hubby has Gall Stones which has caused a bad infection. This must be cleared by medication because if they go in and operate the infection will spread throughout his body and cause septicemia which will kill him. Scary stuff but at least the right diagnosis has been made now. They will operate when the infection is clear. So goodness knows when he will be discharged. I asked him why he was being so stroppy and he said he had been in such pain and every time he complained he was ignored. Enough was enough.
After all this we were able to settle down and enjoy the rest of the visit. Hubby was in good spirits when we left him. I have just finished my usual night cap and am ready for bed.
Both Diane and I are really looking forward to taking pics at the Pride Parade on Saturday.(Well actually I’m just the assistant). The vibe there is great and the costumes are unbelievable. Diane had a pic printed in the Times Newspaper taken at the Parade in 2007.
Above is me and my famous glasses as well as me in my morning coffee spot with the spoilt ones.
Cheers until tomorrow
Cheers until tomorrow
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Big Excitement
I am just sooo excited. I have been given a media pass for Saturday’s Biggest celebration of Gay and Lesbian Rights Great Pride March at Zoo Lake. There is going to be a BIG Party afterwards. What pics I will get!!! Make sure to keep an eye on our blog for coverage of this Huge Celebration. If you in Gauteng, don’t miss it. Join us there.
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